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Beginner August 2010

The weekend ahead and a general moan/rave

Saracroft251, 23 October, 2008 at 10:50 Posted on Planning 0 20

Hey all - What are you lovelies up to this weekend?

Weeked plans? I have the little one this weekend and he and I are going x-mas shopping for H2b and then attending a wedding fair on Hayling Island on Sunday, oh and decorating my house!

General moan? I am broke and very fed up of being overweight. Also very unappreciated at work, but can find a new job that pays the same

General rave? I baked some cakes yesterday and they turned out really nice and I am very pleased at my culinary skills, also desperate housewives new season started last night and was so good, it really cheered me up.


20 replies

Latest activity by KEG, 24 October, 2008 at 11:24
  • Mrs S*
    Beginner January 2010
    Mrs S* ·
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    Okay, my turn!

    Weeked plans? I'm going to stay with my H2B (yes we still live seperately during term time Smiley sad ), we're going x-mas shopping and going into travel agents to discuss wedding plans (doing it in Turkey!) Smiley smile

    General moan? I am 4 weeks into my Uni term, English student, and I am already behind in my reading! ha! I've been up hours reading, got another 100 pages of Catcher in the Rye to read by 1pm! I have the worlds worst landlord! ha! We've waited 5 weeks for oven shelves!

    General rave? We now have oven shelves so we can actually cook food Smiley smile Only a day and a half until the weekend Smiley smile and only 9 weeks until Christmas!!!!! Yay!!


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  • teeheeyoucrazyguys!
    teeheeyoucrazyguys! ·
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    weekend plans - OH is going to work and I'm going to show my flat to two parties, I think (hope) this is the 3rd visit for one of the parties, bringing her parents this time. And thats a GOOD sign! (update; bah the first viewer has cancelled for another date, but still got the other)

    General moan - I too am getting peed off with the overweight issue and I think I'll step up the fitness and again and stop taking the anti-d's the doc gave me coz they have made me gain weight!

    General rave - I have a parcel sitting at the door... I know what it is but i'm not dressed to collect it yet. Its weddingy.....

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  • C
    Beginner June 2009
    claireac ·
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    weekend plans - going to stay in and try and crack potty training! Despite my daughter insisting she doesn't like pants and wants her nappy. Hopefully I'll actually clean and tidy the pit that is our home at the moment. Going to a wedding fair on Sunday with oh.

    General moan - too much work and not enough working hours to fit it in! Refusing to do work at home this weekend. The mess my house is in, selfish/lazy teenage son, oh not helping much etc etc etc. Bet you're glad you asked ?

    General rave - I lost 5lb this week. It was my first week of slimming world, I've eaten loads and I still lost weight!!!! ?

    C xx

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  • Stupidgirl45
    Beginner July 2009
    Stupidgirl45 ·
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    Weekend PLans - tidying/cleaning flat on saturday and hopefully buying shiny new things from John Lewis (o/h suggestion) for kitchen. Then trying on Amy Winehouse outfit for halloween on sunday and out to lunch with the girls

    General Moan - my kitchen is not done yet and fed up of all the doom and gloom about the economy in the papers. I want some HAPPY news.

    General Rave - I love my veil :-)

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  • bluewater
    Beginner August 2009
    bluewater ·
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    Weekend Plans - leaving do for a colleague at work on friday night, meeting a friend at bluewater on saturday for a coffee, catching up on sleep for the rest of the weekend! maybe starting to contact florists...

    General Moan - i am broker than a broke thing. pay day is still 5 days away (so it looks like my friend will be buying the coffee....)

    General Rave - i am really enjoying my work at the moment - one of the first times in my life! plus i am slowly learning to love my h2b's tartan, and finally have some ideas for flowers that go with it.

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  • C
    Beginner October 2009
    CariA2B ·
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    weekend plans - Going to Countryside Live at Harrogate with my mum on Saturday and hopefully dropping in at a potential caterer then spending Sunday with H2B

    General moan - I completely fed up with work, it's making me ill so have made yet another GP appointment (I ring up now and they don't ask me who I am ☹️) so kind of hoping that I get signed off - although loving my painkillers ?. H2B's parents still are draggin there feet in regard to using the field for the marquee, we sort out on problem/issue they think of and then I'm sure they sit around thinking up more.

    General rave - I've managed to lose over a stone in weight in the last few weeks, but then I think that's because I'm ill (see moan).

    C ?

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  • penguin1977
    penguin1977 ·
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    Weekend plans? Going to an award ceremony on Friday night (my company is up for a PR award) and then a friends wedding in the mountains on Saturday. Sunday will spent walking and eating lovely food by a toasty fire (and not thinking about my impending nuptials at all)

    General moan? I finish work tomorrow for 3 weeks and I have soooooooo much to do / handover. I really shouldn't be hitching!!!

    General rave? I found 3 pairs of black trousers that were too small for me last night - tried them on and they all fitted - hoorah. Oh, and of course I get married in 9 days! ?

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  • ashmegdj
    Beginner August 2009
    ashmegdj ·
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    Weekend plans: Starting the weekend early because we're going to a friends wedding tomorrow!! Very excited. My sister is staying at my house to have the kids/puppies so I suspect on Saturday my OH will be cooking a big brekkie!?!

    General moan: Feeling quite sh1t and don't think I look very nice in my dress for tomorrow but it's a bit late now!!

    General rave: Looking forward to going away in three weeks time!!

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  • AliLindsey
    Beginner November 2009
    AliLindsey ·
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    WEEKEND PLANS: H2B is doing a 10k run in Fleet on Sunday, so I'll be cheering him on!

    MOAN: I hate my job at the moment, but it's just a phase - It'll be better in a week or so I guess.

    RAVE: I'm far too old to go raving!!!!!

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  • Ali_1978
    Beginner September 2009
    Ali_1978 ·
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    Weekend: I'm on annual leave this week, so have to whole weekend off Smiley laugh

    Saturday will be grouting the kitchen tiles with H2B and other general DIY SOS stuff, then Sunday will be reading the papers and cooking/eating a lovely roast dinner and a nice little bottle of vino.

    Moan: Same as most of you really - am super-skint and have so much to pay for. Too much month at the end of the money again!

    Rave: Have finally conquered the woodchip! There is not an inch of it left in our house, hurrah! Just got to do all the filling and make the wall smooth now...

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  • mimimouse23
    Beginner May 2010
    mimimouse23 ·
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    Weekend Plans: Friends coming for dinner tomorrow night, big family lunch on sunday and the rest of the weekend revising for exams.

    General moan: O/H has broken hand & is driving me mad moaning, one of the cats are ill so a (more than likely expensive!) trip to the vet this afternoon, its only 6 weeks ? until my exams and I have hardly done any work!

    General rave: in 7 weeks exams will be over, O/H hand will be fixed and cat will stop pooing on the floor (I live in hope!). God how depressing!

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  • nicandeuan
    Beginner March 2009
    nicandeuan ·
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    Weekend: Oldest sons birthday on Saturday so it will be a day of toy shops and cake woo hoo. Sunday will be recovering from eating too much cake ?

    Moan: Skint skint skint skint skint.......and i put a pound and a half in weight this week grrrrrr ?

    Rave: Been a childminder for 6 months now and I am finally getting contracts signed and kids through the door. ?

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  • bec84
    bec84 ·
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    Weekend PLans - H2B is out, so will be hitching and generally doing very little!

    General Moan - No money!!! And only been paid today!

    General Rave - erm....maybe that its just 1 day left to the weekend...not much raving going on this week!

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  • Mazzy-moo
    Beginner September 2008
    Mazzy-moo ·
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    Weekend plans: Out with the girlies from work tomorrow night for food, giggles, dancing and 'little' drinking. Then off on sat morning to see hubby's bro (my best mate)for a weekend of pretty much the same thing!?

    General moan: Funds are scarse, despite it being payday. Also, official wedding photos aren't on website yet so getting annoyed about that.

    General rave: I'm in love. There's a GORGEOUS dress that i MUST have.
    Scratch that, there's TWO gorgeous dresses that I must have.

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  • The Sock Chicken
    Beginner August 2010
    The Sock Chicken ·
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    Ooo I like this thread!!

    Weekend PLans - Getting my hair done on Saturday and meeting Laura_Lee for lunch. Then possibly off to buy some more new clothes/boots on Sunday.

    General Moan - Ordered loads of card making stuff last night, only to visit the website today to find that between today and Monday everything is 10% off ? And the dry skin has flared up on my forehead again and is now bleeding ☹️

    General Rave - Just really pleased their is 1 day till the weekend, and looking forward to it!

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  • Bohemian Raspberry
    Beginner July 2009
    Bohemian Raspberry ·
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    Weekend/Rave: We finally booked our venue this weekend and it's now official that we're getting married. It's also my 21st on Monday and my mum has organised a party for me on Saturday night, but my weekend has started already as I'm not in work now until Wednesday ? Tomorrow afternoon I'm going dress shopping for the first time with my mum, Sunday will be spent no doubt recovering from Saturday and on Monday OH is taking me out but won't say where so it should be a pretty good weekend really and I'm so excited!

    Moan: My car is about to die which couldn't have come at a worse time for us money wise, we're permanently skint like everyone else and even more so now there's a wedding that we have 9 months to pay for!

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  • Spamboule
    Beginner October 2008
    Spamboule ·
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    Weekend plans - Um, guess that'll be me GETTING MARRIED ?

    General moan - My wisdom teeth are going through a growing phase. This has been going on for about 5 days & I'm bored of it now. I don't want my whole head to be in pain on Saturday

    General rave - how helpful Hitched has been over the past year or so, and how nice it is to see so many posts on my good luck thread (not that I've read it yet!?)

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  • AussieAngelxxx
    Beginner June 2009
    AussieAngelxxx ·
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    Oh this is fun!!

    weekend plans: Well I have a leaving do for a work type person tomorrow night too broke to go!!!! :-( Have OH's son over all doing kid liking stuff

    moan: No money!!!! Paid for venue this month so nothing left for rest of month lol I am flat broke and it is oooo 3 1/2 weeks till pay day lol

    rave: My hunny is the bestest!! xxx

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  • The Sock Chicken
    Beginner August 2010
    The Sock Chicken ·
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    I want to add that I got a new phone to my rave bit ?

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  • KEG
    Beginner February 2009
    KEG ·
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    Weekend plans: Snow Patrol in Dublin!!?

    Moan: Still havent found MOB outfit and material for my dress (not long now, Feb is looming!!)?

    Rave: H2B is on leave for the weekend, and we are going to drink loads of guiness in Dublin!!?

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