So my 1st anniversary is in just under 2 weeks. 1st anniversary is paper, so i've been wracking my brains for what to give him. i've finally settled on a 12 dates booklet, a 12 things checklist and i decided to update my vows.
our first year of marriage has been tough to say the least, we lost mr winters paternal grandfather, 4 good friends, his maternal grandfather suffered a stroke, his mother passed away and i nearly died twice and have been extremely ill since october. so with all that in mind i set about updating my wedding vows. here are the originals i said at the ceremony last year:
Vows: 08/02/14
There's a Finnish poem by Eeva Kilpi which encapsulates the effect you've had on my life and it goes like this: "HE STEPPED INSIDE MY DOOR 'Let me know right away if I'm disturbing you.' he said as he stepped inside my door, 'and i'll leave the way I came.' 'Not only do you disturb me,' I answered, 'You turn my whole world upside down. Welcome." This is what you did to me. You turned my world upside down and turned my life into something incredible. You've changed me into a whole new person and you've given me happiness and love beyond compare. And for all these things you've given me, today and always, I promise you this in return; I promise to laugh with you when life is sweet and to laugh AT you when you're being a fool, I promise to stand by you when times are hard and you need support in the face of a challenge, I promise to share with you my happiness, my hopes, my deams and goals and I promise to do everything in my power to help you achieve yours. I promise to move forward with you to build a strong, new family unit, completely unifying the four of us as one. But above everything. The most important thing I can promise you. I promise you my friendship, my life, my love. I adore you mr winter and I always will. Originally ducks were flightless and today anvils won't float. Whatever. Forever.
and here are my updated ones:
Updated vows: 08/02/15
American author and journalist Mignon McLaughlin, once said of love; “A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person”, and somehow I do. I told you one year ago today, that you 'Turn my whole world upside down' and this continues. Every day you challenge me or change me in some way, and because of this and so much more, I fall in love with you a new, each and every day. I promised you so many things last year, and I've tried to keep to those promises during what can only be termed as an exacting year, but now as we turn a corner in our path of marriage, away from the first year and into our future, I need to promise you some additional things for the journey; I promise you my understanding no matter the issue at hand, I promise you my dedication not only to our love but to our life together sharing interests and passions, I promise to consider your feelings and hold them as dear as my own and I promise to share our responsibilities together. I promise to continue supporting you both as your wife and your friend and I promise to keep striving for our happiness as a family.
I promised you my love last year, and this year that promise continues long into our future. Tennyson once said; “If I had a flower for every time I thought of you...I could walk through my garden forever.” and I look forward to walking with you for the rest of my life. Anvils won't float. I love you.
no real point to this, just thought it might inspire some of you when your 1st anniversaries roll around!