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What's your worst chore?

MrsB, 6 August, 2009 at 16:02 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 56

Just thinking as I pause in hanging up the washing. I hate hate hate hanging up socks on the line. they're so much sodding effort. a peg a sock. fiddly little gits.

I also hhhhhhate unrolling my husband's balled up dirty socks in order to wash them. they're grimmety grim. no amount of asking, cajoling or throwing tantrums can persuade him to straighten them out before he puts them in the laundry bin (or on the floor)

goes without saying I hate unblocking loos he's blocked as well. It's bad enough if you've blocked it, but when it's someone else and you have to put your hand down the loo [shudder]

Obviously washing my show tea towels and ironing them as well ?

56 replies

Latest activity by Campergirl, 7 August, 2009 at 13:54
  • Daffy B
    Daffy B ·
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    Cleaning the bathroom. My bathroom is an olive green suite ? and the lino on the floor is brown patterned? so no matter what I do and how clean it is I still feel like cleaning it doesn't make it look any less dank, dark and grim. Plus, cleaning bathrooms is just boring.

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  • spacecadet_99
    spacecadet_99 ·
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    Emptying the bins, the smell makes me want to heave.

    Laundry when I discover himself's week old damp stinky football kit in a carrier bag - ditto (there is a school of thought that says if I did it more often I'd notice earlier but I like to ignore that)

    Ick about the toilet blockage - we must have been lucky as we've never blocked a toilet yet. What are you two eating?!

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  • Hepburn
    Beginner August 2008
    Hepburn ·
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    Putting the bins out, the smell of rubbish makes me heave ?

    Grim grim grim!

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  • Knownowt
    Knownowt ·
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    The thing I hate most is just the relentlessness of tidying up- so much stuff everywhere that you just have to shift around the place until some kid gets it out again and then you start again. I wish I could just throw away everything in my house and have a lovely white simple room with only about three things in it, Elle Deco-style.

    On the other hand, I quite like ironing- nice discrete task with a beginning and an end (at least in relation to one pile of it).

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  • flissy666
    flissy666 ·
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    Dusting. It's never clean enough. No matter how much I do, there's always some evil speck waiting to catch me out somewhere. Exacerbated by having long-haired cats, who I want to give crew-cuts to on a regular basis. Ugh, and getting fur off clothes and soft furnishings. Drives me insania. I dislike ironing, because our store cupboard is so small that extracting the ironing board is akin so solving a puzzle on the Krypton Factor.

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  • MrsB
    MrsB ·
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    Oh yes, I'd love the Elle Deco look too. Never going to happen [goes flying over some more kid related plastic]

    spacecadet ? our loos seem to block super easily, even if you do a mini wee and use two sheets of paper you have to flush two or three times to clear it. so when you're my husband and you use half a loo roll per sesh, or you are a dumbass and throw down babywipes or worse - kitchen roll - I have no idea what that was about, believe me - couldn't be bothered to get a new loo roll out I guess - you are looking at blockage city.

    I like ironing too. it's a luxury, means I can watch trash tv and have a drink because I'm doing something worthy at the same time.

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  • whitty1
    Beginner December 2003
    whitty1 ·
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    It would have to be the bathroom. Even when we had a nice-ish bathroom it's a crap job. Now ours looks like something from the Gaza Strip it's even less appealing. Picking hair out of the plug hole [heave], cleaning H's skidmarks of the bog [grim - why can't he just use the loo brush????], cleaning shaving foam off the top of the mirror which I can't reach [how?] and hoovering the lovely carpet tiles. All horrid jobs. Added to the fact that we have 4" holes to outdoors, half a wall and no plaster on a lot of it. It's a pretty thankless task.

    Needless to say that is one job that is designated to H along with emptying the kitchen bin [vile]. I do everything else.

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  • Rache
    Beginner January 2004
    Rache ·
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    I detest washing up and handling dirty dishes. which is a bit crap given that we have to do it so often. I rather think, psychologically it's tied up with my rather complex ishoos with food. I will have the house absolutely spotless (rare, but sometimes) whilst the dishes pile up round the sink waiting for MrRache to get home). He's awfully good about it. I will do it, but I hate every second if it.

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  • lyni
    Beginner October 2008
    lyni ·
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    I very much dislike: washing up, cleaning the cat's litter try, cleaning the bathroom/toilet.

    I actually don't mind doing the laundry, hoovering and polishing/general tidy away.

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  • KB3
    KB3 ·
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    Well the obvious one of cleaning the loo which is just grim has to be my worst chore. However I'm so with you on unballing socks before the wash. Not only do I have a husband's socks to deal with but 2 very lazy school children who take their socks off with their trousers & knickers so it's all in one. Grrr drives me insane!

    And yesterday, I spent most of the day washing & ironing after getting back from our holiday on Tuesday night. I give the girls their ironing pile each to put away. What do they do? Open their wardrobe and shove everything I'd just ironed over 3 shelves ?

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  • B
    bobbly1 ·
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    I also hate unballing H socks -and son has now followed in fathers footsteps (or should that be socksteps?!) - why do they do that anyway - I aked H once and he just shrugged!

    For me, it is washing up cutlery - I don't mind any other washing up, even greasy pans, but hate fiddly cutlery.

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  • B
    bobbly1 ·
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    Oh,just thought of another one - changing our bed and sons top bunk bed.

    We have a kingsize bed with 6 pillows and super king size duvet. Even worse is son's top bunk, it is very high, and against a wall, so I have to climb up on it to put on the fitted sheet, and can never get the duvet looking totally tidy.

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  • T
    Toblerone ·
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    I get this! Why can't they do it?

    Also hate: hoovering - very, very shocking experience every time. if anyone can recommend a non-shock/static vacuum cleaner I'd be in your eternal debt. I know i could delegate but no-one else has the verging on OCD issues I have with DOING IT PROPERLY.

    Actually there's not a lot of chores I don't mind, they're all pretty rank. Having said that a nice (finite) pile of ironing and a movie on the telly is pretty easy to cope with.

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  • T
    Toblerone ·
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    Oh my God you could be me!! My lot ALL do this (the everything off-in-one manky puddle of clothes in the middle of the floor) and my SD (14) is PARTICULARLY bad for receiving a lovingly washed/ironed/folded pile of stuff and leaving it on her bedroom floor, I even found some stuff she'd dumped on the floor and then STOOD ON with her outdoor shoes, so that was nice. (did you ever see that detergent advert where mum puts huge pile of clean stuff in teenager's room and they knock it straight ojn the floor without a second glance, that's me that is!)

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  • S
    Beginner November 2005
    Skittalie ·
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    Worst has to be the bathroom, it's tiny and has loads of nooks for dirt to lurk and I have to get in the bath to clean it because of the stupid glass partition thing, it's making me moody just thinking about it

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  • K
    kppics ·
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    I hate hanging out underwear & socks - always goes in the tumble drier however nice a day

    I hate cutting the grass - so pay someone £12 every 2 weeks to do that

    I hate ironing - so pay someone to do that

    God help me if I loose my job I am going to be very miserable!

    I won't get a cleaner as I actually do enjoy cleaning - find it relaxing - but i hate hate hate cleaning the shower cubicle.

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  • l0vaduck
    Beginner April 2008
    l0vaduck ·
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    I don't like housework full stop, and in our house it only happens if we have visitors. That doesn't happen often, so when we do housework it's a major project. That makes it worthwhile and kind of satisfying, because there's such a huge difference when it's done, and the place is like somewhere completely new.

    I HATE trying to keep it clean once it's done. Every time, I say I'm going to get a cleaner, but then for some reason I don't get round to it.

    Thinking back over my most recent housecleaning event (Mum came to stay - it took the best part of a week to get downstairs presentable: I'm still working on upstairs), the worst ones are those where there is so much clutter, with no homes to go to, that I just don't know where to start, especially when most of it is not my junk.

    I have made the first step, and contacted a cleaning agency who are going to get back to me. I'm hoping that having a cleaner once a week will give us the incentive to keep it reasonably tidy, but I'm actually worried that it will be a horrible evening once a week when we realise after getting in from work that we have to spend the evening tidying.

    I don't know how people manage who work full time and manage to keep their own houses clean and tidy: I can't motivate myself to do it.

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  • K
    Beginner May 2007
    Kegsey ·
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    Shopping. I hate going to the supermarket and shopping. MrK used to do it but job changes means it makes more sense for me to do it now. At least I shop on my own as its 10 times worse trying to shop with MrK. If we have to shop together, then we usually split the list and do half each. We write a list together and I get whats on it and only whats on it in my rush to get out of there as soon as possible. I don't have MrK's knack of realising that something critical for a meal was missed off so we have to rearrange meals. Hate it but don't trust online shopping to get the fruit and veg right.

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  • M
    Beginner August 2007
    MrsF ·
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    Mine has to be hoovering. I dont know why but it puts me in such a bad mood. I think its all the changing of attachments to do various different bits that annoys me. Luckily my H actually likes hoovering, but not much use at the moment as he has a bad back. I predict no hoovering will get done until he is better!

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  • Foo
    Beginner June 2014
    Foo ·
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    Cleaning of floors - we have wood throughout so I should mop and hoover regularly but it's just such a ball ache.

    I can't afford a cleaner but I would dearly love someone to come in once a week just to do the floors. It's not a big flat so it would only take half an hour. I know I should do it myself but I JUST CAN'T. ?

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  • Zebra
    Zebra ·
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    Anything involving water or detergent - If I do more than one task every few days my skin starts to crack up on my hands. I can't wear gloves either, they just get icky inside and have the same effect.

    Our life has improved immensely since we got a dishwasher, just being able to put dishes away and clear the kitchen surfaces...

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  • l0vaduck
    Beginner April 2008
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    Just a thought: and this is not just directed at Foo, but at quite a few posters who seem to do jobs they really hate: do you live on your own? If not, then why is this your job? Are you the only one who walks on it?

    I think that's one of the reasons why it doesn't get done in our house: I don't see that it's MY job. I don't even make half of the mess! On the other hand, I do create more than my fair share of laundry, so I'm happy to do more than half of it.

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  • JK
    Beginner February 2007
    JK ·
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    Tidying, definitely. I hate it. Pointless. I don't mind cleaning, but tidying is just annoying, especially when most of it relates to other people.......

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  • Foo
    Beginner June 2014
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    I do think you have a point, but at this stage in our lives it does make more sense that I do it (or at least think about doing it ?). Mr Foo is out of the house 7am-8pm six days a week, whereas I work part time and am at home with the baby most of the week.

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  • GailW
    Beginner May 2004
    GailW ·
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    I hate ironing the most, so pay someone to do it (lucky I know considering I'm a SAHM) I hate oven cleaning and mopping the floor next after that, also sorting out the post/junk mail which is harder at the mo since H broke the shredder. I don't mind doing the laundry or hanging it out, and I don't even mind hoovering or emptying bins.

    I think it's safer for me to send the ironing out, I'd hate to think of the accidents we'd have with a hot iron and my two boys 4 & 2 haring about, and I'm always too tired to do it once they're in bed.

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  • Dooby
    Dooby ·
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    Whilst I love our dishwasher for saving me from endless washing and drying up the thing i really don't like about it is clearning out the filters when they get a bit gunged up, it's really really vile ?

    Also not keen on clearing out the cat's litter box but it's a non negotiable and at least me and H take it turns so it's only every other day I have to do it. Ironically the time I don't mind it so much as at the weekend when I tackle it with gloves, hot water and disinfectant!

    Washing I don't mind so much and ironing is fine once I get into it (it's the thought that's worse than the actual doing it).

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  • l0vaduck
    Beginner April 2008
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    That's fair enough. In our house both of us are out 7 am - 6 pm in term time. In school holiday time I find it very difficult to ignore the mess, although I also deeply resent spending my holiday time doing housework!

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  • Hyacinth
    Hyacinth ·
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    I'm with KN and Elle Deco. I'm from the liz jones school of home funishing "I hate it when people buy me flowers. you have to get out a vase, then they die and you have to wash the vase up" ?

    I too hate "tidying" and I hate putting washing out. I kind of like bathrooms, but it takes me NO time- like 2 minutes. I wonder if this is because i do it nearly everyday or because my bathroom doesn't get used much?

    MrH leaves skidmarks too. It actually makes me really upset, as I think there is nothing worse than making someone else clean up your ***- it really is the lowest of the low and just screams I have no respect for you. grrr.

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  • MrsB
    MrsB ·
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    Am so glad I'm not the only skidmark victim. I never leave a loo looking other than pristine - ever. I agree that it's about respect for others as well as yourself.

    I find it gross, cleaning up other people's poo. I have a relative who's loo is never clean, even if they know you're coming round. how much time does it really take to clean off cack from your bog? I mean, really. It's not a good impression (and they have a cleaner. go figure)

    when I unball the socks, a white powder comes out. I guess it's dead skin [hurls] I normally swear and fume about it.

    I must be a right old ranter though as my 2 year old is continually telling me that Daddy messes up the bathroom and hasn't done things properly. Whoops.

    I'm such a drama queen. sometimes I imagine someone's filming my life and I feel like sobbing when I'm doing something terrible because I think it would make a good scene ?

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  • Helen**
    Beginner March 2015
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    NO tidying is fine, takes minutes. but cleaning is so boring.

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  • Monkey   Mavis
    Monkey Mavis ·
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    My H does the sock thing and also doesn't unbutton his shirts so when I hang them on the line I have to unbutton them which is so much harder with wet cotton.

    He hoovers but i have to clean the bathrooms and dust - he somehow doesn't see the dirt and dust on surfaces.

    I have been recovering from abdominal surgery for the last 2w and not been allowed to do any housewiork. Today I finally relented and cleaned the bathrooms as they were getting to me. He asked "so how often do you clean them then?"!!!!!!! He seemed shocked when I said every week!!!! ?

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  • rufus
    Beginner January 2007
    rufus ·
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    Love 'coordinating' a wash to go in, but I always overfill the machine in a misguided attempt at clearing the washing mountain.

    Hate having to find time to stop, empty, then hang stuff out, dodging the bad weather. Then having to gather it all back in again, fold and then put it away.

    On average one wash must take me two days. It's not uncommon for the children to have worn something once or twice as new, put it to be washed, then find they've outgrown it by the time it reaches their wardrobe/drawer. Gah

    Dressing everyone in our family in the same colour/same size sacks might be the way forward...

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