My grandad has just been taken to hospital.
My aunty has just called to say that he has gone for tests and a scan (Was taken will full blues and 2s).
My mum is in tenerife and I have contact by text.
My aunty says it is up to me if I tell my mum or not.
So at 1st I decide to wait and see what the results of the tests are.
Then I get a text from my mum asking if I can ring my other auntie as she has a text from my nan saying grandads been taken to hospital.
I now need to make the decision to either play it down or tell mum the truth (well the truth from what I have heard).
Part of me thinks I should wait but now mum knows she will panic. But what if my auntie is being over the top about it all and its not that serious? But then again what if it is?
Sorry for waffling...
Can my grandad have some get well vibes please.