Don't think we've had one o these for a while and there's so many new names floating about I feel like I don't know half of you.
So, tell me about yourself.
I'm on the cusp of 29, married to a forces man, living away from home. *BT* Have an angel baby and a 10month old who had a very traumatic start. H currently away on a 9 month jolly so I travel home alot to see friends. Enjoy going for meals and drinks, (just developed a love for rosé) the cinema, in fact I adore films and could watch them all day. I have pretty cheesy taste, but I do love them. (Think twilight, crap horrors, chic flicks). Have a fur baby called Cora who is just the light of my life. Her and my son are bessie mates, they adore each other. She's also a working dog as my H is a shooting guy. Funny that, me being a veggie.
See, you have to waffle on a bit. Imagine we're chatting over some wine or >insert choice of drink< and cake.