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Beginner September 2010

Who will be swapping wp for bt then?!?

sineadw, 21 May, 2010 at 12:00 Posted on Planning 0 50

Funny what comes out over a drink but over on the weekly good/bad thread there is the underlying pitter patter!

Whats peoples plans, are you willing to share? im undecided, myself and my h2b already have a 3 yr old, out oif wedlock i know! But we are currently changing our mind like the wind at the moment wether the family will grow again after the wedding!!

50 replies

Latest activity by The Sock Chicken, 22 May, 2010 at 23:58
  • debmci
    debmci ·
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    Well i think (off the record really with this one!!) that we might be starting our own wee family after the big day. Maybe not straight way, but relatively soon! It all depends on me getting a job nearby etc, as i may have to be a weekend wife for a bit, but i have been thinking about it, there has been the odd jokey comment, and the OH has noticed kiddies in public and done the "aww how cute is she/he" that fellas dont normally do! Smiley winking

    (Good thread btw!!)

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  • grace85
    Beginner February 2011
    grace85 ·
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    We too are undecided ?

    At the moment we're living with my mum and are getting our first place straight after the wedding so i'd like to start trying within a year of us getting married, just long enough to enjoy being on our own but not too long.

    OH however wants to wait a few years before we try!!

    He already has a 5 year daughter from a previous relationship so i can't help but feel he's got his child, he's happy but what about me!!!

    Sorry i just ranted all over your thread, lol. ?


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  • sineadw
    Beginner September 2010
    sineadw ·
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    Ooh how exciting, c what i mean about changing my mind like the wind im already broody ujust talking about iT!

    Deborah isnt it great when you get the vibes of your other half, there is nothin better than seeing a guy bn great with kids!

    And Claire how funny not the prospect of a baby that gets the attention but more "hitched" time! its so true thou i dont know what i did at work before this! You can just imagine what they think goes on with all us "hormonal" women talkin! We bought our wedding rings the other day and on leavin the shop my h2b said "suppose pics are goin straight for your hitched friends to see! Im sure he sounded jealous!

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  • Houdini
    Beginner August 2010
    Houdini ·
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    We had our first 'serious' chat about it last night. With only a few weeks to go, OH did mention just not starting on my pill again tomorrow but tbh, I don't want the worry of possibly being due on for the wedding or honeymoon so we have decided I will stay on for now and have another chat on the honeymoon.

    Am so excited. We've been together for 6 years now and both can't wait to start our family so hopefully, I shall be a mum by 2011/12!

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  • sineadw
    Beginner September 2010
    sineadw ·
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    Rant away! My truth is im kinda decided i do want another but my h2b is swaying the other way! Its a difficult one because we would obviously love them to come to us and suggest trying...but if they dont do we keep pushing? I totaly get where your coming from and i bet your fella will to if he sees you all broody!

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  • bethanw
    Beginner May 2010
    bethanw ·
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    We've already started! This is month 2.

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  • debmci
    debmci ·
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    these threads get me all excited! It is fab getting the good vibes of the OH! He's been a kind of main babysitter for his cousins children (our Flowergirl and Pageboy) so he kind of knows what he's at with children...hes not so sure about the wee babies but he has commented on how good I am and that he's a fast learner! lol I have seen him with other peoples children and he is a dab hand!! Smiley smile

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  • sineadw
    Beginner September 2010
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    Aaah fantastic, im lovin this thread im havin to reply to everyone! How about trying on your honeymoon how romantic would that be, your baby could be like a celebrities and named after where they were concieved lol!! A bit iffy to try before now isnt it, imagine morning sickness on your wedding day euch! Congrats you!!

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  • sineadw
    Beginner September 2010
    sineadw ·
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    Yay, baby vibes your way Bethanw!! Ive picked this saying up from slight lurking on bt...sorry for the lurking!!

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  • B
    Beginner July 2010
    brideseekingblush ·
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    I'd love to, but we're currently renting, and I worry that if we start baby-making we won't get on the property ladder for ages - plus it'd be good for me to be working full time when we get our mortgage....

    OTOH I am HATING my job at the minute, so wondering if I can bear to hang on in until I get maternity leave and then just not go back....

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  • missdeedee
    Beginner April 2010
    missdeedee ·
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    I will be heading there eventually, but Im just stopping off on OT for a bit ?

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  • Storky
    Beginner May 2011
    Storky ·
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    Not us for a while. We want to enjoy being married first. We've got quite a few things we want to do between now and having the responsibility of having a family. I suspect it'll be at least 3 years after we're married before we start thinking about it. We'd both dearly love to have a family one day and hope that we're lucky enough to be able to.

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  • Houdini
    Beginner August 2010
    Houdini ·
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    I think we'll give the baby named after honeymoon thing a miss! ?

    My siblings have 5 girls between them and we quite often babysit over night and have them for a weekend or something so it won't be a total shock or anything. OH is completely in love with the girls and vice versa. They all have him wrapped around their little fingers!

    One of them said to him last week when we dropped by: Uncle P... I love you more than chocolate!

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  • grace85
    Beginner February 2011
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    That's exactly how i feel hun, my job is sooo tiring (i work 10 hours a day) so i know there is no way i'd be able (or want to) to do it once we had babies so i keep saying to myself stay until then, have your maternity leave then decide, lol! x

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  • sineadw
    Beginner September 2010
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    I also have to admit the job hateing point had also crossed my mind lol!

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  • D
    Beginner October 2010
    drifter ·
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    I don't have a clue

    OH and I have talked abou tit and he would like kids one day, He is pretty good with friends kids and we both have young nieces/ nephews so we are prett up to speed with what it all involves

    however we also have reservations

    1) My work is not ideal for taking time out of (it would make it very hard to contue in my chosen field)

    2) I may have difficulty conciving with a history of an eating disorder and while I'm not old (31 when I get married in Oct) I am fully aware increasing age brings it's own issues.

    3) Cost in all fairness children are expensieve and while if one arrived we would mange we are also very aware that much of our life style would change if/ when we have children (we aren't extragevent by a long shot but we would struggle to get a bigger property where we are as one of us eiether won't be working or our money will be going on child care, I don't want a child until we are fanically stable).

    4) I over analyse everythig I will make a rubbish preganant lady!

    In conclusio it's anyones guess i love kids OH loves kids (as evidenece by playing row row row the boat and generaly entertaining our friends 18month old at a recent wedding we wnet to)

    but I am also realisitic it may not happen for various reasons that said we have also discussed the possibility of adoption if we went able to have biological children!

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  • sineadw
    Beginner September 2010
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    If i have another il have to have a long stay at weightloss!!

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  • missdeedee
    Beginner April 2010
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    Oh lovey, I don't believe that!

    You know, if you had asked me this time last year, I would probably have said that I would be moving over to BT quickly after the wedding, but now we are married, I keep thinking of things I would like to do before we try for a family, including moving house and having a couple of breaks away just me and hubby. It's strange how my thoughts on it have changed so much now that it's not 'future' thinking!

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  • Suzie&Karl
    Beginner January 2012
    Suzie&Karl ·
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    Yes will be. We decided that we are going to try straight away. We are both so excited about it. We have had our names chosen for ages too!


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  • sineadw
    Beginner September 2010
    sineadw ·
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    I get you drifter! I bet that is one where it will either just happen an the decision is made for you or you will wake up one day and just have the answer! Im feeling those baby vibes thou especially if you have even spoke of adopting!

    And possibly misplaced comment but i know i worried about if id be able to have children or not but you know i think it is a worry for more women than would admit it, i hope its misplaced worry for you if you decide so!!

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  • Stazzle
    Stazzle ·
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    Wow, you broody lot!! ?

    RaeF - that's amazing, congratulations! And same to you Bethanw - I had no idea. How exciting! Are you nervous at all?! Sorry if that's an odd question!

    I am nowhere near ready, and can't imagine being so for a good few years yet. I'm a pretty young bride though anyway...I'm 23 (I feel 17 though, but that's another issue! ?) and OH is 25, so we have plenty of time yet before we start thinking about that. I think OH would be more open to it earlier than me, but we've both agreed we won't be ready for a while.

    I just enjoy my (and our) social life far too much at the moment, love being able to just go out after work if I want to, or go out for a few drinks and then decide to go on to a bar or club until 3 in the morning - don't think either of us wants to give that up for a while. ? Plus, there are so many places we want to go before doing that so we've got lots of holidays and travelling to get out of the way first!

    So for me it will be OT for a fair while. But I will now make a point of snooping over on BT for my fellow WPers to see how you're all getting on!

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  • Houdini
    Beginner August 2010
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    Not nervous as such. But it did hit me last night that this was real life and no longer just hypothetical! ?

    I know what you mean about still feeling young as well. I can't believe I'm 26 this year, I still feel about 21 / 22 at most!

    But back to having children; seeing my newborn niece recently, I just didn't wanna give her back - not in a scary way you inderstand! - but it just felt 'right'. Even when she sicked up on me!

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  • bethanw
    Beginner May 2010
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    I was at first. Without going into too many gory details the first time we (sorry, love that icon!) I sat there for 2 hours thinking 'Oh my god, what did we just do??'. OH would have squeezed one in before the wedding if I'd have let him! We always agreed we'd start after the wedding and all of a sudden he announced he wanted to try now. A little part of me would have loved to have fallen straight away because it worked out that I might have found out I was pregnant on the wedding day but it wasn't to be so back to trying again (that sounds so baby obssessed)! At least I can have a good drink on the wedding day and have a crack at it on the wedding night! ?

    You're still young Stazzle and I know what you're saying about your social life etc. OH and I are in our 30's so need to get a shift on (plus finding out my cousin only has 6 months to live was kind of a boost). All my friends got pregnant very quickly and loads of woman at work are pregnant so lets hope that rubs off on me although I won't take it for granted that it'll just happen!

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  • D
    darkivy ·
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    Grace85 I know exactly how you feel my H2B has a 7 year old daughter from first marriage and I get the feeling that he 'has his family' and doesn't need to bother again!

    That said he says he might want another one, we get married in October and while I am not really broody I am acutely aware that time is ticking (I am nearly 30 and he is nearly 48) so I guess I better make a decision soon, I don't want him to be 60 and running round after a toddler!

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  • tinks269
    Beginner February 2011
    tinks269 ·
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    We are most def going to start trying straight after te wedding. If it was up to my OH we would be trying now, but there is no way i want to waddle down the aisle and i have a grogeous dress on order and there is no way i am not going to wear it!!

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  • MrsRegantobe
    Beginner November 2010
    MrsRegantobe ·
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    I admit I never wanted kids but now i've done a total 180! (We've even picked the names ?)

    We've been together six year's now and we've both agreed that we've done our teenage thing now all we want is a future with a family!

    I too hate my job and will not be trying while I still work here, we've given our selves 5yrs, but deep down we'll only wait till i'm 25ish as when i'm 41 it'll only be 16! Blows my mind thinking like that!

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  • grace85
    Beginner February 2011
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    I'm glad someone else feels the same, i thought i was just being selfish, lol!

    I know that OH does want more children but just not yet!

    The most annoying thing is last summer he was saying how he couldn't wait to have children with me and how he didn't want to leave it too long (i was in majorca at the time so he might have just been missing me, lol)

    I'm only just 25 so i know i've got time but like someone else has said i don't want to be 60 and running around after a toddler unless it's my grandchild, ha ha!!

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  • Mrs_M_2b
    Beginner July 2012
    Mrs_M_2b ·
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    We already have 2 daughters they are the most amazing little people ever you will all love becomming mummy's think were going for baby number 3 after the wedding

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  • CupcakeQueen
    Beginner January 2011
    CupcakeQueen ·
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    Like Stazzle I am a pretty young bride at 23 so we have agreed that when I am 27 we will start looking into it (having a baby wont come naturally to me)

    We have so much else we want to do first and also, and these words might come back to haunt me, but at the moment we could see our lives with or without kids..

    For us, only time will tell

    Good Luck all those hoping a visit from the stork is near!!

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  • Suzie&Karl
    Beginner January 2012
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    I will also be a young bride, well i'll be a few weeks off turning 24.

    Although there is still alot that we would like to see in the world, we are lucky enough to be regular visitors of Australia (every 3 years or so) and have always been keen of taking advantage of the city stopovers you can do when we really is a great way to see the world! And we will continue to do this each time we go down under.

    I have always been around babies, there is always a small one here and there. Since becoming an Auntie 2 years go (well he was my 1st real nephew as i had 2 step ones so i was really an aunty before if that makes sence), i cant wait to have my own, luckily due to circumstances we get to see my nephew an awful lot and i love every second of it...and even after having im for a whole week at my home, i still find myself having to finish early from work so i can see him.

    My OH is amazing with my nephew and he is gonna make an amazing father he really is.


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  • D
    darkivy ·
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    I don't think it is being selfish. I do feel a bit miffed because he planned his daughter with the ex, but has told me he isn't really bothered either way if we have them or not. I can't even enjoy being a stepmum cos I am not allowed contact with his daughter (ex wife is a fruitcake but that's another story).

    I think he does really want one and would be a good dad, it's me who has never been sure if I want them, still not sure but as I said time is ticking and even though I think I am 18 I know am going to have to make a big decision pretty soon.

    Having my 4 year old nephew in my life has made me consider things more, I was sure I didn't want kids now not so sure, he has turned me completely soft and I love him to bits!

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  • Suzie&Karl
    Beginner January 2012
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    Thats the same with me, having my nephew in my life makes you realise how special they are. I couldnt imagine my life without little Freddie Smiley smile


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