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Beginner October 2014

Wedding anxiety dreams - tell me yours!!

MrsCWB, 6 September, 2014 at 08:54 Posted on Planning 0 23

I just had the most horrible wedding nightmare last night and I woke up from it feeling really upset. I have since talked to H2B who made me see sense that it was in fact a really crazy dream that will never come true, so I feel better now, but I just wondered what your crazy wedding anxiety dreams have been! I can't be the only one with a random imagination!


23 replies

Latest activity by MrsCWB, 26 September, 2014 at 06:33
  • DeeBee33
    Dedicated November 2014
    DeeBee33 ·
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    I seem to be having them endlessly at the mo! Last night's was a classic - my sister announced she was pregnant whilst I was getting ready which stole my thunder somewhat! Really bizarre because it's the last thing my sister would do, even if she was pregnant!

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  • teafortwo
    Beginner July 2015
    teafortwo ·
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    I dreamt last night that we decided to sod it all and just get married early, that day in fact. The shop let me borrow the dress I wanted and everything was going smoothly until the car turned up to take us and I realised I had forgotten to do my hair and make up. I looked awful but didn't have time to fix it.

    In real life, I wasn't planning on having someone do either for me but I'm now convinced I need a hairdresser and MUA haha.

    I really hope this doesn't go on for the next year!!

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  • MrsShep
    Beginner September 2014
    MrsShep ·
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    I've only had one (with three weeks to go!) I decided I wanted a new dress, so I bought one from monsoon, that cost £14,000!! It didn't even suit me. Really weird, as I love my dress!

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  • C
    Beginner March 2015
    Cwtchandahalf ·
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    I've only had one so far but it was awful too, dreamt that it was the morning of the wedding and I'd forgotten to do so much stuff - I didn't have a dress, my daughter didn't have a bridesmaid's dress, had no idea where we were going to get ready etc, I was dashing round the shops in a blind panic trying to buy a dress with only about 2 hours to go! Was so realistic that I felt a bit shaken when I woke up. Perhaps not a coincidence that my dress was one of the first things that got sorted in real life ?

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  • L
    Beginner September 2014
    loves-young-dream ·
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    I always have this one too! I even forgot hairpieces so I nicked my maid of honours haha!

    i have one recently all the time and because my ceremony is at 12 I worry I haven't had enough time and go there in a rush and I have really greasy hair!!!

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  • S
    Beginner September 2014
    SoontobeMrsR ·
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    Me too!

    my dream this week is a recurring dream of me walking down the aisle towards H2B when I realise I have no clothes on!!!

    I wake up in a blind panic!

    only 2 weeks to go so hopefully they'll stop soon.

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  • Y
    Beginner August 2015
    Yellow Stars ·
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    Mine are always that we don't have a photographer and I end up really upset on the day as a result.
    In my last dream I was knocked over by the crowed of, people coming out of the church after the ceremony (not getting married in a church) and no one noticed so I was on the floor with everyone pushing past me I got up not to bothered wiping my dress down then walking along talking to bm and had a melt down because there was no tog even though there actually was and I could see him. The dream only got stranger when the police rocked up and arrested me and I just kept saying you can't arrest me I'm in my wedding dress.

    It then switched from a wedding dream to me being a spy. It's one of the weirdest dream I have ever had.

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  • L
    Beginner October 2014
    LalaC1988 ·
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    I did this dream I was in Manchester - I live in Nottingham trying to get some tummy suck underwear! And I think it was also two hours before ceremony or Deffo that day. Odddd

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  • MrsCWB
    Beginner October 2014
    MrsCWB ·
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    Mine were so bad last night that I decided to get up at 3.30 this morning and sit downstairs!! Nap time with H2B later me thinks.


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  • FS84
    Beginner March 2015
    FS84 ·
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    My latest one was that we were all getting ready on the day then one of my bridesmaids comes out in a totally different dress to what she's meant to have, it was patchwork and she'd made it herself ?

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  • Paula @ Ollievision
    Paula @ Ollievision ·
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    Wedding photographers get those dreams too!

    I had one where I was back at a particular wedding (that had already been photographed in real life) Just before the bride entered the church, I was still looking for my lenses! I became progressively more panicky as I searched quietly through my bags... I could find my three camera bodies but only one lens! I woke up feeling so nervous, which is odd for me as I don't get nervous in real life. That dream is the last time I had that awful feeling you get when something is going horribly wrong!

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  • Paul & Dawn
    Beginner July 2015
    Paul & Dawn ·
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    I've had two recently, I've been about to day my vows and realise I have the wrong dress on and last night was that random people I hadn't invited turned up and I was getting stressed about what to feed them!


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  • lolapickle
    Beginner March 2015
    lolapickle ·
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    JoJo yours one sounds scary!!

    So glad I'm not the only one having these! I had one the other night that my dress didn't turn up so had to wear the too-tight sample and forgot to confirm hairdresser so had to it myself...quite minor compared to you ladies but I have 6 month to sure they'll ramp up a gear!!

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  • cinnamon009
    Beginner December 2014
    cinnamon009 ·
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    Regularly have the one where nothing is finished and I can't get ready in time. The worst one though was where I dreamt H2B had decided he hadn't 'sown all his oats' yet and had joined Tinder and was going on dates. When I woke up it felt so real I couldn't speak to him I was so mad.

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  • MrsShep
    Beginner September 2014
    MrsShep ·
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    Oh Cinnamon, that must have been horrible! I'm pretty sure I must have been having them as I haven't been sleeping well, but I never remember dreams, so my weird dress one is the only one I've remembered

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  • E
    Beginner May 2015
    Em1986 ·
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    I have the same one over and over..... that I have nothing to wear ! LOL?

    I think its because its the only thing I havent even thought about... I am buying off the peg and in Jan which is only 3 half months until the wedding... everyone tells me how tight that is?

    In my concious I am not worried but my sub concious is like HURRY UP....

    The last one was I woke up at 1pm and the wedding is at 2pm and I had missed my make up appointmenta dn hair app and everything... LOL

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  • MrsKHbutterfly
    Rockstar September 2014
    MrsKHbutterfly ·
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    I have had a couple of dreams, things like i forget to take my dress with me so get married in my slobs, another where the registrar talks my oh into not going through with it. to be honest i have always had mad dreams so was expecting things like that. What is worrying is my OH who NEVER remembers his dreams has been having some too!! the most recent one (that he dared share anyway lol) was that i was pregnant and we had to postpone the wedding for 10 months because everyone was kicking off about it. he said it was really real and i could tell he was a bit shaken!! lol


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  • M
    Beginner April 2015
    Mrs-S-to-be ·
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    The other night I had one where we forgot to hire chairs for the ceremony so I had to go to my old school and borrow some with my sister and mum. After bringing in the chairs at 1.30 (at the time the ceremony was supposed to start), I then realised I hadn't done my hair or make up, or got a manicure, which I was really stressed about, so painted my nails at 1.45.

    I also had no shoes, and told everyone not to take pictures in the ceremony, only to later find out that my photographer hadn't shown up.

    Came into the office and emailed about 5 companies for chair hire quotes...

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  • K
    Beginner October 2014
    katie80uk ·
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    Ive got 23 days to go and im having them every night, not slept all night since last week. I think because im thinking about the wedding every day, i am obviously still thinking in my sleep.

    I have everything from the cars not turning up, dress gets ruined, groom not turning up and the venue burning down the day before :-(

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  • Charb4990
    Beginner September 2015
    Charb4990 ·
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    I e got just under a year to go and I always get them when I go to bed thinking about the wedding or have been researching (which is all the time)

    my wedding just never happens. H2b is never in the dream. My dress never fits. The cake doesn't turn up. everyone is turning up and I'm not even ready. They see me before the aisle... Which never happens.

    Awful awful awful!!!! Lol

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  • MrsShep
    Beginner September 2014
    MrsShep ·
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    Had a strange wedding dream last night! Can't remember all the details now, but we were all sat on long benches outside the wedding venue, then I suddenly realised it was 1:50 and I only had 10mins to get ready! Very odd as we get married at half 1, in a totally different venue with none of its own outdoor space, and we won't be seeing each other beforehand! Random

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  • MrsCWB
    Beginner October 2014
    MrsCWB ·
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    Last night, I dreamt that the car didn't turn up, so Mum had to drive me and the bridesmaids to the wedding. We almost ran out of petrol, so we had to stop at Asda. I got out and filled the car up in my wedding dress! I got back in the car and realised I had got something red all over the hem of my dress and I couldn't get it out. We eventually got to the venue, at which point, the wedding car arrived.

    What is mental about this in particular is that the car was my old car that I sold about 3 years ago, my Mum can't drive due to her mobility and the fact she is partially sighted and there is no Asda between home and the venue!

    I was getting so stressed out, that I gave up on sleep and got up at half 4. Work is going to be interesting today!


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