Ilsten, the whole reason i love hitched is cos it's honest and non-fluffy, but just once, i'm going to drop my sarcasm and cutting wit (yes yes i know you are probably thinking you never saw it... haha) and just do the fluffy thing.
normal service will be resumed after i've posted my wedding report. ok?
i'm one of those girls who never thought this day would come. i'm one of those girls, who, as a teenager, watched all her mates go out with blokes boys, and wonder if she would ever find a nice guy to go out with, someone who might not take the pi55 out of my train track braces, flabby belly or spotty nose.
i didn't go looking for him, though. i'm independant enough, thanks very much. still, i met him one drunken night in paris through a rosé haze - i wondered who the drunk scottish guy was, and thought to myself, bloody hell, he must smoke dozens of fags a day to give him a yellow patch on his finger (? - it's ok, he's stopped now). but his accent, the way he spoke french, his intelligence, integrity and thoughtfulness, all intrigued me. and it was through another drunken haze in his home town of glasgow that we finally got together.
and now, 7 and a bit years later, through grief, happiness and sadness, big ups in our relationships, and big downs (this wedding, as recently as 3 weeks ago, nearly didn't happen....) we are there. we are there. we will be man and wife, and that is all that matters. and that is what i will be concentrating on, through the nasty thundery showers that are forecast, through the stress that will inevitably arrive with three under 8's (my FGs) getting ready tomorrow at our house, that chris and i will be a married couple, and we need never be apart again.
and that makes me the happiest woman.
thank you everyone here for my good luck thread - i am humbled by your messages, but very very grateful. i never thought i'd end up posting quite so much, i don't think my h2b did either, but a great group of people (and a couple of rubbish jobs!) means i'm still here 2700 posts later! it's been great planning with you all (especially my twinnie boogiebelle, who has been the ultimate motivation to my slacker bride....), it has been great meeting some of you (sg45, tahdah, saracroft, zippy, amongst others - all fab fab ladies). i do hope to know some of you for a long time.
i want to share something my mum has written on our give in celebration page. her grandmother wrote it in her mother's guest book, which she has inherited. i hope to inherit it too one day.
Believe in yourself, believe in humanity,believe in the success of your undertakings, fear nothing and no-one. Work, hope and trust in God for you both cannot fail.
i'm not a god person, but i love the sentiment.
see you on the other side