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Beginner August 2014

Where are you spending your last night as a singleton?

Lizzywills, 15 April, 2014 at 11:02 Posted on Planning 0 46

I was just wondering what everyone else is doing.

I'm leaving from my house and will get my bridesmaids to stay over the night before. People have asked why I'm not staying in a hotel, which i haven't really got an answer to, other than the fact I'd probably forget to take something really important with me, like my dress!

is it the norm these days to leave from a hotel? I'm getting married in my local church so being at home just makes sense to me

46 replies

Latest activity by goldpants, 17 April, 2014 at 22:57
  • CrazyRatLady
    Expert September 2014
    CrazyRatLady ·
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    We are spending the night together at home. I am a total insomniac and I won't sleep anywhere else, and we would rather be together. I am leaving early on the day to go to my Mum's with the bridesmaids so OH gets the house to himself!

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  • InkedDoll
    VIP January 2015
    InkedDoll ·
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    In the hotel with my H2B. We'll probably do what we normally do of an evening - settle in and watch Pointless. We're getting married in Scotland, so if we didn't stay in a hotel we'd have a 2hr drive on the morning of the wedding, which I didn't really fancy! But I'd definitely stay at home if it was an option.

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  • MrsCWB
    Beginner October 2014
    MrsCWB ·
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    I have vivid dreams and they are much worse if I'm stressed, so H2B and I have decided to stay together the night before just in case! He's very used to me and my random ramblings (the first night we stayed together, I woke him up at 3 am to tell him I didn't want to play rounders, I was quite upset about it too). He calms me down and gets me back to sleep. We will probably get a Chinese and snuggle up in front of a movie. He will probably do some gaming until late while I have a glass of wine with my Mum. (We live with Mum so that we can care for her.) It will just be a chilled relaxed evening at home.


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  • ClaireD*
    Beginner May 2014
    ClaireD* ·
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    I'm staying at home too. Venue is 15 mins away, and I'll feel more comfortable in the space of my own house, than getting ready in a small hotel room. I also sleep better in my own bed. When you're at home, there's more room for hair and makeup artists to spread out into different rooms, which will make it feel less hectic and claustrophobic on the day.

    I've only asked one bridesmaid to stay with me, as I don't want a loud busy house. I want to chill out, not get hyper giggling away, nor have a late night.

    OH will be staying in the hotel the night before, which is where a lot of our guests are staying (some pre and post wedding, some just post wedding). So he'll have all his groomsmen and a lot of other people with him at the hotel for a *limited number* of pre-wedding drinks. I'll not be impressed if he has a hangover on the day....

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  • cymruangel
    Beginner December 2014
    cymruangel ·
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    Lizzywills, I thought about leaving from home, but our place is quite small and I will have 3 bridesmaids and Mum with me, so decided in the end that I would stay at the hotel (literally over the road from the church) and OH will leave from home with his best man.

    I am slightly dreading the state the house will be in by the time they leave/ what I'll come back to after our mini-moon, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it!

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  • BarcaGirl25
    Beginner April 2014
    BarcaGirl25 ·
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    At my mum's. OH will be at a hotel (where the reception is being held).

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  • H
    Beginner July 2016
    HeavyMetalMaiden ·
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    In a perfect world I would get ready at home, but it is quite small. So, H2B and I, as well as the groomsmen and bridesmaids will be staying at the venue the night before, so we can wake up and have brekkie and get ready and all I need to do then is just walk downstairs to tie the knot! I won't be late then either hahaha!

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  • M
    Beginner June 2014
    MrsACF ·
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    I'll be with OH in the hotel we are getting married in. Nice and simple Smiley smile

    If our wedding were local we would be at home together

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  • *J9*
    VIP March 2014
    *J9* ·
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    I stayed overnight at our venue the night before with 2 of my 3 BMs. I was in such a rush to pack that I actually did forget things - toothbrush (duh!) and my perfume. We had a nice girly night. Luckily reception had a toothbrush for me!

    H stayed at his parents house and also had his sis, best man, usher and usher's wife & kid. Quote a house full!

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  • I-go-by-many-names
    Super April 2015
    I-go-by-many-names ·
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    I don't really think there is a 'norm' any more but the tradition was the bride getting ready at her parents house. If we were marrying near to where we live we would probs both be at our house as normal but we are marrying 2hrs away so will get a hotel. We might see if we can have the bridal suite for 2 nights so there is more space to get ready.

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  • pammy67
    Beginner April 2015
    pammy67 ·
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    As we're getting married away from home - we'll both be staying in the hotel but in different parts. Me with my daughter, he with our boys.

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  • ATB
    Beginner August 2014
    ATB ·
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    I'm staying at my mum's. After spending the day getting reception venue ready I expect to be tired and and emotional! MF and his best man will either stay at home, or in a hotel near by and go there after dinner.

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  • M
    Beginner May 2015
    missgeebee ·
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    I'm staying in our house, defnately having my sister (bm) and one bm stay over as they're not local, hoping the other three will stay over as well but one has three kids so not sure how it'll work yet! my parents are staying in a hotel near the venue about a 20 min drive away but they live further than that. Kicking OH out the night before - he'll stay at his mum's, hes not overly impressed but his mum will love having her 'little soldier' to stay again (hes an only child).

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  • K
    Beginner August 2014
    KyleighB ·
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    I'll be staying at the venue with my sister and having a quiet one.

    OH will be staying at his mum and dads with our son and the best man.

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  • K
    Beginner October 2014
    katie80uk ·
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    My partner will be staying at our family home with our son and his best man. I will be staying at my mums house with my mum, step dad and sister

    I wouldnt like to stay in a hotel the night before, i would like to be with family and just having a relaxing night before all the chaos starts x

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  • Mrs B to be :o)
    Beginner May 2015
    Mrs B to be :o) ·
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    Im staying at my parents. H2b will be staying at a hotel with his bestman x

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  • M
    Beginner May 2015
    MayBride2015 ·
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    I'll be at the venue the night before. We're having our ceremony there and its around a half hour drive so it made sense. I'm having my mum & 4 bridesmaids as well as 3 other friends and brothers gf, so there will be 10 of us in total. We're going to find a nice restaurant close by, get back to the venue, have a few drinks and have a nice girly evening before all the madness starts! OH will be at our home doing god knows what!

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  • miss pickle
    Beginner June 2014
    miss pickle ·
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    I am spending the night with my OH in a hotel near then venue ;-)

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  • M
    Beginner January 2015
    murphy88 ·
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    I'm staying at my parents house. Oh will either be at our house or the hotel near the church

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  • Sparkly Bear
    Beginner October 2015
    Sparkly Bear ·
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    I'm staying at my parents house the night before the wedding, with my OH at our house. We are getting married in the village church. Me and mum have plans to watch old Friends episodes on DVD! When i was younger we always used to watch them together when they were on shown on tv on a friday night! We thought it would be a nice way to spend some final mother daughter time together before i get married!

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  • Lolly2014
    Beginner October 2014
    Lolly2014 ·
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    We are staying at home together and having the bridesmaids and their OH's over for dinner and a few glasses of wine! One of my BM's is coming over from Australia and staying at ours so we thought it would be more social and we aren't superstitious about being together the night before. But then for my BM's wedding in September she wants just us BM's together for a girls night so I think we are going to a hotel. It's all about personal preference. I think now most people live together before getting married and have their own houses staying away from each other the night before is a bit out dated but for some people it's an important tradition to keep.

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  • charliejack
    Beginner October 2014
    charliejack ·
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    I will be staying at our house with mine and his kids, and oh will be staying at his sisters xx

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  • S
    Beginner October 2014
    Sheldon ·
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    I don’t really know what to do. My parents are in Liverpool (we live in Chester 10 minutes away from the venue), my sister is maid of honour but she is not very well so cannot help me get ready and stay over with me the night before. I was prepared to stay at the hotel on my own the night before, when I said this to my friend she said I couldn’t do that and wants me to stay at her house with her. This is a lovely offer but I was fine staying on my own, I don’t want a fuss and would probably go the hotel after tea, have a pamper and try and not get worked up and sleep. So now I am not sure what I will be doing, all the stuff will be at the hotel the day before, I don’t want it to be a massive rush or fuss or panic the morning of the wedding, already being at the venue would help with that I thought?! Hmmm…. I have options I guess. x

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  • jen-lou
    Super July 2016
    jen-lou ·
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    I'm not too sure what to do here. My OH keeps saying to me I shoud l stay in my mums, but I don't really want to as her and my dad are divorced so he wont be there anyways and shes got 2 miscevious cats and I don't want to run the risk of them, lace and a long dress ?. When I told him this he said well you can stay at home and he'll stay in his mums which will be easier as my dad will be closer (he'll be coming from his partners and shes just down the road) and my mum can have some peace from my sister and brother (and the 2 naughty cats) and come and get ready with me. I think this is a good idea until I think of where will we be staying the night of our wedding. Which then makes me think I should stay in a hotel for 2 nights, just so my car is there with an overnight bag and a change of clothes and anything else we will need for the day after the wedding so still not decided ?. What are you doing the night of your wedding, i'm thinking it'll be a bit odd to go home afterwards, it'll feel just like a normal night out.

    EDIT: will just say we are getting married in a registry office then our reception is a marquee so if I stay in a hotel it wont even be our venue if that makes sense.

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  • Love&Lavender
    Beginner September 2014
    Love&Lavender ·
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    I am staying at my parents' house, my sister (b'maid) lives there and my other b'maid will also be staying. We are getting married in my parents' local Church so it made perfect sense that I would stay there. OH is staying in a nearby hotel where a number of our guests are also going to be staying. It is close enough that he can walk to the Church.

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  • J
    Beginner May 2015
    Jayla ·
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    Probably my house as I will have my daughter with me and know she will sleep ok. H2b will be going to his parents with our son. Our church is about a 4 min drive from our house so a hotel wouldn't make any sense at all.

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  • L
    Beginner August 2014
    LRsoontobeLH ·
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    We no longer live in the area where we grew up but will be getting married there so both of our families are still there.

    So my plan is to stay with my parents the night before, my sis and her OH (one of our Ushers) will be there too. My H2B is not sure yet where he'll be staying as his parents house will hopefully be full with his Aunt and Uncle staying from Canada for the wedding and his brother. So he is thinking of booking somewhere for him and and a couple of mates. My BMs will come round early on the morning of the wedding to get ready at my parents house with me and we'll go to the church from there, its going to be a houseful with the hairdresser, MUA, TOG and his assistant as well as me, 3 BMs, 1 usher, Mum and Dad (H2Bs Mum is also coming round to get her hair done with us all too....I'll be able to pass on the button holes to her at the same time). My Dad has already said he will be taking sisters' OH and getting out of the way of the chaos and going to meet H2B for a cooked breakfast on the morning of the wedding! Im not sure if H2B was planning on going for a cooked breakfast that morning but he will be now!! Hehe!

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  • *
    Beginner April 2014
    *PN* ·
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    I will be staying at my parents house and my OH will be staying at our house with his best man and usher.

    It's only a 5 minute drive between the church and my parents house so it didn't make sense to stay at a hotel.

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  • M
    Beginner August 2014
    Mrslizziew2be ·
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    I shall be part setting up the reception venue the night before, then heading back to my house where I have my 2 children, mother father, nan, sister, sister in law to be and bridesmaid staying. Think we're going to get a Chinese and have a few drinks nothing too heavy and (try) to catch an earlyish night.

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  • MrsB88
    Beginner August 2015
    MrsB88 ·
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    Im going to be staying in a hotel near the venue with my bridesmaids the night before x

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  • Lizzywills
    Beginner August 2014
    Lizzywills ·
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    OMG Jen-Lou. You have made me realise I hadn't even thought of making sure I had some clothes ready at the hotel where I'm staying on the night of my wedding. Imagine me coming down to breakfast in yesterday's wedding dress, dirty teeth and streaky make up. I need to write these things down!

    inetresting how many people are spending the evening/night with their OH's, I'd like to say im not superstitious but I think I am. And it's seems everyone is staying all over the place so there is no norm. Thanks for all the wonderful replies xx

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  • mooshy
    Beginner April 2014
    mooshy ·
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    Me, Mum and MOH are staying at my apartment the night before, we're having a pizza, easter egg and cheesy romcom night. OH and his BM have booked a hotel in town the night before then OH will take my overnight bag with him and check into our wedding night hotel in the morning.

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