I'm in the middle of a bit of a "to do" with my very best friend.
After splitting up with her likely wedding guest earlier this year she decided to bring her Mother. Absolutely fine. She accepted and gave me food options. I gave my final wedding numbers at the end of August. (Best friend knew this)
Today I asked said very best friend how her Mum was getting up the venue on the day - to which she replied her Mum didn't feel comfortable coming to the whole day (as she wouldn't really know anyone) and would pop up at night...
To which I replied that I had given the final numbers and that I'd effectively paid for her meal/drinks now and couldn't change the numbers or the cost of those numbers per person - Surely the not feeling comfortable would have been an issue right from the start, not something that had occurred to her afterwards? I basically was trying to explain my confusion as to why her Mum hasn't let me know before this point (wedding in 5 weeks).
Now she's made me feel a bit guilty by saying my wedding isn't her Mum's top priority at the moment as she's very recently been told she has ovarian cysts and has to have them investigated soon and her best friend has cancer. Now as far as I know, both of these developments have occurred in the 3 weeks (max) and whilst I dont want to make a big deal out of it (because at the side of medical stuff 1 meals cost at my wedding is not a big deal) I just feel as though its being used as an excuse of sorts, but I feel awful for thinking that.
Basically my point is, she could have let me know a long time back she wasn't coming.
The Mum has offered to pay for the meal etc, but I dont want to be petty so told her not to worry about it.
I'm not even sure what I'm asking, maybe this is more of a vent. Sorry all!