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Beginner December 2014

Weird dreams

cinnamon009, 9 January, 2015 at 10:41 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 13

I have regular very vivid weird dreams. Last night's wasn't weird as such (compared to my usual freaky ones) but threw me as I knew something in the dream that my conscious mind has no clue about.

In my dream my husband was some kind of mad scientist (he is a project director in real life!) and had worked out a way to create artificial mercury. In the dream his uncle (he hasn't got an uncle in real life) persuaded him to show him how to make it but I realised that his uncle was only interested in stealing the idea as he was trying to make artificial magnesium as a component in a bomb he was trying to create. So my OH goes off to Paris and then I have to rescue him as I realise his uncle is working with terrorists to create this artificial bomb with his new mercury invention. I woke up as I was trying to remove bricks at the back of a huge warehouse which had been filled with water to drown H.

Clearly some of the dream was influenced by the awful news from Paris and is not all chemically perfect - but how did my subconscious know that magnesium could be used in a bomb and even more that mercury is a component of magnesium when my conscious mind has no clue. I stopped chemistry at age of 14 and have not shown any interest in it since. Who knows - I could be a genius in my sleep?!

13 replies

Latest activity by Erin8, 13 January, 2015 at 10:55
  • AuntieBJ
    Beginner September 2014
    AuntieBJ ·
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    I dreamt we went to see a band called the stereotonics with a group of friends. We had to travel to Kensington to see them and while we were waiting my friend V dragged me off to the loo even though I didn't want to go. In order to get back in to the concert, we had to cross the most dangerous roundabout in the world!

    I told my H about this and he got on Google to find that not only do the stereotonics exist, but they are playing alongside oasish in a pub 5 minutes from us. I can only assume that I saw a poster or advert and took it in subconsciously. Memory is a funny thing, maybe your chemistry knowledge was gained from a book or a film at some point!

    i just hope last nights dream about being in labour and being stared at by a woman in a red coat and a bunch of marshmallows with eyes doesn't come true!!!

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  • TreacleTart
    Beginner May 2015
    TreacleTart ·
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    Maybe you are...! i think brains just retain all these little bits of information over your lifetime so maybe school age chemistry is stuck in the back somewhere?!

    Im a very vivid dreamer too, I usually dont mind, but in the ones where ive been running around all night in my head fighting crime or more disturbingly (and thankfully not a recurring dream) hiding from someone trying to kill me, i swear you dont feel like youve had a proper sleep! Last night amongst other weirdness I was merrily showing my boobs to a group of people who seemed really interested in something on them which turned out to be a little pink mark where id just scratched one which we all found rather jolly...odd stuff.

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  • InkedDoll
    VIP January 2015
    InkedDoll ·
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    I rarely dream at all. I'm a very heavy sleeper and I know dreams occur when you are in the lighter REM stage of sleep so I guess that's why.

    I do talk in my sleep regularly though. A while ago I turned to my H2B and said "I think we should SERIOUSLY consider pre-packed sandwiches." Also twice during our horrendously busy summer of 2013 he heard me selling tickets in my sleep.

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  • MrsShep
    Beginner September 2014
    MrsShep ·
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    How bizarre! If I dream then I don't remember (unless I've had a drink) but apparently I'm a talker too. H sometimes asks if I was awake or if I remember because I will actually have a conversation! He says I won't even shut up when I'm asleep Smiley winking

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  • jen-lou
    Super July 2016
    jen-lou ·
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    Well, in my dream last night was superman, supergirl and a t-rex. Sueperman flew me to an island of all these beautiful birds and the name of the island was in some weird language I didnt understand so I asked him what it meant and he said (in a nicer way but I cant remember exactly what he said) but it meant the island of lonely birds. and he explained that some of them will be extinct soon, I asked how come and he responded with that's why, and a little further away a t-rex comes out of the woods, and he said he eats them.. Im not sure what happened next but supergirl started fighting with t-rex and me and superman flew off.......

    ......yeah it seems I have dreams like a teenage boy! it's still making me chuckle now.

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  • W
    Beginner October 2006
    Winterflower ·
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    I don't want to pour water on your parade but Mercury is not a component of Magnesium they are both seperate elements. Mercury is a tansition metal and the only metal which is a liquid and Magnesium is a group 2 metal and is highly flammable.

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  • MrsShep
    Beginner September 2014
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    Oh dear, shows I didn't read the first post properly! Haha. Call yourself a scientist Mrs Shep?!

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  • Pompey
    Beginner June 2012
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    Over the weekend I had a very naughty dream about Christian Bale at my Mum's house, but we both got shot as things were getting good. He died, but I didnt (I pretended to be dead, I only got shot in the bum) and then spent the rest of my dream limping around trying to find the man who shot us.

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  • pinkypoo85
    Beginner August 2016
    pinkypoo85 ·
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    I dont ever remember my dreams which I do find a little weird. My OH has very vivid dreams he suffers from night terros and is often talking in his sleep or sitting up and walking around. One night he woke me up screaming the place down, (eyes shut still asleep) we were staying at my parents house so I tried to tell him it was all ok and to not worry as you shouldnt try to wake them. While doing this I put my hand on his arm, he flicked away my hand, not realising it was me in his sleep. Anyway I ended up with two broken knuckles from the force and pushed my hand back with as my fingers bent back! To this day his has not lived it down!!

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  • AuntieBJ
    Beginner September 2014
    AuntieBJ ·
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    Last night I dreamt I was pregnant and in labour but kept insisting I wasn't. H and my daughter took me to the hospital where I continued to argue that I couldn't be in labour because I wasn't in any pain. The midwife told me I was and then H and my daughter just walked off and left me there!

    Sitting at the end of the bed was a woman in a red coat who just kept staring at me. She was making me feel very uncomfortable so I turned over to find a bunch of marshmallows on sticks, a group of dolly mixtures and other sweets, all with googly eyes who were also staring at me.


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  • MrsShep
    Beginner September 2014
    MrsShep ·
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    Bekkijane, you have reallly weird dreams!

    last night sillywrong was in my dream! Don't remember it all, but it was something about her business. Then my best mate insisted we wanted part three of the great mimsy (no idea!) and then we all watched take me out! (thats her fault, we watched that at the weekend)

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  • Erin8
    Beginner June 2014
    Erin8 ·
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    I love hearing about other people's bizarre dreams! I have stupidly vivid dreams, sleep walk and sleep talk. We live right by a train station and people insist on walking down our road talking really loudly. Sometimes the inane things they say enter my dreams which is weird!

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