Hi i wanted to introduce myself as Ive been on here a while but Im just starting to use it regularly.
Here is the quick background into us
Im Sarah and my H2B is Paul, we first got together in December 1995 and were together for a year on and off (in this time i actually proposed to Paul but he thought we were too young), then after a few troubles we went our seperate ways and had children, got married, etc (Paul never did get married though, he said it didnt feel right not marrying me ?). We managed to keep in touch as my ex use to work with Paul but we were always kept at a distance! Then last year after a messy relationship I got the courage to contact Paul and we decided to give it another go. We've got 5 beautiful children between us, but unfortunately due to me having an early hysterectomy 3 yrs ago we have never had the chance to have any children together. However we're like one big happy family and wouldnt change any of them for the world!!!
Anyway we originally planned to get married in Feb or Nov 2012 (either my 35th or Pauls 40th birthday) but after having some deep conversations lately we've decided to bring it forward to July next year!!! We see it as we've got back together after 11 yrs apart and we love each other so much than why wait any longer.
So its all hands on deck, we have 9 months to get everything planned and on a very small budget but I believe its going to be the best day of our lives and the first day of our long future together...
so there you go thats our background and I just wanted to say hiya to everyone ?
feel free to use this post if you want to tell your background so I can get to know you all xxx