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Dedicated January 2012

WWYD - slightly swine flu related/child's op. Slight update

Unique at last, 10 August, 2009 at 00:05 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 2

H poss has swine flu. He vommited twice this morning and so work sent him home. He has fluctuating temps, not really a continuing high fever, a hacking cough and a few aches. This is the first day that he vomited but he's had the other symptoms for a couple of days. He's not been sick since 8am. Am keeping him away from the children and me. He has got tamiflu today. He's currently holed up in the playroom.

I was supposed to be going to see my mum and dad tomorrow but on discussion with Dad, I'm not going. My mum has MND and is fully ventilated and so V. V. high risk. I'm disappointed as well as it's Dad's birthday on Tuesday and I have all his presents (and from Mum too as she obv can't get them herself).

However, My son is supposed to have his op on Tues (tonsils out). Part of me doesn't want to tell the hospital as I'm desperate for him to get rid of these tonsils (his last bout of tonsilitis ended up with him on a ventilator). I can't have him on a ventilator for that again. However I also don't want to risk him coming down with swine flu when he has a lower immunity and open wounds in his throat.

None of the rest of us have shown any symptoms at all. If I tell the hospital, do you think they'd be likely to say my son can't have his op? I don't want to put him at further risk either way but this op had already been cancelled before.He's v likely to get anti biotics after the op and so they may help the immune system too.

WWYD, tell the hosp or keep quiet as long as DS is healthy tomorrow and Tuesday morning?

Edited to add: Of course, I'd been so caught up thinking about DS, I'd not even thought about the other children. I'll give the hospital a ring in a few mins. Thanks. Smiley smile

2 replies

Latest activity by ebee, 10 August, 2009 at 07:48
  • G
    Beginner September 2005
    Gingey Wife ·
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    Tell them. He might be coming into contact with kids with much more weakened immune systems in the hospital and that could be very dangerous. Let the hospital make the decision. I'm not in the UK but are they still telling people to phone NHS direct with sysmptoms? I would do that and try and get your husband diagnosed or cleared.

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  • O
    Oddbins ·
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    Ring them today and explain the situation

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  • ebee
    Beginner January 2008
    ebee ·
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    Definitely ring the hospital and let them make the decision, as someone else said there may be other children on the ward that you/your son come into contact with who may be seriously ill and I wouldn't want that on my conscience ?

    If the doctors think the risk is tiny then that's their call but I'm sure he'll get his op soon enough if they do delay it ?

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