I was (and still am until Tuesday) at risk of redundancy. I've now been told that I am at lower risk and a position in the new structure has been offered to me. However, in the meantime I've heard back from another job I went for. I've been invited back for 2nd Interview.
Now some people are being promoted as a result of this restructure. I do not have the job title of the position I'm being lined up for, but I've been told it is inappropriate to give me a promotion at this time. I've had an issue with my pay since last September which has not been dealt with, and now is not likely to due to pay rise freezes (promotions are still OK). I am also going to be working closely with my line manager, who consistently winds me up and manages to demotivate me with the rubbish that comes out of his mouth.
Should I go to this interview and see what happens? or should I stick with the company I'm with. I was told off the record when this started that I didn't need to worry. Should I keep the faith and think they kept me because they saw a long term fuure with the company? I like working there, apart from my boss, and my potential earnings would be higher that the job I could interview for next week.
I am very confused.