Hi, I'm having a little bit of a wobble.
In my mind I'd love a big wedding, not over the top expensive, but just able to invite all the people we want. The trouble is I just don't know if I want that anymore. My parents split up recently and things havn't been going well between them. There have been other issues bubbling along because of issues with the family in general but thats a separate topic all to itself
I just don't know if I want to spend good money on something thats just going to get wrecked by all the family issues. I've tried talking to my H2B, but he isn't keen on just sneeking away to Antigua and having it there. He has a huge family and a family tradition of big weddings, so its just expected that we will go that way as well. I'm starting to really resent the big wedding idea, because I'm actually the one who will be paying for everything.
I know I'm being a selfish, stuck up, cowbag, but I really thought my wedding would be something that we jointly pay for. I suppose I'm just not as modern and emancipated as I thought. My money is supposed to be my house deposit, not a wedding fund to be plundered for one day of frivolity. I'm probably wrong to want to keep my money mine, especially as I'm supposed to be getting married. I know that if the boot was on the other foot and I had no money but H2B did I'd want things to be equal and just have something we could afford with equal contributions.
But peversly I wouldn't care about spending some money on a wedding if I thought that it would be the happy occassion it's supposed to be.
I'm so mixed up I don't know who I'm actually angry with or what I'm angry about.