I am maid of honor at a friends wedding next year (July 2011). There are 4 of us altogether. 2 of us already married, 1 will be engaged (getting engaged soon, she doesnt know about it) and 1 whose status I am unsure of.
Anyway, 1 of the other girls, the other married one, is Chief Bridesmaid.
At the moment I am the only bridesmaid who seems to have any involvement in the wedding. I am helping out with looking for shoes, dresses, helping to make invites, helping to make the table plan, apparently going to have lots of "jobs" on the day including helping the bride out of her dress at the end of her wedding day (her request). I even have a lot of her wedding bits at my house, even though I really don't have room and to be honest I can't understand why it has been left here.
So I feel like I am doing a hell of a lot of jobs, most of which I would associate as being jobs a Chief Bridesmaid should do, yet I feel quite put out that I won't get the recognition as people assume that the chief bridesmaid is helping with these, rather than "just" a bridesmaid. (People have already asked if I am Chief Bridesmaid because of all the things I am helping out with)
I'm just wondering about subtley asking what the Chief Bridesmaid is doing to help? Or do I leave it?