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Beginner August 2014

What are good wedding favours?

Sarah5790, 30 June, 2014 at 21:02 Posted on Planning 0 54


I know there has been posts on favours before but what are good favours? I'm really struggling to think of something I wasn't going to do them originally but my OH said he wants to, I don't really want to spend a lot because I know not everyone takes the favours home so I don't want to spend loads for them to be left. I didn't know whether to just play it safe and have sweets but then it might be a bit boring.

I have just ordered some activity boxes on ebay for the children as we're only having 3 (one of them being my daughter) at the daytime and I was going to go to the pound shop and just fill there boxes with things so they don't get bored but I'm really struggling with the adults.

What are other people doing, also any advice on what I could put in the children's boxes as well as adults would be much appreciated. Less than 7 weeks to go now so I have just gone in to panic mode lol xx

54 replies

Latest activity by MrsToffee, 2 July, 2014 at 22:09
  • pammy67
    Beginner April 2015
    pammy67 ·
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    We're having cake pops because we know our lot will love them Smiley smile x

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  • S
    Beginner September 2014
    Sarah_88 ·
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    I'm having cadbury mini heroes as my favours, as my guests will like the chocolate, and my colour theme is cadburys purple so just though it fitted in well

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  • C
    cw2b ·
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    We are having sweets. I think something you can eat or drink there and then are good favours! For the children (only 2) going to buy white chocolate buttons or lollypop.

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  • ClaireD*
    Beginner May 2014
    ClaireD* ·
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    Hmmm, objectively;

    Anything in a bag rather than a box, so I can fit it into my handbag to leave with.

    Alcohol minis - if your venue won't charge you corkage

    Scratchcards are fun, but over with a bit quickly and if no one wins in the room, the moment will be lost quickly.

    I would like a fortune cookie (personalised wrapper), as I've seen them via web searches, but never seen them at a wedding.

    Sweets - I'd prefer it if they were personalised to the couple (eg. personalised choc neopolitans or lovehearts) so that I go "arwwww" and take it home, before cracking and scoffing it the next day... or in the taxi.... ?

    It it was something fabulous and large (eg a winter hot chocolate canister thingy, or the giant coffee mugs that someone else had on Hitched, I'd want to be able to collect it at the door on departure, rather than worrying about losing it when I move around (meaning to the bar) in the evening.

    Probably not hugely helpful, but I thought I'd attempt to be objective rather than tell you what we had, which isn't particularly amazing. Found Hitched too late in the day, LOL.

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  • lottie.f
    Beginner July 2014
    lottie.f ·
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    ^^^ I agree with this.

    while some ideas such as stone pebbles, seeds, etc are lovely, as a guest I wouldn't really know what to do with them.

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  • M
    Beginner July 2015
    MrsB2015 ·
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    We're having cake pops and lottery ticket. I recently went to wedding that did CDs of their favourite songs but I am ashamed to say it was to big to put in my bag and I ended up leaving it on the table. Xx

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  • M
    Beginner July 2015
    MrsB2015 ·
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    We're having cake pops and lottery ticket. I recently went to wedding that did CDs of their favourite songs but I am ashamed to say it was to big to put in my bag and I ended up leaving it on the table. Xx

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  • S
    Beginner August 2014
    Sarah5790 ·
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    Thank you I was thinking of doing sweets or personalised chocolates but just didn't know if people would find them boring I do love the idea of cake pops mind that had crossed my mind as my sister would make them for me x

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  • ClaireD*
    Beginner May 2014
    ClaireD* ·
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    If I was a good friend of the couple, I'd think that was sweet, and probably put it on in the car on the way home. I hate to say it, but if not (ie. if it was my OH's friends who I barely knew), I'd find that a bit self-indulgent and wonder why they would think that we'd want to listen to someone else's favourite songs rather than our own.

    Isn't that mean of me? I know the wedding is about the bride and groom, but maybe that's a step too far? Obviously it wouldn't have had a egotistical intent, but isn't it horrible that cows like me would have that cross their mind in response? Man, no one should invite me to their weddings. Not unless I'm a close friend. I suck.

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  • M
    Beginner July 2015
    MrsB2015 ·
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    We're having cake pops and lottery ticket. I recently went to wedding that did CDs of their favourite songs but I am ashamed to say it was to big to put in my bag and I ended up leaving it on the table. Xx

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  • M
    Beginner July 2015
    MrsB2015 ·
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    Stupid iPad did multiple posts!! When I saw the cd I though arghh cute but like I said it got left with quite a few others. My rule is if it doesn't fit in my bag I will probably loose it!! Xx

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  • Eskimo329
    Beginner May 2015
    Eskimo329 ·
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    We are making shortbread hearts and putting them in a bag tied with ribbon Smiley smile

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  • MrsToffee
    Expert April 2015
    MrsToffee ·
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    We're having badges with little slogans on like 'Bring on the cake'; they have them on notonthehighstreet but I couldn't personalise them enough so got in touch with a website to do them for me and they'll also have our names and the date of the wedding on. I know lots of people might not want to pin them to their posh outfits but then I thought that lots would do so for buttonholes so just went for it, just got to pay and then they'll be here soon! ?

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  • H
    Beginner November 2014
    Hisgirl ·
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    We're having a mismatch! Personalised chocolates for all the adults, younger ladies will also get glitter lipstick sealers and mini perfume. Younger men will also get mini aftershaves. The older guests will be getting a selection of teas with their chocolates. The kids are having a sweetie cone (assuming my MoH doesn't eat all the sweets when she helps me make them lol)

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  • MrsKHbutterfly
    Rockstar September 2014
    MrsKHbutterfly ·
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    We are having a local hospice's scratch cards but only because my sister is insisting on doing us a sweetie table and I didn't want to duplicate. Most weddings I've been to have had sweets and I the they always been eaten or taken home. I went to one wedding where we have cushion hearts with personalised initials given out at the end of the night and have to admit if I'd had it earlier it probably would have been forgotten about and left as it wouldn't fit in my bag x

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  • pammy67
    Beginner April 2015
    pammy67 ·
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    If people are staying over - could you not put one in each of their rooms?

    I'd be inclined to give them out last thing at night - but then that assumes you'll remember lol and people leave at different times. Tbh - personalised homemade wine sounds wonderful, but I think it is a lot of effort, will look stunning, but will people really really care?

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  • M
    Beginner July 2015
    MrsB2015 ·
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    If I had a room I would take it upstairs if not I would take it to the toilet with an empty glass lol. As for the bottle, honestly I am not sure as I would end up having mine and my OH to carry and if I had sneakly drunk it chances are I would leave the bottle.

    Organising a wedding u do know how much effort people take with things and it's not out of disrespect I think it's just convince of what silly size handbags can carry. It's a lovely gesture and wine always goes down well in my books lol.


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  • M
    Beginner July 2015
    MrsB2015 ·
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    MrsPMDtobe just noticed we have the same wedding day xx

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  • Pipsybus
    Beginner June 2015
    Pipsybus ·
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    I think homemade wine sounds like a great idea! Very personal. Are they full sized bottles?

    I would definitely take a bottle of wine home - even if I was slightly worse for wear. (I'd probably be going round tables picking up any that had been left behind!!) My only concern is if they're full sized they'll take up a lot of room on the table. Also I'm not sure I could trust my lot NOT to open them...

    I like the idea of putting them in the rooms for guests - maybe with a little note about why they are there.

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  • ClaireD*
    Beginner May 2014
    ClaireD* ·
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    I WANT ONE NOW! A home made wine would be about the most awesome thing I could think of as a favour. I would love love love it, and it's one of the few favours I would remember in 5 years time ❤️

    I would mention the "can only be tasted once you reach home" on the label. You have to be blatant about this, as people who have not organised their own weddings don't understand about corkage charges.

    I would make it easier for your guests though, and have a designated place for guests to leave their bottles for the evening, to be collected on departure. I've just been thinking about the practicalities of that, and I think I'd have the groom mention in his speech that bottles will be collected from the tables after dinner, and re-located to the table by the exit for safe-keeping, to be collected upon departure. Something like that. Always focussed on the practicalities, I am ?

    EDIT: or sack off the idea of them doubling-up as place names, and just have them by the door ready for departure, from maybe 10.30pm? That might limit the amount of people who decide to be naughty and open them at 8pm straight after dinner.... Again, I'd still have the groom mention it in the speech, I think. So that people don't wonder where there favour is, as a lot of us look forward to seeing what favours have been chosen as soon as we take our seat at dinner.

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  • M
    Beginner July 2015
    MrsB2015 ·
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    Could you put them in gift bags under the seats then maybe during the speech the groom could thank everyone and advise it's a gift to be taken home. People may hang on to them better in a gift bag and not be tempted to crack them open xx

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  • ClaireD*
    Beginner May 2014
    ClaireD* ·
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    Now you've said they are full size bottles (I was picturing half size ones, tbh), I think I'd do the thing I added as an "Edit" above, and sack off using them as place cards. Honestly, you'll never fit them on the table - they might just get in the way of the dinner wine, assuming you will be providing some, or your guests will be providing some.

    Don't forget that as well as the centrepieces and wine bottles, you'll have water jugs, and potentially sauce jugs for the main meal, plus 3 types of glasses if you're doing a full sit down meal, and the space really does get eaten up. Absolutely no way on earth could 10 extra wine bottles have sat on my tables for 10 at my wedding. Obviously it depends on what kind of meal you're having, but this simply wouldn't have fit at mine without people struggling. When tables get too cluttered it takes away from the fabulousness that you've organised during your wedding planing.

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  • NathalieSB
    NathalieSB ·
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    Anything that you can eat / drink. Not something that will clutter the handbag or get lost! (This is with my super practical head on!!!) Love the cake pop ideas!!! xx

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  • S
    Beginner September 2015
    SunnyBlackConfetti19 ·
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    We're doing keyrings, wee sporran for the men, button stack for the women and caterpillars for the kids (detatchable from the split ring so they can play with them!)

    with a stamped washer with our initials and wedding date - like this but with our details - and wee thankyou charm

    i've promised my fiance i wont change my mind again............................................................................................

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  • MrsA2B2014
    Beginner September 2014
    MrsA2B2014 ·
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    I've got a sweet tooth and always tuck in to any chocolates left as favours before the meals!!

    Small jam jars are my favourite, love seeds - cheap and easy to transport. We just came back from a wedding that had miniature personalised bottles of Limoncello doubling as place names and it was lovely.

    We are having espresso cups and saucers with our initials and wedding date. I'm hoping that as everyone at the wedding will be staying, we can always take any left over cups up to their rooms the next day.

    If we were getting married in England we probably would have done personalised sticks of rock mmmmmmmm

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  • B
    Beginner July 2014
    blueypye ·
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    I'm doing seed packets for our favours. They are very cheap and easy to do, and will be able to fit nicely into handbags, hopefully not too many will be left on the table - if any are, then we will just use them at home. I'm also printing them myself so can put their names and a little thank you note on them.

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  • cosmictrout
    Beginner August 2014
    cosmictrout ·
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    We are doing charity favours - that way, if they do get left behind, at least the money still went to a good cause.

    We have chosen two charities that mean something to us - British Heart Foundation (because OH has had some heart problems) and Alzheimer's Society (for my granny, who died in April). The BHF ones are wildflower seed packets and the Alzheimer's ones are little forget-me-not pin badges.

    I am probably going to put them in little bags so they look nicer on the table - maybe with a bubble wand and a couple of little sweets or something.

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  • stephjbenton90
    Beginner August 2014
    stephjbenton90 ·
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    We're having little jars of mints topped with flower fabric and tied with twine. Just to bring a little bit of colour to our table if nothing else!

    Very cheap and easy, and you never know who might get the munchies!

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  • H
    Beginner July 2016
    HeavyMetalMaiden ·
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    At this rate we won't be having favours, but if we decide we have some budget left and think why not, then we will either go for a charity donation or a scratchcard. These options are the easiest and less of a pain in the arse to do. Or, a line on the lottery, as there will be anticipation awaiting the results (which the DJ could read out at like, 11pm, if the draw is that night), and no-one will lose the tickets, just in case!

    As a guest, I would appreciate the above or something to nibble/drink!

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  • ClaireD*
    Beginner May 2014
    ClaireD* ·
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    ? No wonder you won a wedding award on Hitched !!! By personalised that's what I meant - colour coordinated or the date on the wrapper or something. As opposed to saving them up from the local Chinese restaurant, LOL. ?

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  • Foo
    Beginner June 2014
    Foo ·
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    We had badges, almost everyone wore theirs. Also had place cards from Macmillan Cancer with a pack of seeds attached, which all got taken. Small, transportable, practical and/or edible is best I think. I don't think I would get much use out of keepsakes stamped with the date of someone else's wedding.

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  • CrazyRatLady
    Expert September 2014
    CrazyRatLady ·
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    We're having a selection of Cancer Research things (pens, pads, badges etc) in memory of OH's brother and some pens from a local animal shelter in memory of our passed rats. Very personal to us.

    Otherwise I would say anything edible! We went to a wedding last year that had little jars of honey which was nice.

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