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Beginner August 2012

Unbe-frickin-lieveable... *possible bridezilla warning*

pandorasbox, 12 November, 2011 at 17:39 Posted on Planning 0 27

Just seen on an old friend's status that she has bought her wedding dress. She has been engaged only about a month, I sent her a message saying it was great she was getting sorted so fast and how was the planning going.

Then I looked at her page and someone had commented on her status asking when the wedding is, she replied saying it was the 3rd August 2012.

Mine is 5th August.

She was at my engagement do, with all our mutual friends, saying she couldn't wait for our wedding, she wasn't going to book any summer holidays, she had got time off work already planned etc etc, and then spent the rest of the time at my party moaning because her horrible boyfriend wouldn't propose to her. She has been trying to make him marry her ever since they met basically, so I suggested that she try to put it out of her mind and he may be planning to surprise her. I spent a lot of the night listening to her and trying to comfort her. Her boyfriend meanwhile sat at the table with his beer, ignoring all our mutual uni friends and falling asleep in his chair.

I feel a bit like she has been deliberately competitive, as she is that type of friend, always wanting to go one better than everybody else, but we all just let her go with it as she was happiest that way. Lately she has been awful at keeping in touch. When she did her fb engagement anouncement I sent her a message congratulating her, had a brief one back, I replied again asking her some more stuff and just never had anything back but just assumed she was busy.

Obv I know despite what she was saying months ago, her decisions aren't really made around my wedding but I do think it is a bit odd she hadn't replied to me, or told me she had set a date. Especially after she made such a fuss about remembering my date.

I feel sorry for our mutual guests as that is going to be one very expensive weekend! Also I am a little worried wondering if some people may now not be able to afford to come to our wedding if they RSVP to my friends' first. We live at opposite ends of the country and our mutual friends are scattered round the Midlands, so means lots of travelling. That is their responsibility to budget, but I suppose just feel a bit like she is stealing my thunder, to use a Monica-ism. It isn't like I go round screaming about getting married everywhere, I just do my planning, talk on here, and only mention it in RL if anyone ever asks. But part of me does feel a little bit like stamping my feet and going 'its not fair!'.

27 replies

Latest activity by debs35, 20 November, 2011 at 17:51
  • PompeyEm
    Beginner September 2011
    PompeyEm ·
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    Here, have a hug ? I think I'd be as narked as you, poppet. I don't know what to suggest, and I don't know your friends... but all I can say is the ones who value your friendship will make sure they're at yours, especially if this girl is known to have form


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  • Recycledbride
    Beginner June 2012
    Recycledbride ·
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    No one would blame you for stamping your feet! I'm staggered at the way people behave towards their "friends". Personally I wouldn't message her much more, but I'm very intolerant of that kind of behaviour.

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  • avintagebride
    Beginner March 2012
    avintagebride ·
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    People may come on and say to you that peoples lives don't revolve around your wedding, but if it were me I'd be FRICKING RAGING.

    If you do have a lot of mutual friends I consider it highly inconsiderate and rude.

    I would get my RSVP's out first, because I'm like that - you may not be.

    The fact she was so excity=ed about yours, and said all that about not booking hols, for me shows she was well aware and must have known what she was doing. But I'd ask her about it - you never know maybe she hasn't booked her venue yet and has really forgot in all her excitement of her own wedding.

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  • *Nursey*
    Beginner May 2012
    *Nursey* ·
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    I'd be fuming tbh. At the end of the day it's up to her if she's booked hers a few days before your wedding, and there might be a good reason. All I know is I've organised my HM plans with one of my friend's date in mind so I don't miss her big day

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  • pandorasbox
    Beginner August 2012
    pandorasbox ·
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    Thanks folks. I don't think I am going to do anything 'bridezilla-ish', there is no way I am going to even mention it to her in fact. I am sure a part of her would revel in me even bringing it up. We don't see each other regularly, and I certainly won't be messaging her again. I was going to invite her to my wedding, but I don't even think there's any point now - as someone else said she will most likely be on honeymoon, or at the very least short of cash to be travelling up to my venue in Staffs from where she lives.

    The fact that she hasn't told any of our gang (old uni mates from about 10 years ago) is very odd, but hey ho that's the way she wants it. She didn't make it her public status, it was in a comment that just gave the number of days til her wedding in reply to someone asking her. Then I was coming on the budget planner here and mine flashed up with 267 so that's when I realised it was the Friday just before mine! So I don't know if she has everything booked, but I assume the main stuff if she was that precise with days.

    So it means expense for our friends with 2 hens, 2 overnight stays, 2 gifts, possibly 2 outfits, 2 lots of travelling and so on. That's if they are even invited to hers, I don't think any of them knew she had set the date til she commented earlier. If I get an invite to hers I don't think it would be possible to go down south, where she lives now, as that Friday or Sat I am setting up my venue and having a rehearsal/run through. Certainly won't have time to be finding an outfit, paying for accommodation and all the travelling it would entail. Still I may be jumping the gun there.

    I want to just shrug it off and think that she has just forgotten my date, it is engrained in my brain but definitely not for others! I would believe that but for the fuss she made. Deep down I think she has just been inconsiderate and wanted to 'beat me to it'. I can kind of understand as from day 1 of her relationships she thinks she is going to marry the guy and have babies, and I was the most unrelationshippy person ever at uni! I got the feeling at my party she was like 'if you can 'get' a guy why can't I?' and it seemed a huge rush for her to be at the same stage as I was.

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  • happy apples
    Beginner August 2013
    happy apples ·
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    Oh i really wouldnt be happy if someone done that to me and i dont think that youre being a bridezilla what-so-ever! And if it were me and the only date i could get my venue for was two days before my friends wedding then i wouldnt get married there! I'd just cross it off as a possible venue and go look for somewhere else.

    I do have an old school friend who is a bit like that though, everything seems to be a competition, she got engaged about 9 years ago and everytime i'd hear from her (twice a year) one of the 1st things she would say would be "are you not engaged yet?" as though she had one over on me lol. She knows we're engaged now but ive not even had a congratulations??

    Have you sent out Save the Date cards or anything yet? I'd be tempted to send them out with your xmas cards if you havent, and send one to her too so she knows all your mutual friends are invited to your wedding 1st lol

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  • J
    jules40 ·
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    The Devil in me would make sure I got my invites out first!

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  • vebec19862
    Beginner June 2012
    vebec19862 ·
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    I would do exactly the same Smiley winking

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  • Holly-Jayne
    Beginner August 2012
    Holly-Jayne ·
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    WSS - think your "friend" is no friend at all. Put yourself first because that is clearly what she is doing. Don't let it get you down xx

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  • pandorasbox
    Beginner August 2012
    pandorasbox ·
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    Thanks guys. Glad I am not being unreasonable in feeling a bit PO about it!

    Yup save the dates went out with our engagement party invites months and months ago (think it was Feb!) so everyone who knows us knows we have been planning it all this year.I haven't seen her since the party and we are not constantly in touch, but we lived together for 4 years at uni and hold a lot of each other's secrets and shared experiences from those years, and as far as I know we still class each other as friends. I know that I would not have booked the same weekend if the situation was reversed, just out of basic manners, but I am very organised and have everything in my phone planner so would be checking and updating constantly. I know not everyone plans that way so I don't want to kick off.

    I was going to send invites out in March, tbh part of me really doesn't care if hers go out first, I don't really want to play her competitive games if that's what she is after. I am sure our friends (who were all there at my engagement party and heard her moaning about her boyfriend refusing to marry her and watched him ignoring us all night) will make every effort to be at both, or if not hopefully will honour mine first since they have had STDs all this time. If not then it is unfortunate but I know the people who really care about me and OH will be there.

    Its a shame if she has done it on purpose as I would have liked us to be at each others' weddings. But I have heard of things like this before, so I suppose weddings can often bring out the worst in friends and family! I feel quite philosophical about it now, and I suppose if the venue was her one and only dream place, not available for the next 3 years except this one weekend, type of situation then I suppose it is understandable. But I know this certainly hasn't made me feel closer to her or as if I can trust her ever again!

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  • K
    Beginner October 2011
    karen945 ·
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    I agree with Pompey Em and jules40.

    I feel that she is trying to steal your thunder. Get your STD and invites out asap

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  • lisaanne
    Beginner April 2012
    lisaanne ·
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    I'd be annoyed, and I know I would because the other week, my aunt put as her Facebook status 'put 28th April in your diaries' (my wedding is 26th) and I was fuming thinking it was her wedding as she's engaged. Turns out it's her 30th birthday party but she's still making a massive fuss about it and it's still narked me off, and it's not even her wedding!! So I totally sympathise, if anything you have more reason to be annoyed than I do!

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  • filoftus
    Beginner November 2012
    filoftus ·
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    Get those STD cards out now hun

    I would be fuming i know that


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  • pandorasbox
    Beginner August 2012
    pandorasbox ·
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    Haha people are unreal!

    I am going to wait and see if she says anything. Prob will hang back sending her an invite though...

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  • pandorasbox
    Beginner August 2012
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    They have been out since our engagement party back in Feb!

    Maybe my 'friend' is just a nutter desperate to beat me down the aisle?!

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  • DaffyB
    Beginner June 2012
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    If this is the case then i would have thought she would have called you to explain that she's had to book the same weekend as you for x reason, rather than wait for you to work it out yourself. But instead she's not even told you her date directly. I would say this means she has either genuinely forgotten or knows full well and has no reasonable way to justify it. Maybe she's not publicly announcing it so that when it does come out she can act all surprised that it's the same weekend but say it's been planned for ages and can't be changed now.

    I would be pretty annoyed too.

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  • kharv
    Beginner March 2012
    kharv ·
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    I'd be annoyed. Mainly down to the fact that, as you say, guests are going to have to commit an awful lot of time and money to attend both weddings.

    I'd think it was odd that a friend of mine wouldn't think of this, especially as the weddings are a large distance away from one another.

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  • ajdown
    VIP September 2011
    ajdown ·
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    Do you have many 'mutual friends'?

    It may be not a problem if you've only got a few people that might be going to both weddings; obviously your family is the key thing so if none of your close family are likely to be invited to hers (and vice versa) then I really wouldn't stress too much about it.

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  • pandorasbox
    Beginner August 2012
    pandorasbox ·
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    I have just had a reply from the girl in response to my message from the other day (which was before I had seen her 265 days comment and was saying how exciting about her getting the dress, saying mine is only 8 months and a bit away, and had happened to mention the STD and our party ages ago... as well as asking if she has set the date) - she has blatantly avoided the date question and not really gone into any details so I don't know what to make of it.

    Clearly if she had read my previous message she is aware it is the same weekend and just isn't saying. I also mentioned something about my health that has happened recently, which I haven't told her (currently not allowed to exercise so may postpone my dress fitting) and she didn't even bother to ask why. So I guess that is at least 2 spaces freed up for other guests!

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  • pandorasbox
    Beginner August 2012
    pandorasbox ·
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    No there is no way I am doing this, just going to continue with my own plans and at our pace and trust that our other guests will be able to juggle things so they can attend both. And if they can't it will be a shame but not the end of the world!

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  • D
    Beginner August 2013
    debs35 ·
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    Well done im glad you are sticking to your guns and doing it as you were originally. sounds to me like shes playing games, i doubt she has it booked really? if she is this insecure will the wedding still go ahead if the groom to be doesnt finish it with her because of her behaviour. and definitely dont tell her any of your plans in case she copies you with anything else!

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