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Missus S

Who are you?

Missus S, 26 November, 2013 at 03:03 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 74

Don't think we've had one o these for a while and there's so many new names floating about I feel like I don't know half of you.

So, tell me about yourself.

I'm on the cusp of 29, married to a forces man, living away from home. *BT* Have an angel baby and a 10month old who had a very traumatic start. H currently away on a 9 month jolly so I travel home alot to see friends. Enjoy going for meals and drinks, (just developed a love for rosé) the cinema, in fact I adore films and could watch them all day. I have pretty cheesy taste, but I do love them. (Think twilight, crap horrors, chic flicks). Have a fur baby called Cora who is just the light of my life. Her and my son are bessie mates, they adore each other. She's also a working dog as my H is a shooting guy. Funny that, me being a veggie.

See, you have to waffle on a bit. Imagine we're chatting over some wine or >insert choice of drink< and cake. Smiley smile

74 replies

Latest activity by Missus S, 29 November, 2013 at 21:50
  • *Nursey*
    Beginner May 2012
    *Nursey* ·
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    I'm 30, married for just over 18 months. We met in A&E when he gave me a lovely drunk regular. He was an ambulance technician and I was a staff nurse. He's now an ambulance dispatcher and I'm a nurse practitioner. We have 2 cats and a campervan, who I adore, and hopefully will be renovating H's house soon to make it much more liveable since we couldn't sell it.

    vI've been neglecting my hitched duties recently, but when I am here I'm a fluffy OM. I love VWs and F1.

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  • Holey
    Beginner July 2011
    Holey ·
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    I am 26 and my h is very nearly 30. We've been married 2 and a half years now. Got 2 rabbits and now my h's biological clock has started ticking so we are hoping to start ttc next year.

    I love food and going to nice restaurants (le manoir is hopefully next!). I love reading and could sit with a book all day. Have a long list of bands I've seen live and an even longer list of ones I'd like to see.

    Erm....can't think of much else!

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  • Hoddy
    Beginner July 2014
    Hoddy ·
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    I'm 20 and at uni studying psychology and currently working weekends at a supermarket... I have so many options for where to go next and just can't decide, only got a few months of my course left though so need to decide soon! My OH is 23 and works two jobs both in retail. We have a gorgeous cat who we treat as our baby. My favourite things to do are playing about with our cars, playing Xbox (call of duty to be precise!), baking and cleaning. There is just something therapeutic about cleaning to me... Also love a nice glass of wine but unfortunately for me I can't have alcohol at the moment due to my medication.

    Probably the least interesting person on here but thought I would throw my input in anyway Smiley winking

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  • Ixia
    Ixia ·
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    I'm 30 and work as a hotel receptionist. H is 28 and is a chef at the same hotel. We live in Cornwall with our 5 year old black cat, called Meg. I love food, real ale (but not drinking at the moment), coastal walks and Formula 1. We have spent the last few years redecorating our house and re doing the garden, as and when we have the money. I have 3 neices and 1 nephew and our family are spread out over Cornwall and the Midlands.

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  • Loopz
    Beginner March 2013
    Loopz ·
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    I'm 30 (ouch), and am married to a policeman. We've been married for 8 months. He's 27. We have a naughty cat called Moriarty who is definitely living up to his evil genius name. He eats *everything* the greedy little bugger. We live in a stupid place where I don't know anyone, so I often spend a lot of weekends back at home whilst H is working.

    I love cheese, wine, baking and reading. Oh and cake. Always times/room for cake. And am going to try my hand at making soft toys...I have the book and the enthusiasm, just lack the material and the creativity. I go to gym classes 3/4 times a week yet despite this I never lose weight or tone up which sucks. Maybe it's the cheese and wine....

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  • Tonka
    Beginner January 1997
    Tonka ·
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    I'm 28, been married just a few weeks, went on honeymoon to Iceland and off to Thailand for Christmas and hubby's 30th (New Years Eve). He's an accountant and through his job we transferred to Melbourne for 2 years. Really liked it so thought we'd stay for another 2 years, but are heading home in August next year. Was thinking about applying for residency but family and friends pull us back. Plus, we can redo our house, after having tenants in there for longer than we have lived in it and then will think about filling it with a few dogs and sprogs!! I used to be a really fussy eater but discovered if i cook things i am much more experimental. Example - i have just beheaded and deveined prawns for the very first time and can't wait to try them - i would have never even gone near a fishmonger a few years ago - the smell was enough to pull me the other way! I have an Archie cat who is part cat, dog and human all mixed into one, he's such a dude!! Love British TV shows, think Father Ted, IT Crowd, Black Books etc and just recently got into True Blood. I really, really hate cucumber.

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  • mooshy
    Beginner April 2014
    mooshy ·
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    I'm 30 today (haven't woken up yet, when I do I might cry). OH is 37. I'm a nurse and he's a data scientist something computery thingymabob. We're getting married in April next year. We don't have any pets or babies yet. We're very chilled out and easily entertained, recently developed an obsession with Netflix and spend a lot of nights in nailing whole series within a week or 2 (might have something to do with wedding saving and no money for date night anymore). I have nothing interesting to say unless I'm allowed to make things up.

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  • Enjayee
    Beginner April 2013
    Enjayee ·
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    I turned 33 at the beginning of November and fully believe that my 30s has been way better than the whole of my 20s put together - in case that is any comfort to those of you that are dreading the big 3-0 or haven't yet come to terms with it ?

    I am half English, half Filipino. Raised in Essex. I have been married for nearly eight months to my tall and handsome Danish husband. We lived in London together for 18 months but relocated to Copenhagen, where he is from, in October 2012. We have just bought our first flat in a lovely part of the city and we move in one week! I am also pretty much fluent in Danish now. Career-wise I have worked in marketing for eight years and I feel like my career has slightly stagnated as I have been on a bit of a plateau for two years. I would love to get a promotion or another job one level up in 2014 although having said that (**BT**) my overall dream for 2014 is for me and P to become parents for the first time.

    I am a bit geeky - my favourite books at the moment are all marketing theory books, my favourite blog is about web analytics, and I genuinely believe that Microsoft Excel is one of the best inventions known to man. I am also quite girly but not girly - I love to shop for make-up and nail varnish, but the thought of a girls' cocktail night out makes me want to cry.

    Finally, I have an irrational hatred of the words "yummy", "scrummy" (especially when referring to children), "hollibobs" and the phrase "reach out" (when used instead of "contact").

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  • M
    Beginner May 2014
    Muppet ·
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    I'm going to be 26 in just under two weeks! OH and I live in my (I should say our now) rented flat with my 4 year old Lab and our 7 month old kitten. I love to bake, and read books. I work ALOT so my free time is spent hanging out with OH and friends. I love food, so going out for dinner ect is the best.

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  • TheRealTricks
    Beginner January 2012
    TheRealTricks ·
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    32 (just), been married just over 3 years but have been with my H for 15 years. We have a 12 year old daughter and 2 1/2 year old mental Boxer. Born and bred in Reading.

    Love; anything vampires, shoes (the higher the better), makeup and having a good gossip.

    I hate two faced people and people who clearly have something to say but dont, really winds me up.

    It was my 4 year Hitched anniversary yesterday.

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  • Rosco298
    Beginner February 2014
    Rosco298 ·
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    I am 28 a scientist and I live in Suffolk with my 33 yr old OH who is a design engineer for a fire suppression company. We have a 5 yr old Great Dane cross Doberman (Rosco) who we rescued 3 years ago. He is quite a handful but we love him to bits. I have also inherited a horse from my soon to be sister in law so now I have learnt to ride. PIL have a farm we help to look after. We are getting married in Feb so we have no social life as all we do is save but I am perfectly happy on the farm with the animals at the weekend so I am usually to be found in muddy boots and warm clothes. I am training for another half marathon which I cannot believe I agreed to take part in. I swore I had run my last one. I love wine and cake in any shape or form.

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  • Ali_G
    Beginner October 2012
    Ali_G ·
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    Ali_G here, 24 but feel about 18. Married to a [mostly] awesome man, got hitched in October last year. Reside in Bedfordshire, my family live 250 miles away in Devon and I miss them lots. I love to cook, like really love to cook, and would one day like to open my own Bistro. But I don't think that would happen. Still, one can dream.

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  • Knees
    VIP August 2012
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    I'm 30 and a solicitor. H is also a solicitor but that's not how we met despite people always assuming so. We got married in Australia in August 2012 and have a 4 month old daughter.

    ive realised how much of my working day was wasted by goin on hitched as a barely get the chance now I'm not in work. Going back in January so will be back with a vengeance!

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  • (Claire)
    Beginner July 2011
    (Claire) ·
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    I'm 33, originally a North East gal but moved down the Midlands 8 years ago to be with my Husband. We dated from being just 22 and have been married for 2.5 years. I work in sales and purchasing, not exactly the most interesting of roles but I love it very much. We have been TTC for 3 years and April this year we recieved the news that IVF would be our only option, happy to report that we start in just over 2 weeks, we are desperate to have a family of our own so fingers crossed it works first time. I have a beautful 2 year old Shihtzu called Ray, who is everything to me, I adore every inch of him and he's been a little rock for both of us the last few years. I love nothing more than going to the North East and visiting my family and look forward to the times they come and stay with us which is very frequent. I love to laugh I love to be happy and I always try and remain positive no matter what. I would describe myself as a chatterbox but it comes with being a Gemini - as some of you will find out on Saturday!

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  • ATB
    Beginner August 2014
    ATB ·
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    I'm 31 (it's actually not that bad), and getting married next year to the grumpy old man, after deciding to end my career as a pro bridesmaid.

    I unfortunately live in MF's home town which is a dump, but I'm orginally from a small village in the country. I'm a country girl at heart and city life has now lost the appeal it had in my free young party years! After the wedding I'll be saving hard to be able to buy a house somewhere better than where we currently live.

    I work in a job that I hate, less mention of that the better, but I love make-up, music, arts and crafts baking. My main hobby is card making but I'll happily have a go at anything creative. I also play Curling. Which most folk find weird! My taste in music is terrible, and I like most things that would be played at a bowling club party rather than what's currently in the charts. I like country music the most.

    I don't have any children, but last year I became a crazy dog mummy after waiting 30 years for my own dog. I have a 10 month old cocker spaniel who is my whole world, so at the weekends I love nothing more than tramping through the woods with her (most of the time I'm actually lost!). It makes me so proud when other dog owners tell me how well trained she is. Not bad for my first attempt, but she's a lovely dog, clever and easy to train. Just about to start some gundog training with her for fun. After we get the house I hope to rescue another cocker or lab so she's got a pal. I also plan to help rescue organisations, but that involves fostering and I know I'd be a terrible foster parent, and end up keeping them all.

    Hmmm how telling is it that the dog bit is the longest paragraph?! Anyway, nice getting to know you all, old and new! x

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  • AmnesiaCustard
    Beginner June 2011
    AmnesiaCustard ·
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    I am a miserable and bitter old fuckwit.

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  • Jaysmonkey
    Beginner August 2014
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    I'm 23, soon to be married to Jay, my everything. We've been together for 9 years, we met on Faceparty when I was just 14.

    We own our own home and have 4 fur babies and 1 shelled. I love to travel and explore the world, which is good considering I'm a late starter, I didn't go abroad until the age of 15 but have since been to 17 countries.

    My favourite wine is red and vegan friendly, I'm vegan and buy cruelty free household and cosmetic items. I love to read, watch films and spend time with the animals.

    I'll admit I'm not a big cake eater, nor chocolate. I'm more into fruit and savoury. My favourite food is Broccoli, I could eat stacks of the stuff.?

    My fur babies are 4 house bunnies - Maximus, 6yo German Lop, Gracie 4 yo NZW, Ex lab rabbit. Jemimah 4yo, lionhead (purebred), Roger 4yo, fluffy cross.

    My Shelled child is Tink (male) 4yo Horsefield Tortoise.

    I love to craft and make things, especially jewellery. I also paint. I sell my makes on etsy and folksy.

    I'm a graduate chemist from the university of Manchester, something about chemistry, it's amazing. ❤️

    My favourite Disney film is Bambi...?

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  • venart
    Beginner June 2013
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    I don't think it's weird at all!! My mom curls, and I would love to, but there's no rink nearby us. Now if we were in Canada.....

    And that brings me to me: I'm Canadian. I used to be a perpetual wanderer after university I lived in Texas, then Japan, then after spending 6 months back in Canada I came to the UK to do a masters of art history at Christie's. It was awesome. I was only supposed to live in the UK for a year, but less than 2 months in I met H. Moved in with him when classes ended, he proposed the following Christmas, and now we're happily married! I work casually at a major museum in London (the best one!), and I used to work for the National Trust, but I had to quit to run away to France because H was put on a job here investigating a bank for doing very bad things. We have a massive fuzz-ball named Wispa. Technically a labradoodle, more of a labradonkey, and we've just bought our first house.. 5 minutes down the road from where we were previously living in the badlands between SE London and Kent (and by badlands I actually mean a nice suburban commuter neighborhood with good schools and lovely woodlands).

    I really like old things. My masters was in late medieval sculpture, though I've a strong interest in anything Western European from about 1250 to 1650. I'm either qualified to work in a museum or to sound good at a posh dinner party. I'm also great at acting the tour guide to friends or family who visit London.

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  • Erin8
    Beginner June 2014
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    I am 33 years old and have been living in North Essex for about 6 weeks. I am from Manchester originally, lived in Newcastle while l did my 1st degree and then lived in London for about 11 years. Used to work in marketing mainly in the food industry but l went back to university in 2010 and re-trained as a mental health nurse. Getting married June 2014 to Mr Erin, we will have been together nearly 9 years by then. I love reading, alcohol, bad food (especially curry), films and music. Trying to adopt some cats at the moment....

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  • Erin8
    Beginner June 2014
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    PS l would love to do a masters in forensic mental health nursing. That is probably more of a 2015 or 2016 thing though as l am bit burned out by studying, we also have a wedding to pay for and a knackered house to refurbish.

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  • Pompey
    Beginner June 2012
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    We are an interesting bunch! Espesh AC - Ive met her and it's all true.

    I've just turned 28, and unsurprisingly enough I live in Portsmouth ? with my two cats Joey and Maverick. I've had them since kittens and they are so naughty, but I love them. And Mav has taken more of shine to me lately, because my feet give him the uber horn.

    Im married to a 26yo douche and have been for 17months. Sadly for him, I am in the process of divorcing him because he couldnt keep it in his trousers.

    I love netball and am captain of my team, I love reading, eating and drinking and have got into running. Slowly mind, but fairly long distances.

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  • Perox
    Beginner October 2013
    Perox ·
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    I'm 28, just got married in October. Currently living in Guildford in Surrey with my OH. I'm a sales administrator at a telecoms company and spend my days wishing I was doing something else! OH is an aussie business manager for a quite large car manufacturer (so he sells finance instead of the cars now!). Living in a little one bed house,though we're now hunting for our own place which is currently seeming impossible!! Love going for meals and drinks, I love cheese (especially baked brie and camembert!) and am a massive fan of gin, though am also partial to much wine and cocktails!! OH works most weekends, so spend my time seeing friends. I am also a massive fan of generally most food - the more bad it is, the more I love it! Have recently actually got into the gym quite a bit - OH is a bit of a body builder/gym fiend, so I've started to get into it and enjoying it, but I won't ever love it as much as him!

    Currently don't have any pets, but it's one of our reasons for wanting a house so badly so we can get some sort of pet! I currently share a horse with my friend, so two nights in the week and one day at the weekend I'm down the yard with him attempting to look like he's a semi decent dressage horse (which he is when he has anyone else but me on his back!!)

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  • *J9*
    VIP March 2014
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    I'm 28 and OH is 32. We've been together for nearly 5 years and get married in March.

    I work in a job that I really do not enjoy anymore, but the pay is pretty good for what I do and I know I'm safe there. OH has a job til end of June then he receives a nice redundancy payout which will hopefully become our house deposit, as long as he gets another job quickly. Once that's sorted we'll be working on the baby making!

    I love chocolate, cake, biscuits and pretty much everything that's bad for you. I'm not really a big drinker as I don't like most alcohol. But I am partial to a nice glass of rosé and I like things like vodka, archers and malibu if they're in a cocktail.

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  • *Mini*
    Beginner January 2012
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    You all know who I am. I whinge about it often enough!

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  • Ali_G
    Beginner October 2012
    Ali_G ·
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    I read that as swimming in a haddock ?

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  • ebony_rose
    ebony_rose ·
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    I'm 28, married to my 38 yr old H for just over 2 years. Third time unlucky, after 2 previous failed engagements (hence my being here since 2004)

    I have 2 boys, aged 10 (next week) and 2.5, who are ace. I also have 2 step kids, aged (almost) 6 and 9, they're not so ace. We have no pets, 4 kids and the husband is enough!!

    I LOVE creative stuff; making jewellery, crochet, drawing/painting, baking, cross stitch.

    I am a Hello Kitty addict, and have been told numerous times, that I need to "grow the f**k up". NEVER going to happen.

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  • N
    Beginner January 2008
    niche79 ·
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    I am 34 and work in HR for one of the Big4 accountancy firms. Oh is 36 and works as a forkift instructor. We have no children or pets, and dont have any plans to either but OH has 2 boys from a previous relationship who are 11 and 14.

    I was born in Coventry but moved to MK when I was 5 and have also lived in Liverpool, Holland and Dubai as a child due to my dads job. OH is MK born and bred and we bought our lovely duplex in Newport Pagnell in 2008 and are currently in the middle of various improvements/refreshes to it.

    We have been together since 2006 and got married in June 2011.

    I love to travel, and use most of my spare money saving for my next holiday but in between trips you will find me either in the cinema or having dinner and/or drinks with my girlfriends or travelling up to Coventry to visit extended family. I also work for my sister on a Saturday morning at her theatre school in Northampton.

    I love chick flicks and chick lit, trash tv (think most reality shows and things like 90210, One Tree Hill etc) Disney, the US, shoes and handbags and am quite girly, but dont like my legs so you wont see me in a skirt very often.

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  • Twiga
    Beginner April 2012
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    I'm 27, married to mr twiga, 36, and we meet early 2010. I was in the middle of my PhD at the time and the equipment I was using broke down so a mechanic was called for. Enter mr twiga. I moved in with him temporarily in Autumn 2010 as my land lady wanted her flat back, and obviously I never left! We got engaged Christmas time of the same year and then married in 2012. I was diagnosed with b*stard cancer 2 years ago, but have recently been given the all clear so H and i are finally able to kick back and enjoy married life. Love active weekends e.g. bike riding, hiking, rock climbing - anything outdoorsie, as long as there are plenty of cosy pubs along the way. We have 2 scrummy doggies, Brucie and George. I love music, I HATE driving, and I wish I was more creative. That's about it.

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  • ~Peanut~
    Beginner December 2012
    ~Peanut~ ·
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    I'm 26 and an occupational therapist, currently based on a medical ward. I've been married for almost a year to H who is 25. Earlier this year we bought our first house in north east London and we also adopted our cat-baby Misha who is a fluffy little madam. We are also TTC at the moment. I'm a big fan of indie music, theatre, musicals, live comedy and peanut butter.

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  • MummyMoo82
    Beginner October 2012
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    31, Married (one year) to a 40 year old. We have 2 kids - 2.5yrs and a 3 monther and a 12yr old dog! Just bought and moved into our first house (baby was 8 weeks old. It was HARD WORK). I am a SAHM and a pretty busy one right now. I love doing crafty bits, I enjoy baking (had a blog running for a while but pregnancy wiped me out and i haven't resumed it...).

    I am a real family girl and see my Mum/Stepdad every weekend. My whole family live within 10 mile radius. Its great having that support network but also just to watch how much my son loves to spend time with his relatives.

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  • Twiga
    Beginner April 2012
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    Oh, also, happy 30th birthday Mooshy!

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  • *gnashers*
    Beginner October 2013
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    I turned 29 earlier this month, and married my lovely husband M last month. We live in Brentwood in Essex, but I am originally from Slough (lucky me). We have two cats, who we both adore, called Lola and Loftus. Loftus gets his name from the fact that I am QPR season ticket holder, have been since I was 12, and can't imagine not ever being.

    I work for a marketing agency in central London, mainly working a premium British car brand, and this is why I don't get on Hitched as much as I used to, as I have to do work. It sucks. I love my job and who I work with, and that's enough for me. I do hate commuting but I deal with it. I studied German at uni but am getting increasingly rusty as I don't use it. Which is sad, but so is life.

    This is our first month of TTC although we're not starting 'properly' until the New Year - I didn't want to be a 'get married, have a baby' person (not that there is anything wrong with that) but due to the fact I have Crohn's Disease and have been in remission for nearly two years, we have decided to 'go for it', so to speak.

    I like wine (a lot), football and my onesie. Normally at the same time if I'm at home!!

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