I haaaate them. Firstly, most of them are so pointless, and secondly, the spelling is appaulling (did you see what I did there? Of course I really know how to spell appalling).
Take the 'What room style are you??!!' (only one punctuation mark away from insanity) quiz - my lovely friend did this and her result was Retro-Mordern [sic],
"You no who you are your not preppy cuz your leaning on the emo side. Still you enjoy the mall, long walks on the bea...ches and your closet is full of converse, skinny leg jeans, and DeLiAs clothes! You like old cool, pure retro, you like modern to so this is SOOO the perfect room for YOU!!"
What is retro-mordern for a start, why does it make you lean on the emo side, are bea...ches better than normal ones? Is Delia's twin set and pearls look really in amongst the emo/retro mordern population? It certainly is retro...
So, take my facebook quiz, 'How mutch do you hayte facebook kwizziz???!!!!!!!', where I ask you a bunch of meaningless drivelly questions and then tell you you hayte kwizziz 46% cuz yous a facebook queen and you like leanin on the far side of da moon!!!!!!!! Lol!@!?!
Sorry to my FB friends who love them, please will you tell me why? Sorry, I mean please tell me why????!!!
Bit of fun? Fun Schmun. Bah humbug ?