This may be long and rambled, I'm sorry, I just need to get my thoughts down!
Mr Magic's grandad passed away yesterday morning, in a quick but less than nice way. MiL found him, we dashed round and started to rally people to come round. People arrive and straight away start to nose around. MiL has four siblings, only one one of these, as well as MiL saw him. He wasn't even out of the house and they were already talking about who could get certain things.
I considered him to be my grandad and I know he thought more of me than some of his own children and grandchildren. I was always there (he lives around the corner from us) and if he felt ill and couldn't get in touch with MiL, he would call me first. The only photos in his house, apart from his late wife are from our wedding. All this aside, I'm just a grandchild's spouse so come so far down the pecking order, which is fine, it's what I am but I think some people are threatened by the fact an 'outsider' is so involved. MiL would like me to go in an official car but because of family politics, I really can't and that is making her sad.
I've done loads since yesterday, I had to call various people (his children and grandchildren) to tell them he had died, I drove MiL's sister to tell people, I went and bought everything we could need for the next few days in case of visitors. Tomorrow I will be driving MiL and a sister to all the places they need to go (hospital, registrar, funeral home etc) and on Tuesday, I'll be helping out with cleaning his house so the family can leave from there for the funeral. I can see the looks and a few people asked Mr M who I was yesterday, they are so uninvolved with grandad, they don't even know who I am. I know they don't think it's right I should be doing things but as long as MiL wants me there, I'll be there.
All MiL's siblings and the grandchildren are currently having a piss up at someone's house, they invited MiL about an hour ago. She doesn't want to go as she doesn't feel it right but Mr M and I weren't even asked. There are already arguments brewing about all sorts of arrangements, Grandad was adamant in his plans and has even paid for his funeral and MiL plans for fight for his wishes but she is out numbered (even though she is next of kin and the eldest) for all the decisions.
Only three out of eleven grandchildren came to the house when called yesterday, MiL had Mr M and I flanking her on either side as the body was removed from the house, I really think that that got to some of the others but where were their children? They all lived within quick walking distance. BiL managed to drive 25 miles to get here and the others didn't even come to check their parents were ok. Whenever the funeral is, they'll all be there and I'll just be a grandchild's wife that nobody knows again.
Don't even get me started on groomzilla (BiL) who called last night at 10.45pm to say he hadn't stopped crying as was disappointed in us (me, MiL, Mr M and SiL) for talking about normal things yesterday. [V]
I'm dreading the next few days, I want us to be able to bury the man we loved with respect and dignity. Why can't people get along? ?
Sorry, I just had to get this out of my system. [:I]
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