As a follow-on from the thread about your OH's annoying habits, what are the things that you do that irritate your OH? Mine are:
- I'm pretty messy, I leave stuff lying around (but I do know exactly where everything is!)
- When I do the washing up I never wash up the cafetieres, usually because I forgot to empty them of coffee grounds before I filled up the sink.
- I manage to get hair everywhere, I don't know how, I just moult a lot.
- I am never fully convinced that what OH tells me is true, and like to double check information by looking it up online. I think he brought this on himself though, as he told me so much rubbish when we got together (and I was very gullible) - did you know that you can only buy Cutters Choice tobacco in Gloucestershire? And when you make chips, and you pour the oil back into the bottle, you need to hold the bottle for 5 minutes to make sure it doesn't fall over and explode? I'm not surprised I don't fully believe anything he says now.
There are probably more, I will ask OH tonight.