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Beginner July 2015

Wrong on so many levels!! What are your stories?

mickeyandminnie, 5 September, 2012 at 15:54

Posted on Planning 55

A friend at work went to a wedding a few weeks ago and said that a guest was so annoyed that her daughter wasn't asked to be flowergirl she found out the woman's colour scheme - bought a dress and flowers to match with a head dress so she looked as though she was part of the bridal party!! I thought...

A friend at work went to a wedding a few weeks ago and said that a guest was so annoyed that her daughter wasn't asked to be flowergirl she found out the woman's colour scheme - bought a dress and flowers to match with a head dress so she looked as though she was part of the bridal party!!

I thought she was being over the top but i've just seen photo evidence of it!!!! Apparently the little girl got really upset because she thought she was a flower girl so was confused when she wasn't in any of the photo's!!!!!!!

Any other big no no's you've come across at weddings?

55 replies

  • K
    Beginner August 2013
    kayzz ·
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    My ohs dad is saying he wont come to the wedding unless its in a chapel even though weve repeatedly told him its going to be in the hotel and its already paid for!

    theres also going to be a fall out when we tell FMIL that her partner isnt at the top table

    weve already been told were shocking for only having 1 flower girl, oh as 3 neices but has only picked his god daughter to be in the actual wedding

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  • Poppy14
    Beginner April 2014
    Poppy14 ·
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    My sister's now MIL bought a long white dress to wear because she didn't want to clash with the purple colour scheme!

    A few tense words later she returned it and got a sparkly, shiny silver dress instead ?

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  • leni-lw!
    Beginner November 2011
    leni-lw! ·
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    When i got to the church, i stood outside with the vicar and as the music started i saw oh's 4 friends all suited and booted sitting and mingling with the rest of the guests.. these friends were evening guests only and the only thing i could say to my dad was '' wtf are they doing here- there not meant to be here and theres no food for them at the venue. etc. they then sodded to town for a pi$$ up and then 2 returned in the evening with these girls they picked up in town and bought to our wedding!!!!

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  • Polkadots_and_Pincurls
    Beginner June 2015
    Polkadots_and_Pincurls ·
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    Jesus, people really don't give a monkeys, do they?!

    My friend K got married last month, and had her fair share of issues:

    When she showed her aunt (who was getting married the month before) the flowergirl dresses she had picked for her daughters, her aunt went out the very next day and bought the exact same dress in the exact same colour for her flowergirl.

    When she went to choose her dress at a designer outlet store, she specifically said she just wanted to take her mum and MIL. Her SIL (who she has had long-running problems with as she is the biggest attention seeker and will make every wedding / kid's birthday party / even funeral about her) wasn't having that, so she found out when they were going, and informed K that her friend needed to buy a dress for her wedding next year, so they would be there at the EXACT SAME TIME (you have to book an appointment). She then made a big show of standing at the other end of the store, covering her eyes and shouting 'DON'T WORRY, I KNOW I'M NOT ALLOWED TO LOOK!'

    At her wedding reception, someone's random demon child kept undoing the back of her dress, jumping on her train and pouring bubble mixture down her back- of course the p*sshead parents were nowhere to be found.

    Oh yes, and her MIL and crazy-ass SIL also both wore white dresses, of course. Seriously, you couldn't make some people up.

    My OH step-sister has a tendency to try to force her daughters on people as flowergirls, and if they don't accept she dresses them in white mini-bridesmaid dresses (she's done this 3 times!) luckily if she does that for our wedding it won't make a difference as my daughters won't be in white, lol.

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  • Nancy Noodles
    Nancy Noodles ·
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    These stories remind me of that book , confessions of a wedding planner! has anyone read it?

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  • Cilla
    Beginner April 2012
    Cilla ·
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    Mine isn't as bad as some of these but my MIL had a bee in her bonnet about not being as involved in the planning as she felt she should be. I gave her some jobs to do help her feel involved but she would refuse to do them so I gave up.

    Then she decided to persuade OHs nieces (2 of my bridesmaids) to cancel with our hair and make up girl (that I was paying for) so she could take them off to one of their choice, which meant all my girls weren't getting ready together as I'd planned. No great loss to me in the end.

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  • karenanne229
    Beginner October 2013
    karenanne229 ·
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    A sis got married in Turkey, her hubby is Turkish. His father made them pay for him and his family to come, pay for their present to give to them and pay for their accommodation or he wouldn't let my sis' hubby's mum come. She cried down the phone to him that she wanted to come.

    When they arrived they stayed at families house and kept the money for the accommodation. He made a big show of giving them their present (which they had paid for) and then walked around the whole evening "buying" people drinks on the tab that my dad was paying. By the end of it I wanted to kill him!

    Only good thing is EVERYONE knew the real story so all he did was make himself look like a total ........(I think you can fill that word in).

    I still feel livid about this!

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  • HLT
    Beginner August 2012
    HLT ·
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    At my brother in laws wedding, which was a no-children affair, a cousin decided to just ignore that request and said she would be bringing her son anyway... And she did, I couldn't believe it. But moreso, I couldn't believe the amount of family members who said "I'm not getting involved..."

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  • fizzpop
    Beginner September 2012
    fizzpop ·
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    I'm getting married in 10 days and I hope I don't have any horror stories but my aunt annoyed me at a hair trial we had last month (she wasn't invited she just turned up). I'm getting married where I grew up, rather than were I live now so I'm using the hairdressers my family all use. At the hair trial my aunt insulted my housemate; we're having 50s style hair and my housemate chose to have a bandana (and she is the type of girl who can really rock that look), however whilst we were waiting, my aunt turned round and said 'I love all the 50s hairstyles, they look so glamorous but whenever people put a bandana on over them I just think they're about to start the cleaning!' She said this to me and my housemate, knowing full well what style housemate was going for. Then, she told me 'she's letting me have my hair done on my wedding day' Because she only ever uses the guy who is doing my hair and because he'll be fully booked with me she can't have hers done in the morning - she's letting me have him! Despite the fact I booked him months ago and it's my frakking wedding day! I just think she just says what comes into her head and does think at all, and I hope she'll control herself on the day!

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  • Polkadots_and_Pincurls
    Beginner June 2015
    Polkadots_and_Pincurls ·
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    Oh, how grateful you must feel, she's "letting" you! *rollseyes* stupid woman >:-( Can't wait to see your pics, I want 50s style too! Smiley smile

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  • I
    Beginner March 2013
    icklelea ·
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  • O
    Beginner March 2013
    Owl&thepussycat ·
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    I've been having issues with dad saying he's going to throw my uncle who he fell out with out of my wedding. But also I just found out that my MIL to be had booked me in to use her hairdresser for my hair! I've already booked my own hairdresser I've had to let her down gently. She was just trying to help. She also says she really wants us to have a receiving line at reception which I really don't want. But some of these stories are crazy!

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