Hi all
I hope someone can help. We were married on 31st December, but our photographer didn't take a load of pictures we requested (in writing) he take, hasn't provided us with anything we paid for and Court proceedings have been issued. We were due to be supplied with a 16x12 inch Album Epoca album and a disc of images.
We have given up all hope of getting the album, but we are trying to obtain a disc of the high resolution images. If we can get that then we can obviously get an album produced elsewhere. I have contacted a couple of photographers who also use Album Epoca, but they are (understandably) somewhat reluctant to produce an album using images which aren't their own.
Can any Hitchers suggest anywhere we can try in order to get our album printed? The album we were due to get was very expensive, and really high quality - so I am not looking for the usual Photobox, Snapfish etc. suggestions.
Thanks in advance ?