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Who's up and what are the plans for today?

Sunset21, 8 August, 2009 at 07:29 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 17

Well as usual have been woken by a 3 yr old who is now tuned in to Mickey Mouse clubhouse. Got our 3rd valuation this morning, then looking at a few houses after that then this afternoon we may go to Bristol Balloon Fiesta.

What about everyone else?

17 replies

Latest activity by Mrs Cee, 8 August, 2009 at 14:48
  • Sunset21
    Sunset21 ·
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    I've got 3 of her books and haven't cook anything in any of them ?

    I was thinking of you earlier, we've been sky plus'ing the biggest loser US, it's good, they've lost tonnes of weight, it was a makeover yesterday. Have you seen any of it?

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  • LoulaM
    LoulaM ·
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    Morning ?

    Been up for about half an hour with Finlay, he's watching CBeebies and I'm doing some photo editing.

    Forecast is great but not sure what our plans are. Maybe a walk and a picnic or something. Wished we lived closer to the beach!

    Have a great day.

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  • spacecadet_99
    spacecadet_99 ·
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    I'm up, despite being knackered I don't seem to be able to sleep late. Still hopefully I'll get some energy later on. Really, really need to tidy the house up as it's slipped a bit of late. Got some friends coming round for dinner so my first chance to practice at the 'I'm drinking alcohol really' game ?

    Tomorrow hopefully off out for a nice bike ride. Enjoy your weekends all.

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  • C
    Beginner May 2005
    Cathybabes ·
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    I'm not usually up this early on a Saturday but for some reason I woke up early and knew I wouldn't get back to sleep!

    This morning I will be getting the shopping in and watering my allotment before heading off to Edinburgh for the rest of the weekend, for the Fringe -and I shouldn't have looked at the weather forecast!

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  • Hoobygroovy
    Hoobygroovy ·
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    I'm up, I've done some ironing, I've done some baking, I've done some packing and am off later to meet two good friends, one of whom is Jack Daniels. Then, hangover permitting, I shall be returning home via the lovely Flump's residence on Sunday. Currently, however, I'm flaked out on the sofa with a cup of cofffee, wondering why on earth I got up so early and did so much.

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  • Jenbo
    Beginner June 2008
    Jenbo ·
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    Mildred - can I suggest Nigella's lime cheesecake. It's delish! But I use 300g of cookies as 200g is a bit miserly! I like a good biscuit base on my cheesecakes.

    My H is doing an endurance cycle ride for charity. Its his own thing (not a group organised event) and he's raised over £1000 for The Anthony Nolan Trust. He's aiming to do 12 hours cycling (eek rather him than me) in memory of his cousin who should have been 39 last week (was actually going to do it on her birthday but due to poorly kids and pants weather it got postponed).
    So I have the kids to get ready, pack them off to my mums and that I shall position myself somewhere between here and Stratford upon Avon as his support crew! Rather than do a distance he's going to do laps and the Stratford Road is fairly straight and country-fied so hopefully he'll not find it too much of a chore.
    So I shall spend much of today sitting in a car. I've got some planning to do for work so can sit in the car and do that.

    Am just really glad sun is shining!!!!

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  • whirlwind666
    Beginner November 2009
    whirlwind666 ·
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    Wow Jenbo, that's really impressive! I don't think I could cycle for twelve minutes, never mind twelve hours! We've got Nephew this weekend, he's only six bless him! We're taking him up to the family caravan in Weardale, activites for today include trip on a steam train, fun in the play park, walk along the river, to see the Troll Bridge and the Steppy Stones, and more walking!!! If the weather holds we're gonna have a little bbq tnight then an movie and hopefully he'll pass out and sleep-in tomorrow! Its his first time overnight with us and he's been up all night packing bless im!

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  • claires
    Beginner July 2008
    claires ·
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    I have been up since half seven. i have no idea what i am doing today, need to tidy round the house but then would prefer to just laze about i think.?

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  • Mrs Winkle
    Beginner May 2007
    Mrs Winkle ·
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    I've been up a while. I've done my weekly online food shop and that's about it. Later this afternoon I'm going to see Coco before Chanel with a friend at a fab cinema where you can drink wine whilst watching the film, and then another friend is meeting us and we're off to have yummy tapas. I think I might cycle into Twickenham this morning too.

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  • Flaming Nora
    Beginner May 2003
    Flaming Nora ·
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    I'm up and about to go to work (boooo)

    Got to make some doughnuts when I get back home this evening, then off to my brothers for his birthday celebrations. No getting drunk for me though as I'm designated driver (double boooo)

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  • feathers
    Beginner January 2007
    feathers ·
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    Morning all. So far I have been to do my Tesco shop. Now quickly checking the recipes for HaloHoney's flapjack recipe and a recipe for chocolate tiffin and heading back to Tesco to get the bits I missed!

    The rest of the weekend is devoted to a majot declutter in the house. Not looking forward much to that. Hence the cooking bit first.

    Have fun everyone.

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  • AliLindsey
    Beginner November 2009
    AliLindsey ·
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    I'm working today, but fortunately doing something more interesting than usual which is good. Or at least I will be once I get motivated!

    Then later when I get home, I plan to veg out on the sofa and hopefully persuade Iain to watch Ferris Bueller.

    I may have some wine also!

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  • Maxi
    Beginner February 2008
    Maxi ·
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    I'm off for the weekend to visit my friend and her newborn baby girl. Cannot wait for a hug ?

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  • Rosencrantz
    Rosencrantz ·
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    You all sound like you've got nice weekends planned ? Mrs Winkle, is that cinema in London? There's one near us which is a 1930's restored place with a fab bar underneath. I hope you have a great time.

    I've just been to the butchers to get the duck for tomorrows lunch and I'm planning on spending the rest of the day gardening as there's lots to do. Tonight I'm off to Somerset House in London to watch Raiders of the Lost Ark which I'm really excited about. I've been wanting to go for about 3 years but haven't managed to get tickets before.

    Tomorrow I'm planning on doing a car boot sale to rid myself of lots of junk. However, I've been planning on doing a car boot sale for months so whether it will happen or not is anybodies guess!

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  • Mrs Winkle
    Beginner May 2007
    Mrs Winkle ·
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    Rosencrantz, yes, it's in Richmond - a Curzon cinema.

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  • M
    Beginner October 2005
    misseatalot ·
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    Working until 4 as usual, but then heading off to Trefin, West Wales to a random little camp site for the night.

    It's only got 5 pitchs, all with a fire pit. The showers/bathroom are actually in the farmhouse I've since discovered, which is a bit odd. The owner is called Norman, I really hope he doesn't live with his mother ?

    We may cook on said campfire tonight or head to the pub a mile or so away, or if I'm lucky here

    All the regular campsites we usually go to are only taking week bookings at aroung £20 per night! Our fave used to be £6 per night with no need to book. I guess camping is proving very popular this year.

    Tomorrow would have been my Mum and Dad's wedding anniversary and his birthday on Mon, so her, my nephew and girlfiend and 2 other friends are coming to join us for a picnic/bbq on the beach. Let's hope it doesn't rain <weak smile>

    Enjoy your weekends everyone x

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  • Mrs Cee
    Mrs Cee ·
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    I'm having a good day so far, had my theory driving test this morning which I past yay! Then nipped into town to get my friends new born baby boy anpresent and then had a great driving lesson. Whilst I was out Mr Cee fixed our brand new washing machine which appeared to still have the transit bolts attached to it which was probably why it was walking half way across the kitchen when spinning, so I can now wash everything insight, how sad am I! We are off out tonight for someone 25th birthday where we'll have to pretend to be young like them!

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