Hi everyone, like the title says I'm pretty sure I'm going to cancel the wedding. My parents are divorced and my stepdad hates my dad, my sister doesn't have a great relationship with him and my mum just would rather not do anything with him When we were planning the wedding I decided to get married away from my home chapel (which broke my heart), so that everything could be kept to minimum numbers, be low-key and informal, so that arguments were less likely. Another reason for going away was that it meant my dad's mum wouldn't come, who my mum, stepdad and sister also hate. OH's family were disappointed, but got on board. My stepdad and mum also didn't want my dad to give me away or make a speech, so we arranged separate parties for my mum and dad's families, so dad could do his speech there. The meal after the ceremony would then be just that, an informal meal.
My stepdad suggested that my mum give me away instead of my dad since she was the one who raised me. I agreed that could be an option, my mum said she'd be honoured and started to cry, so even though I wasn't 100% on the idea I let it go since it obviously meant so much to her.
I then told my dad that I wanted my mum to give me away and he completely broke down. I've never hurt anyone like that in my life and hope I never will again. He said he completely understood why I wanted my mum, and if that's what I wanted then he would be fine with it, but if both he and my mum could give me away it would mean everything to him. I personally felt this was acceptable,a compromise, so I suggested it to my mum and was met with a flat 'no', as it would make her 'uncomfortable'.
I've since been inundated with texts from my sister listing her reasons why my dad shouldn't be involved, including that if he gives me away he would have 'won'. My mum said she was really looking forward to it and had even decided on which vows we were going to do, and is unwilling to walk with him for the 7 seconds down 4 rows of chairs.
My options are: my mum gives me away which upsets my dad, both give me away which upsets my mum, or neither, which upsets both of them. I'm just fed up of trying to please everyone then ending up hurting all the people I love. I don't feel an incredibly tense wedding is worth souring any relationships.
If anyone has any idea of what I can do I would appreciate it, I'm falling apart here.
(Would dearly love to elope but OH and OH's family are dead-set against it, and don't feel like they should suffer because of my family's problems)
Just to update you as to what's happened, and thank you again for all your advice!
I sent my mum, stepdad and sister a very long e-mail explaining that I had never been happy with what was decided, but that I'd been keeping it all to myself because I just wanted them to have what they wanted. I took responsibility for that, and apologised for hurting them. I told them that the whole problems about giving me away had brought all these emotions to the surface and made me realise what I actually wanted, and was going for it.
I also e-mailed my dad to tell him the new plans.
My dad is delighted with the new plan, he was so moved by how happy I sounded he sent flowers to my work!
I had a long chat with my mum - she was mainly confused because she said she thought I was doing what I wanted. She said she knew I was unhappy but didnt know why! Quite why she didn't think to ask I have no idea, but never mind. So it's taken them a little while to get used to, and she's picking on tiny 'problems' but since I am the new, empowered version of me I was able to deal with everything calmly! I told her how happy I was now, and how I didn't realise just how miserable I was until I decided to do what OH and I actually wanted. She was sad that I didn't tell her earlier and I understand that. I'm also kicking myself that I didn't do what I wanted from the start, and feel awful for messing people round and hurting them.
But, the upshot is...I'M GETTING MARRIED!! It's actually the first time I've been excited about the wedding! It's a massive, massive weight off, that I didn't even know was there.
The new plans are: a traditional wedding - erveryone from all families there, all my friends, it's in Scotland, my minister from home conducting the ceremony (the first ceremony to be conducted in Welsh in the parish apparently!), ceilidh band, cake, speeches, the whole shebang (OH and I will walk down the aisle together, to sort that issue out). I know it's not exactly unusual, but my whole life I never thought I'd be able to have a normal wedding. But I'm just removing myself from everyone else's issues and grudges or whatever - it's my day and I'm going to bloody enjoy it!
So that's it - I'm also going to have more bridesmaids. Only slight downer is that my mum doesn't think my sister ever wanted to be a bridesmaid, but that's a drama for another day.
Thanks again for all your help, I'm sure I'll be back on hitched soon worrying about favours, flowers, the rsvp card/no rsvp card dilemma, honeymoon, songs, menus...and loving every minute of it!