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Beginner August 2016

Things you do that drive your OH mad!

Arpee, 18 August, 2014 at 10:45 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 36

As a follow-on from the thread about your OH's annoying habits, what are the things that you do that irritate your OH? Mine are:

- I'm pretty messy, I leave stuff lying around (but I do know exactly where everything is!)

- When I do the washing up I never wash up the cafetieres, usually because I forgot to empty them of coffee grounds before I filled up the sink.

- I manage to get hair everywhere, I don't know how, I just moult a lot.

- I am never fully convinced that what OH tells me is true, and like to double check information by looking it up online. I think he brought this on himself though, as he told me so much rubbish when we got together (and I was very gullible) - did you know that you can only buy Cutters Choice tobacco in Gloucestershire? And when you make chips, and you pour the oil back into the bottle, you need to hold the bottle for 5 minutes to make sure it doesn't fall over and explode? I'm not surprised I don't fully believe anything he says now.

There are probably more, I will ask OH tonight.

36 replies

Latest activity by Pompey, 21 August, 2014 at 09:52
  • AuntieBJ
    Beginner September 2014
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    Like you Arpee, I'm not the tidiest of people and I know it drives him mad.

    I snore, loudly.

    I bug him about being late so much that we always arrive too early and end up sitting in the car for ages.

    I don't know if there's anything else!!

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  • *J9*
    VIP March 2014
    *J9* ·
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    I'm bossy

    I don't do much of the cleaning around the house (but that's because he beats me to it!)

    There's probably more but I don't know what!

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  • CrazyRatLady
    Expert September 2014
    CrazyRatLady ·
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    Moulting hair all over the carpet (can't help it!)

    Driving my car with bits falling off/awful noises until he takes it to get it fixed

    Spending more time making the perfect little dinners for the rats than I ever do making food for him

    Eating sweets - I am a sweet addict, he just looks at me pityingly when I am shovelling a bag of sweets and tells me my teeth will fall out (I have no fillings, ha!).

    My fussy eating, he is a total foodie and loves to try new things and I live on pizza and chips and drive him mad as I just don't like most stuff.

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  • InkedDoll
    VIP January 2015
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    Leaving used tissues everywhere. Not snotty or phlegmy, just that I have allergies and blow my nose a lot, so I'll blow once and then abandon the tissue. When he gets in bed and finds them he throws them at me.

    Not putting things on the 'correct' shelf in the fridge

    Leaving the washing machine door open after using it (I'm trying to train myself out of that)

    Obsessing about my hair and makeup. I have BDD and it took him a long time to understand my habits and what makes me better/worse. But he's got a lot better at being patient with me.

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  • MrsKHbutterfly
    Rockstar September 2014
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    I know that playing games on my phone drives him made, but to be fair i only tend to do it when he's on the xbox

    I'm another one for hair everywhere, and it seriously makes me gag when it's in the plug hole so he has to get it out :-)

    The state of my car drives him up the wall - both in the way i keep it untidy and in the engine sense - in fact it drives him that mad he bought me a clutch for christmas and told me it was my own fault i wasn't getting something "nice" personally i thought that was nice (plus i got perfume too hehe) i just wanted a bow putting on it for christmas day hhahah!!

    I am pretty certain that there are many many more, but these were the 1st few that popped in to my head - I might ask him later see what he says

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  • Holey
    Beginner July 2011
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    I am a serial quilt stealer and bed hogger

    I have a lot of 'rules' as he calls them!

    I hate washing up so put it off as long as possible then he usually does it

    There must be a million other things as when I was reading the other thread about the annoying things they do I kept thinking 'yes I do that' ?

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  • bliss_balloons
    bliss_balloons ·
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    I put his DVD's in the wrong order and sometimes in the wrong box. He's slightly OCD about things like that so it drives him mad!

    He's an eternal optimist and I know he doesn't like how pessimistic I am.

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  • cinnamon009
    Beginner December 2014
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    I bite my cuticles round my nails til they bleed and pick my lips. It drives him mad.

    Play games on the ipad. not proper gaming - things like candycrush etc. though he recently got one on his phone - bomb something which he is as bad with now.

    Need to go the airport at a reasonable time ie 2.5 hours before we fly. He would rack up just as the check in desk was closing.

    Sleeping in at the weekend. I have a real night owl body clock so often struggle to get to sleep (I do all the usual - no tv in the bedroom, herbal teas, pillow spray, relaxing bath) so at weekends I like to sleep until I naturally wake up. Sometimes if I have had a really bad week I might not get up until 10am. He falls asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow and gets up at 7am every day.

    Spend money. He doesn't see the need for 99% of the things I buy.

    Like everyone else I am sure there are loads more.

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  • soraneko
    Beginner June 2016
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    Right, I was sure I'd be able to think of a long list...

    He's had to train me out of leaving teabags in the teabag spoon (the little ones MEANT for teabags!)

    He gets grumpy at me for not constantly cleaning the sides in the kitchen AND for not cleaning as I go when I'm cooking (we have a 'whoever doesn't cook cleans' policy)

    He hates how I can let papers pile up, too...

    So it appears to be general tidiness, but he seems to be getting worse keeping things tidy, so when he nags he gets a bit of an unimpressed sideways glance

    Otherwise, I'm quite clearly perfect! Smiley winking

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  • WickyWack
    Beginner July 2013
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    I always leave the last bit of my tea/coffee

    I say 'meep meep" instead of 'excuse me' - only to him though, I would never meep meep my boss, for instance!! haha

    I also question everything and it winds him up..

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  • WickyWack
    Beginner July 2013
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    I do this, my mum always told me not to shut it as it gets smelly and mildewy inside??

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  • M
    Beginner August 2014
    Mrslizziew2be ·
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    I'll wait till I have a weeks worth of ironing to do until I'll have an ironing night... He's always asking when I'm goin to do it!

    I eat really odd foods. Like mushroom and cheese on toast with tomato sauce (yummy) but he just thinks I'm gross!

    I apparently don't pay an intrest in football or Xbox, but when I try he says I won't get it.

    Sometimes I won't eat at all in the day just so he can eat ( you know at the end of the month when you have no money at all) to me it's far more important him and the kids have a good meal, but he gets angry and insists I put myself first. But my mum was the same as me!

    It annoys him I get stressy really fast normally wheny hormones are up the wall!

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  • InkedDoll
    VIP January 2015
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    I do that too and he hates it! I dunno why I do it, to be fair.

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  • Sambarine
    Beginner May 2015
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    - I get really anxious about travelling, so have to pack/be at the airport/station early when we go away and get really snappy with him for being all laissez faire about it - i know he wishes i was more relaxed

    - i'm super messy (so are my parents) so while i clean a lot, there are piles of my stuff everywhere - i try, i really do, but i just can't seem to keep tidy!

    - he hates how much time i spend on my iPad, as it gives me a "delayed reaction" when talking to him - he says it was the "worst gift he ever gave me" (i do think he has a point with this, i'm basically on it from when i get home til when i go to bed!)

    I'm sure there are a lot more, but these are probably the top 3!

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  • MrsShep
    Beginner September 2014
    MrsShep ·
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    I'm incredibly messy, he actually calls it Emma droppings! Drives him nuts.

    I need loads of sleep. We get up at 6:45 for work and I usually have to be asleep by about 10ish. He wishes I could stay up with him

    I hog the bed, mostly because i've been asleep for so long by the time he comes to bed!

    I hate washing up! It drives him crazy that I just don't do it

    I watch a lot of wedding programs and they drive him crazy!

    I make him eat vegetables ;-)

    And i'm pretty sure so many other things! But somehow he loves me anyway

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  • Erin8
    Beginner June 2014
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    -My hair gets literally everywhere

    -I am bossy and apparently like to “over organise”. He is Mr laidback and never organises everything so l do it!

    -I like things to be tidy and clean. Naturally he is lazy and a bit of a slob

    -He has an obsession about seeing his family a lot. I am not into seeing his family or my family all of the time

    -I “nag” apparently. In reality l just keep him on the straight and narrow!

    -I make him eat vegetables

    -I hot the duvet, talk in my sleep and sleep walk

    -I like smelly food apparently which he hates

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  • ~Peanut~
    Beginner December 2012
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    I also never finish a cup of tea.

    I take forever to get ready.

    ^ this is partly because H likes to get up and get going in the morning, whereas I like to laze around in my pjs for ages first.

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  • MrsToffee
    Expert April 2015
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    So many that have already been mentioned apply to me and OH

    -leaving hair everywhere, not intentionally but it did break our old hoover!

    -being generally messy, he is too though so it's something we both need to work on

    -squeezing the toothpaste from the middle, although we now use different toothpastes so that doesn't matter anymore

    -when we're about to leave the house I nearly always say "Oh wait there, I just have to..." before either nipping to the loo, getting some handcream, picking up the shopping bags or some other small task

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  • Erin8
    Beginner June 2014
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    I did that to my Mum's hoover when l lived at home, the hair got wrapped around all of the insides and caught fire!

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  • MrsKHbutterfly
    Rockstar September 2014
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    I remembered to ask him last night and the top 2 he came up with were as suspected the playing games on my phone, and the other was sucking my thumb, this is a childhood habit that used to be really bad, but i know its very very rare that i do this now, and certainly only at home when im snuggled up and theres only me and him there. i didn't realise it bugged him though - after 12 years its amazing what you learn!!

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  • Holey
    Beginner July 2011
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    I get this too!

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  • Erin8
    Beginner June 2014
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    This. Mr Erin doesn't do detail

    He also hate my scratching -at eczema or mozzie bites etc as l am quite prone to both

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  • Knees
    VIP August 2012
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    Hogging the duvet


    How I get het up if we're running late for something and get all snappy

    How I tell him far more detail about things than he actually needs to know. He's only capable of processing the bare essentials in terms of plans.

    How I worry about things before they've even happened. He says I have a little hamster on a treadmill inside my head.

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  • Sambarine
    Beginner May 2015
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    I still suck my thumb, too. I thought I was the only one.... I tried to hide it from h2b for ages, but couldn't in the end - I only do it when I'm super-tired or upset, though. He does hate it,but he's learned to live with it. At this point I wonder if I'll ever be able to quit it completely!

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  • MadamRed
    Beginner April 2017
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    My OH is incredibly patient with me, but things I think he'd love to change about me are:

    1. The fact that I have to be organised years in advance. I already have financial budgets to 2017, if we're going away I have to be packed a week before (I am the queen of lists!);

    2. The fact that I have to leave (and arrive!) early for everything;

    3. The fact that I have a complete meltdown about my figure the minute my jeans get tight.

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  • MrsToffee
    Expert April 2015
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    Eeek! Mine just clogged up the twizzley brushy things but will be cleaning our new one out more after reading this!

    I get the itchy thing when I'm stressed, no idea why and yep I sit having a good old scratch, also pick spots which OH has a go at me for!

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  • ~Peanut~
    Beginner December 2012
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    I should probably add my terrible memory, which has resulted in H naming me Colin (as in, my brain is like a colander).

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  • MrsToffee
    Expert April 2015
    MrsToffee ·
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    Haha Peanut, my dad's name is Colin and it's quite fitting for him that it could be short for colander!

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  • kiwi_girl
    Beginner May 2015
    kiwi_girl ·
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    - I always leave half a glass of squash (or water) in the glass. I do tend to drink it later though!

    - I'm a bit messier than he is. Although I am also cleaner - ie he tends to do more tidying and putting stuff away, I do more cleaning (not sure he has ever cleaned the bathroom)

    - I'm a worrier. I tend to stress about things before they happen (although I think I'm getting better). This especially applies to money!

    - This one is mutual I think - we each wind each other up about it - I like to get things done quickly and if I know they aren't going to take super long will do them there and then, after work etc. He would rather wait until the weekend and have a list of things to do all at once. I'm talking things like researching things for a holiday or the wedding etc, buying presents etc

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  • Pompey
    Beginner June 2012
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    Ooo, it stinks if you shut it! I leave mine open, but little cat likes to sleep in it. Weirdo.

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  • InkedDoll
    VIP January 2015
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    Strangely enough, I mentioned this thread to H2B yesterday and he insisted he'd never made a fuss about the washing machine door! But he's lying, I swear I haven't made it up.

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  • Erin8
    Beginner June 2014
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    Nother b

    Another vote for leaving it open. I leave the door and soap draw open to let them air

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