Our next door neighbour's son has friends round and they're playing dance music in the garden. To be fair, it's not that loud (yet) and where we were sitting at the side of the house we couldn't hear it that much so for once I'm not moaning about creepy Boris Becker eyelash man for that.
It's the music itself. It is truly, FUCKING terrible. In fact [my mother] it's not music, it's just noise [/my mother] It all just sounds the same, the same kind of beat over and over again. I couldn't voluntarily listen to it for more than 5 mins let alone for 5 hrs as it's been going on for so far. I know not everyone likes the same thing, there's other styles of music eg reggae, heavy metal that I don't like but they at least seem to be "proper" songs by proper artists and proper instruments and I can "get" why people are into it even if I don't enjoy it myself. I just can't understand how anyone can say for example "ooh great, here comes my favourite song!" or whatever. I'm not a clubgoer but I can just about get people being off their face on whatever and dancing to it. But just listening to it?
Could any Hitchers who listen to this drivel in the house please try and explain the appeal?