I went to a friends wedding at the weekend and saw my old Guide leader there, It have been a long time since I saw her and she asked me what I have been up too and asked if OH was my husband.
I said no, we are not married but I had been married and divorced since I last saw her. So she proceeded to ask me if I had decided not to work at my marriage. To which I replied “Well as by the end he was boffing someone else, and got her up the duff I wasn't inclined to fight too hard" (I may have been drunk but I still couldn’t swear at my guide leader despite provocation)
Why would anyone think it is Ok to ask this? It is a very personal thing as to why a marriage fails and it was 3 years ago anyway, so more than a little too late and pointless! I am not going to leave my lovely OH and go back to the cheating scumbag just because a lady in blue suggested that I should have tried harder!