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What a tearfest! - school related.

bobbly1, 22 July, 2009 at 11:27 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 17

I've just come back from my son's year 6 leavers church service.

I tried very hard not to shed a tear, but the tissues came out after about 2 minutes. As soon as any of us mums looked at each other, we set each other off again! - then some of the girls in his class started crying. I'm surprised that we all managed to get through the service!!!!

I'm dreading 2pm when we go to collect them - I am going to be wearing dark glasses! - the children are all getting their shirts signed as well.

Do any of you remember leaving your primary or junior schools? were you sad, happy, or non-committal?

17 replies

Latest activity by Skittalie, 22 July, 2009 at 18:41
  • J
    Janjabean ·
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    Aww, how sweet!

    I was inconsolable when I left primary school. My boyfriend (hehe) and I sat holding hands in the playground sobbing!! Secondary was a little different. I couldn't wait to get out. We signed shirts then...

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    bobbly1 ·
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    Aww bless!

    The part that got cracked all the mums was at the end when they played "Those were the days of our lives" by Queen, as we were waiting to go out of the church - we all completely crumbled, and the children (especially the boys!) were just looking at us, which made us worse!

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  • J
    Janjabean ·
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    Haha! I've got hilarious visions in my head of a group of mothers wailing at the back of the church whilst the pupils look on in confusion!

    Hmm...that song is a cruel one to play, it definitely gets me going! It was played at a friends funeral too...cripes. He was having a last laugh I reckon...really twisting the tearducts!

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  • B
    bobbly1 ·
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    That's exacthy how it was!

    I bet they are having a "my mum cried more than your mum" competition as we speak!!!!

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  • Old Nick Esq.
    Old Nick Esq. ·
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    Mine closed the day I left, no really.

    Becase it was a Prep. School most of my friends (and many of the teachers, due to the closure) went with me to "big school", so it wasn't too traumatic.

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  • chids
    chids ·
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    I remember crying at leaving junior school, i loved it there though. Don't remember having our shirts signed but we all signed one anothers ties.

    Highschool i wasn't really bothered about leaving tbh. I was glad to be out of the place, after so many years of studying i'd finally had enough and couldn't wait to get to work.

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  • H
    Hickory ·
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    I was sad to leave my primary school, I loved it there. It was a small school, only 15 in my class and my pony grazed in the field next door so we'd jump the fence at lunch time and ride her in summer. After those rather idyllic 7 years, I was very nervous about starting high school. I still have my signed shirt from the day i left high school. I left a year before most of my friends to go straight to uni and that was even scarier!

    The day i finished my last exam at uni was such a high. I can still remember looking at my best friend and us both jumping up and down in the street, completely overwhelmed with the knowledge I'd never have to spent a night in the uni library again!

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  • B
    bobbly1 ·
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    I still have my signed shirt from senior school - it is about 25 years old now!

    I can remember being really upset leaving my primary school for senior school. I was the favourite of one of the nuns there, and she whispered for me to meet her at the side of the school, where she gave me a doll, with the most beautiful dress on that she had hand sewn and embroidered. I still have it packed away somewhere. (I'd completely forgotten about that until just now - it was 33 years ago - eek!)

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  • Zooropa
    Super October 2007
    Zooropa ·
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    Mine closed the day I left too. I think 5 others went to my secondary school and that was 5 too many. I was so looking forward to a new school and to get away from the kids at primary - I didn't know at the time that it was just jumping out of the pan into the fire.

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  • Daffy B
    Daffy B ·
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    What a funny image of you all wailing at the back!

    I was really excited about leaving junior school and was so happy on the last day. We all decided to hang our ties on the railings and I got absolutely b*llocked by my mum when I came home without it. Everyone had told me that secondary school was harder and that I would be challenged so I looked forward to it and then that turned out to be wrong! So then I couldn't wait to leave secondary school and I was so elated on the last day. Several of my teachers said they'd never seen me smile so much as I did in the last week of high school.

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  • ashke_again
    ashke_again ·
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    I cried when I left Primary School. I was the oldest of 21 pupils and we had moved the month before so I was going to go up to the big school all by myself. I shed a tear or two when i left the high school but as we signed out of 6th year (basically all the teachers signed your sheet to say that they got all their textbook etc back and you couldn't leave until it was all signed off) people left in dribs and drabs depending on when your last exam was in May.

    We didn't sign shirts at either school but at secondary we signed year books and I have the one from 5th year as some people left then and also the one from 6th year. My 5th year one was graffiti'd on quite heavily so i was more careful with the one in 6th year.


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  • paulapants
    Beginner September 2004
    paulapants ·
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    I don't remember leaving primary school either - particularly weird because I loved it there (was head girl...sqqqquare!). I do remember being excited about going 'up' to secondary school though (and being even more excited about leaving it!).

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  • Dooby
    Dooby ·
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    I don't remember leaving primary school at all really so I guess it can't have been too traumatic!

    When i left secondary school I really just couldn't wait to get out of there! We did all the signing of shirts and things (i'm not sure but mine might still be hanging around mum and dad's place somewhere). From sixth form I was felt like the odd one out as all the other kids were off to uni in the september and I was off to work. Also because my birthday is in August I wasn't driving yet so ended up having to catch the bus everywhere. I didn't much enjoy sixth form (apart from oddly the actual lessons!) and so was very pleased to escape at the end of the leaver's assembly. I remember running out of the yard and jumping in to my boyfriends car, we stopped off at my house and then caught the boat to France for a long dirty weekend away!

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  • essexmum
    Beginner August 2009
    essexmum ·
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    My sons leaving service is tomorrow and I can't decide whether to go or not. Actually the thought of all the other mums crying (and this is going to sound really harsh and I apologise in advance) puts me off and I'd rather not be part of it. I just know the head is going to cry as well *shudder* .

    My son is not bothered either way whether I attend or not and tbh I'm glad he's leaving the school and apart from a few wibbles about his starting secondary school I know he'll thrive from it.

    I sound like a right hard-faced cow don't I️?️

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  • H
    Headless Lois ·
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    I don't specifically remember leaving any school. I am sure I was sad to leave junior, but secondary I couldn't bloody wait, I hated it


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  • Hecate
    Hecate ·
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    I went to a prep school so never left Primary School as we all just moved up together.

    Having said that when we left school at 18 our groups of friends sobbed for hours. I loved every minute of school and was devastated.

    My best friend and I went on a night out and a guy from the rugby club had to comfort me through the sobs...

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  • S
    Beginner November 2005
    Skittalie ·
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    I remember a group of girls crying when we left primary school, I was so happy to be leaving it didn't bother me in the slightest

    After my last A level exam I remember meeting poeple in the pub and we did all get a bit teary and miserable that we'd all be split up when we went off to uni in september but the fact we were leaving school was not an unhappy occasion

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