Date: 28th June 2013
Venue, Orsett Hall, Essex
So I'd been checking the weather forecast all week and it was getting worse and worse, in the end it was saying my wedding day would be heavy rain all day. I was really upset and couldn't help thinking that while I'm sure I would have a nice day, it wasn't going to be as good as it could have been with a nice sunny day and everyone standing outside with their drinks while the photos are being taken.
It started raining at 10am as forecast and I tried not to think about it. Me and my bridesmaids were getting ready in the William and Mary bridal suite which is a beautiful old style room and we got some great photos in there. Everyone was rushing around and I was strangely calm. I'm quite a shy person so I was expecting to be a nervous wreck but I was fine and I couldn't believe it! H2B and the ushers/best man had arrived and were having photos outside with big white umbrellas. They closed the curtains in the room so I couldn't see because they were right beneath us.
Once I was in my (very tight) dress we had some photos and my Dad came in and looked like he was going to cry when he saw me and gave me a big hug. The chapel was a short walk across the courtyard but due to the rain the hotel sorted out a white limo for me which was nice. We arrived at the chapel and I had my interview with the registrars, one being my bridesmaids mum so that helped to make me less nervous and I could hear everyone inside chatting and laughing.
The limo went back to pick up the bridesmaids and pageboy. We all got in our order and they started the music, opened the doors at the back of the chapel and we walked in.
Walking in was quite overwhelming and I did feel myself welling up! H2B (Tom) did too but we managed not to cry. Unfortunately the music cut out for a couple of seconds while I was halfway down the aisle causing me to gasp "Oh no!"
The ceremony went smoothly, it was nice a relaxed with a few laughs here and there. No messed up words so I was really happy. My 7 year old nephew and my mum both gave great readings. The only awkward part was at the end she just said "I now pronounce you husband and wife" but she didn't say "you may now kiss the bride" so we were standing there awkwardly thinking do we kiss now? We went for it in the end. Then we walked out to Kool and the Gang - Celebration and when we got outside the rain had stopped and the ground had dried up! I was so relieved.
More tomorrow! xx