As you may know, me and H2B have been having a tough time of it - with having to move 5 weeks before the wedding and H2B's recent car accident (in which the person causing the accident drove off). We looked towards the wedding as a fixed, happy point to work towards.
Yesterday, my H2B had an ultrasound scan and was diagnosed with testicular cancer. Today he saw the consultant, tomorrow he has a full body CT scan and bloods to see how far progressed it is and on Friday he will be undergoing surgery to remove his testicle. The tumor will then be biopsed and following that there may be reason for chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Early indications are that as bad as this news is, it is the best we could have hoped for. It doesn't appear to have spread to his liver, other testicle or lymphnodes and his chest X-ray showed that his lungs are clear.
We intend to proceed with the wedding as planned, but of course we don't know what shape his treatment will take. Now we have his operation date for Friday, I feel I can come here and tell you all. You've been helpful and practical so far, and I may need your advice in the coming weeks.
I know this news might leave you lost for words, it did me. I just love my H2B so much, and we're determined to get married and be stronger for it all. In sickness and in health, eh?
Hello Brides and Brides to Be!
I expect there's a whole new crew here now, but I just wanted to update you all to let you know that my husband (yay!) has just had his ONE YEAR ALL CLEAR.
We are extremely happy, and I wanted to say again how wonderful the hitched girlies were and I won't forget your kindness.
I'd also like to take the opportunity to say hello to all the new brides-to-be and ask them to get their fiancés to check their balls every month. Testicular cancer mainly happens to young men (16-40) and you just don't know that you're ill. My H2B's lump was painful which is why he noticed, but they USUALLY ARE NOT painful. Check, and make sure they check regularly so that they know what is normal and what is changing.
If you want to have a look at my wedding report, it's still here. Most emotional day of our lives, and long may our marriage continue!
Best of luck with your planning and forthcoming weddings.