So there I was having a lovely birthday that mostly involved taking the day off work and going to lunch with JK and the kids followed by a lengthy session in Croydon Kidspace with Puss and her daughters. We got home, put the kids to bed, then JK went out to spend the evening with her friend to give me time to myself to prepare for this job interview tomorrow.
I'd been receiving assorted birthday wishes throughout the day, mostly via Facebook but one or two on the phone, so when a voicemail popped up at about 9.15 I saw it was sent by one of my best friends and assumed it was more of the same - so I waited until the pizza had come out of the oven and listened to it...
...only to hear her telling me that her husband had left her.
I rang back immediately, of course, and heard the full story - basically, he'd been having an affair for about six months, and she'd accidentally stumbled across a whole mass of email evidence while innocently trying to find something else on his computer. He was "away on business" at the time (possibly genuinely, but the quote marks seem appropriate), so she texted him saying something like "I know everything, and I want you to move out and go into a B&B before we discuss our future", which was on Friday. They're meeting up on Saturday for their first face-to-face meeting, and because she wants to keep it coldly formal she asked me (as a longstanding friend of them both - we're talking well over ten years) if I could come along as some kind of neutral minute-taking mediator.
Now as it happens this was completely impossible (one of JK's best friends is getting married in a fortnight, and next weekend is totally booked up with weekend shifts in the morning and wedding preparations at all other times, so I'm stuck with the kids), so I had to say no - but if she can't find anyone else and gets back to me with a similar suggestion but a more convenient date...
...well, basically, does anyone have any experience of this kind of thing? I know JK's been a regular shoulder-to-cry-on to her best mate whose husband left her in similar circumstances in 2007, but it certainly didn't involve attendance at any kind of formal discussion - I think she's seen him about once since the revelation, and that was by accident. And the fact that I know them both very well makes me think that it's probably a very very bad idea, and it would be much better if handled by someone who doesn't know either of them at all (such as a professional counsellor of some kind) - not least because the person I met first and am closest to is very much the innocent party so there's no way that I can't take sides - I mean, I already have done. And there's also the fact that I simply don't want to know about the gory details of their marriage - I'm not remotely voyeuristic when it comes to stuff like this, especially as this is worse than JK's friend's situation because there are very small children involved. But is this just me being selfish?
So in a nutshell, WWYD?