My mum's just called me to tell me my 82 year old Grandma is in surgery for an aortic aneurysm in her back. She's had a really bad back for a few months now and just this week saw her GP who prescribed tramadol as the other stuff wasn't touching it for her. Everyone thought it was her arthritis causing the pain until this afternoon when my deaf Grandad found her collapsed in the bedroom and called 999.
If he'd not called an ambulance she might not still be here ?
Any vibes would be much appreciated, she's really poorly ☹️
She's out of recovery and in intensive care but is fully conscious and asked for a cup of tea ?
The aneurysm had ruptured but clotted immediately thank god, they've repaired it and are expecting her to make a full recovery. I'm soooooooooooo relieved ?
Hitched vibes rock ?