I have just spoken to my cousin. I haven't had contact with him for about 13 years. Long story short, my Auntie, who I also haven't seen for about 13 years is seriously ill in hospital with not very long to live (months to weeks). He is keen for me to go and visit her.
I haven't seen her for all this time because her and my mother didn't get on. Funny thing is that I also culled my mother long ago as she isn't a terribly nice person (to put it simplistically). As far as Auntie goes, my mother always painted her as a terrible person, I'm not sure whether she was as my mother is a renowned liar. But ultimately, I don't really know her.
The WWYD is - should I go and visit her. My reasons against are:
- Is it appropriate? I really don't think that it is!
- I have a relative who is also ill with cancer, visiting someone who is terminally ill with a similar condition fills me with dread.
Reasons for:
- My cousin has asked me, so it seems wrong not to.
- What kind of a person doesn't visit a dying relative? I think that not going will leave me feeling bad for a very long time.
WWYD please?