I could blab on for days about how annoying both our families are but I'm sure I am not the only one who has challenging relatives.
Long story short(ish) my partner had a cancer diagnosis last summer and it made us realize how important we are to each other and that we want to get married. We have been together since we were kids but ever since we announced our plans to get married people have just slowly but surely turned our wedding into what they want and disregarded our wishes entirely!!
We just wanted something small just for close family no fancy clothes, party or ceremony and now it has turned into a 70 people event!! I was going to wear a dress I already owned then all of a sudden I needed a full-blown wedding gown (still budget) but that was too expensive so I chose a cheap but lovely dress then that was toooooo cheap. This has been a regular occurrence since we said we were getting married. I chose a buffet but they said that it wasn't good value for money so I said about self-catering but that wasn't good enough and now they want me to look at someone else! I have spent days looking at caterers and not one has been good enough. My partner is gluten free also so i have to be sure he can eat some of the things on the buffet.
I have 8 bleeding bridesmaids because people keep begging me for their daughter to be part of the wedding...then not one of the dresses I have chosen were good enough! Whether the dress was a millimeter too high above the knee or not from a shop they like.
They have sucked all the joy out of my wedding, I have not had a say in any of it and my partner doesn't need the unnecessary stress. We just love each other and want a nice day, if it was up to me I would elope but it's not what he wants. I just don't feel like it's my wedding anymore it is everyone else's, I don't want to sound like a bridezilla but i thought i was about us vowing to spend the rest of our lives together not tat like balloons, dresses and catering. Both of our families have been a nightmare!
I am sure I am not the only person dealing with this and it would make me feel better to hear your stories/ words of support.