Hello everyone, haven't been on in a while as things have been really busy at work but I'm looking for some advice at the moment - H is being worse than useless and I really need to think things over rationally and carefully...so I knew this would be the right place!
I'm a primary teacher, currently in my 2nd year of teaching. I spoke to my headteacher last week about a lack of opportunities coming my way and how keen I am to take on more responsibility.
He was great and really took what I said on board...perhaps a bit too readily!
I know I will be moving to Year 6 next year (so a change of year group and quite a bit of pressure with SATs etc.). He has now suggested that I consider taking on the role of SENCo (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) within the school as the current one wants to step down. This is the one role that I've always said I'd never do because it doesn't really appeal. It would be very good experience as it would involve developing a lot of skills - including line management of LSAs and lots and lots of face to face stuff with parents. It will mean a bit of extra money (not a lot, about 1k, so not too much of a deciding factor really). It will be an awful lot of work and I'm not sure how much I'll enjoy a lot of it, although it will certainly be a challenge and I would get some time out of class to do some of the work.
I am already PSHE subject leader which entails a lot of extra responsibilities (running school council etc).
I have tentatively said that I may be interested (having only had 24 hours to think about it), but it would need to be advertised internally and I would need to apply (although probably unlikely there would be other candidates).
He would ideally like me to commit to 2 more years at the school (which I'd be happy to do as I love the school) if I take over SENCo and should any other opportunities come up in the next year or so (such as literacy subject leader, which may) would discourage me from applying as he wants someone to stick at SENCo for a reasonable amount of time.
If I don't take SENCo on he has said he will still give me more opportunities within the school and I already have quite a few things in mind (I could be Science subject leader, I'm keen to get us an Eco School award etc.)
I think I want to go back tomorrow and say that SENCo isn't for me, but I'm a bit worried I'm turning down a good opportunity and that it would benefit me in the long run (because of the skills I'd develop and because of how it may look to future employers - although I don't want to be pigeonholed as 'special needs' either). I also feel bad that he's really listened to what I've asked for and at the first real opportunity I'd be saying no. Help!
Sorry this is so long but WWYD? TIA ?