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Beginner September 2004

This Beyond Chocolate book.

Puss, 8 March, 2009 at 21:42 Posted on Beauty & Wellbeing 0 2

Is it worth a read? Because I am really really struggling at the moment. There is so much going on with the CBT at the moment, so many challenges I am facing. We are covering my over eating as part of the CBT, I know it is a punishment mechanism but I can't fecking stop and I just want to cry! Why can't I just keep fecking control of myself. This weeks challenge is to just get up, showered, brush my hair and teeth every single day, how pathetic a challenge does that sound but it is a good example of how much I struggle with the absolute basics of looking after myself. I have managed this all week, I just can't get a handle on the eating at the same time.

I am so bored and lonely which I know doesn't help but I honestly cant see a way out of this due to various things, child one is at preschool 3 hours a morn so I have to be localish and child two sleeps at that time and life is horrid when she doesn't sleep, I also have very very little money which rules out most things. I would commit murder to join a gym but even if I could stump up the cash for the one with a creche I can't afford 3 x creche sessions a week for C.

I am so sorry for moaning on here, I just so want this but I just feel like I can't get there and I don't know how to rememdy this.

2 replies

Latest activity by clairol, 12 March, 2009 at 14:21
  • vicbic
    Beginner September 2003
    vicbic ·
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    Honestly, I would say not for now.

    I think from what you have written, you have a lot on your plate, and I think adding this book would probably just be too much. I would guess that the CBT will help to some extent eventually, and you might find that the overeating (or whatever it is) sorts itself out.

    I wonder if the BC book for the future. ?

    No suggestions for what to do now though, apart from trying to make good choices as often as possible and not letting yoursef get too hungry so you feel even more inclined to overdo it.

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  • Quincy
    Beginner July 2007
    Quincy ·
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    I have this book, but haven't read it fully - just flicking through and dipping into bits.

    Since reading these bits I have stopped feeling the guilt after eating chocolate / cheese ** instead I evaluate whether I actually really want/need it. If I do, I will have it. But not wolfing it down whilst hitching or watching television. I'll make time to eat it, taste it and enjoy it. I find I have stopped troughing whole large bars. I have also found that by really paying attention to what I am eating, and concentrating on my food I need to eat a lot less.

    I have also found exercise I enjoy - walking with the pram, swimming and using a crosstrainer. I really wanted to run, like MrQ, and tried it a few times but I hated it.

    You can borrow my copy after I've finished with it if you like?

    **insert whatever 'naughty' food here.

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  • clairol
    Beginner August 2004
    clairol ·
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    Puss I don't know where you are in the UK - probably not near me in Southampton but is there anyone you could meet up with or could mind your child whilst you went for a walk etc. I can really relate to your eating challenges - I do a lot of eating rubbish partly because I'm bored and it's quick and "rewards" me and I'm sure as a way of making myself unattractive (whole other can of worms there). I don't have any family locally and find it hard to get my OH to understand why I am absolutely desparate to go out for some time on my own (that doesn't involve doing chores) without the children (3 and 18 months)

    In terms of excercise is there anyway you could bring yourself to do a DVD at home - maybe get one on loan from the library or buy one cheaply on ebay or ask if any hitchers have got some in the back of their cupboard - I will happily send you my Kylie Minogue hotpants workout (in which Kylie at no point actually appears!) which I keep fooling myself with.

    If you want someone to chat to I'd be happy to keep in touch with you.

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