This has been bothering me ever since I drove home from work last night. Yes, I don't have much else to think about ?
My regular drive to and from work uses a fairly fast road through farmland in the Cotswolds, and it's a very regular occurrence to see roadkill dotted around - badgers, pheasants, rabbits, all sorts. Now, putting aside the matter of how often these seem to get run over, and if people actually make an effort to avoid them in the first place (I'm convinced that a majority don't) - I noted last night that the person in the car following me drove straight over some pretty fresh roadkill several times.
Now, if there's roadkill on the tarmac, wherever possible I try and drive around it (assuming I'm not putting myself or another road user in danger by suddenly swerving, etc). It traumatises me a bit to see dead animals and it makes me queasy to just drive over them as if that life had never existed (and also, I don't really want bits of dead animal stuck to my tyres). What I was wondering was, am I fairly rare in this approach or do most people feel the same? The person who was driving behind me yesterday was in a brand new Range Rover with a personalised plate, which immediately puts them straight into my 'pointless tw*t' basket, so perhaps I can't base their behaviour on normal folk ?
Anyway, over to you. Try and avoid crunching dead animal into the tarmac, or give your car suspension a workout?