Looking for some advice. Today I got a call from my daughters nursey to say they were referring us to social services. She's 2 with development delays. The last few days she has been constipated, we informed nursery yesterday we was going to get something from the pharmacy to help her, which we did. Went in today and said things have improved. Nursey seemed happy. As we left it a few days to get anything they have now reffered us to social services. The nursery manager didn't give me much info Or reassurance. All she said was they were concerned about her health. They haven't raised any other concerns to us other than her development delay. My daughter has physio currently and waiitng to see a peadatrician. Her brother is being diagnosed with dyspraxia at the end of this month. They are fully aware of her history and the problems we are having. She has significant delays.
I have since spoken to social services driectly to find out more about this referral which my health vistor made without even informing us. She has emailed social services with a few concerns. About the constipation, my daughters diet which is limited. My son didn't eat solids until he was almost 5 due to his problems. Sadly my daughter seems to be very much like her brother. She has also questied why we have moved twice to different areas. Not to us, but in an email to social services. Ifshe asked us we would of happily provided an answer. We needed a bigger house and couldn't afford anything so had to move. Don't see the problem there. She also made a remark about me and my husbands relationship saying i acted differently around my husband. She has only met him once. Nursery have met us both together a few times. My daughter has only been going for 2 weeks to nursery. I don't understand what they are getting at. She doesn't know us at all to judge our relationship or seen or heard anything that would raise any concern. Me and my husband are both very happy and put a lot of time into our children. We have a meeting on Monday with the nursery. I personally feel all this is unessacery. I understand nurseries have a right to get social services involved if they feel their is a genuine risk to a child, but I don't see how they have come to this conclusion.
After the meeting on Monday i will be looking for somewhere new for my daughter. I don't feel they are supporting us and I am now worried they are going to make problems for us that aren't there.