Sorry have cross posted this with BT.
Hope someone can help.
About 5 weeks ago I started on the combined pill, i was on it a few years ago with no problems. Its Cileste.
Was meant to have my break 2 weeks ago, but ran two packs together as had an important day out and didnt want AF during it.
On the 2nd day of new packet I started, what I presume is my period. But i thought if you ran 2 packs together, you shouldnt bleed?
My usual bleed is very light and lasts about 4 days. No cramps or sore boobs or anything.
Im now on my 8th day of bleeding and its really heavy and showing no signs of tailing off. Im very crampy and have sore boobs when walking downstairs, i need to hold them to stop them hurting.
Anyone got any ideas why? Is it becuase of the pill? Should i go to the doctors if it carries on?