It wasn't until I was in my mid twenties that I found out that 'mong' and 'spaz' weren't made up words like smeg. I thought they were silly made up words. I never made the connection, firstly with spastic being something to do with cerebral palsy because I had never heard of spastic, even having a friend that suffered from cerebral palsy. The Spastic Society by the time I was a child was called Scope. Also I had no idea where mong came from either. I really believed the pair of them to be made up words as I said like smeg, it was my ExMIL that pointed it out to my horror. (I have genuinely had some counselling (as part of larger CBT) over this as I was mortified),
Has anything like this happened to you? Please share your embarassment with me to show I'm not the only idiot.