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Beginner August 2014

***ATB's Wedding Report***

ATB, 5 of August of 2014 at 14:51

Posted on Planning 36

So, I'm kicking the first part of this off sharpish: ATB's Wedding Report - In the beginning and events leading up to me bagging a husband. How we met: April 2006. My mum and aunt had booked to go on a cheap AI holiday to Lloret de Mar, in Spain. A couple of weeks beforehand they asked my friend and...

So, I'm kicking the first part of this off sharpish:

ATB's Wedding Report - In the beginning and events leading up to me bagging a husband.

How we met: April 2006.

My mum and aunt had booked to go on a cheap AI holiday to Lloret de Mar, in Spain. A couple of weeks beforehand they asked my friend and I (both single at the time and just bumbling through life quite happily) to add on and come with them. That we did, a decision that would change my life....

This isn’t a holiday report so I’ll try to keep it short-ish: Hotel Facilities: Average, Food: Terrible, Booze: Free!!!!

On our third night we got chatting to a few Scottish guys. There were around 25 of them who knew each other from playing football together over for a joint 40th birthday celebration. We were chatting and dancing with them that evening. MF (how I referred to him on here. He was too old to be my boyfriend so he was my Man Friend) wasn’t part of the group we were talking to, since there were so many of them, naturally they’d split up into smaller groups who were doing their own thing. MF though sadly was in his bed with a poorly tummy (the food was BAD!).

The next day we met some of them by the pool and were chatting, we then went in to have some (disgusting) lunch. I still hadn’t met MF, but apparently that was the first time he ‘clocked’ me.

That evening my mum and aunt were in the bar before my friend and I and when we went in several of the guys had already joined them (everything platonic up until this point, we’d just been enjoying their company as a whole, they ranged from 70 to 23, and my mum and aunt were partying with them too).

I sat down at the table and looked up into the biggest brown eyes I’ve seen. Remember thinking they were lovely and then he spoke to me carrying on from the conversation that had been going on as I’d arrived, regarding the little remote village that I’m from. He’s a shy bloke so it’s something for him just to start chatting to me, apparently he’d been waiting to since the sighting at lunch. Conversation went like this:

MF: So are you from S... too?
Me: No I got the F*ck out as soon as I was 18
Mum: Mind your language
Me: I now live in Glasgow
MF’s eyes light up at the fact I actually live near him and not in the sticks.

Here we are, cropped out the side of group photo that night:

We spent the last two days of his holiday together, and they all left to go home a couple of days before we did. At that point I’d had a nice time with him, a bit of holiday romance but nothing more. He was 19 years older than me, divorced, with a 13 year old daughter. He’d not asked for my number, and I’d not offered it. At the back of my mind I knew that his friend had taken my friend’s number so if he wanted to get in touch he could, with a little effort.

So.... we return on the Wednesday. On Thursday evening I receive a text: “Hi Ruth, it’s H, how was Barca? B gave me your number, hope you don’t mind. H”

We met up for a date at home, and went from there!

Nearly nine years later here we are! It’s not been totally plain sailing and we had couple of ‘we’re on a break’ periods. I joined Hitched a few years ago as a professional bridesmaid but spent most of my time over in OT. I’m lucky to be able to call myself an Otter now, and to have so many good Otter chums, they know who they are! I can still remember their delight, following one period of separation from MF, we went on a ‘first date’.

Shortly after that things moved on in our relationship and we moved in together in October 2012, got our dog in March 2013 (I’ve waited my whole life for my own dog) and in the April we got engaged. I’d chosen the ring in January but we’d had to wait ages on it being made, so by the time it finally arrived I couldn’t wait any longer for it and we just got engaged, no huge fuss or big surprise proposal! The Otters were the only ones I’d told when he bought the ring! I was lucky to have them to talk to about things, and I managed to keep it from my family and friends (I don’t know how!) In that time we also went on a hen party where I was the only one in a long term relationship who wasn’t engaged. As part of the hen party we were taught the Beyonce ‘Single Ladies’ dance and my friend, the hen, said she used to sing it to her partner before he finally proposed and that I should try singing it to MF. Little did they know I already had the ring!

So, after a year and bit planning, raiding jumble and carboot sales, the button was finally ready to be pushed on the ATB wedding!

36 replies

  • I
    Beginner June 2016
    inovermyhead ·
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    Oh ATB, I'm gutted for you over your photographs. I think they are the one thing everyone wants as a "proper" reminder, everyone agonises over who to have and the cost and to be disappointed in the final thing is gut wrenching... You have my complete sympathy and I hope that you manage to find a couple that you like.

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  • ATB
    Beginner August 2014
    ATB ·
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    My two bridesmaids and my SIL got me into my dress and we went downstairs where mum was also dressed and waiting. We had a couple (more) glasses of fizz and my brother arrived (he was giving me away) he confirmed that MF was all present and correct and in the pub drinking diet coke! The photographer arrived and shortly after it was time to set off. The weather was still horrendous, we’d been hoping for a break in the rain for a couple of hours at least, but it never came. DreamCatchMe , an Otter pal of mine, had leant me her wedding umbrella to use, in the hope it wouldn’t be needed. Unfortunately the rain was too heavy for it and huge heavy duty ones were required! My brother and I set off for the church, which luckily is a very short journey. The car had an open-sided hood and the rain was coming in sideways! We went down the main street of the village and a few people who worked in the shops had come out to stand and wave as we went by, which was lovely. Similarly, when we arrived at the church there were a lot of people out braving the weather to see me go into the church. Up until this point I’d not really worried about the weather, but I felt a bit sad that I was bundled out of the car, and into the church without being able to get any photographs outside with my brother and bridesmaids, or greet the people who were waiting outside. Because of this, I’ve since found out, that I was five minutes early going down the aisle! As soon as I arrived in the church entrance way, the back doors were flung open before I was really ready, and I a bit flustered and not as ‘sorted out’ as I’d hoped to be. I could have done with those five minutes! This is a guest photo, taken as my brother and I were about to walk down the aisle, and you can see the water coming in the door of the church. It’s not that big an entrance way, so it’s maybe just as well we made a move! Apparently, my minister estimates he’s conducted over two hundred weddings, and I’m the first bride who’s been early. It was the rain’s fault, not because I was desperate!

    Prior to the wedding, I’d found myself tearing up just going to normal the normal church services, and walking down the aisle of my church is something I’d been thinking about for many, many years. I raised my concerns regarding the fact that I am ‘a crier’ to the Otters. They came back with reassurances that I would not cry on the day. Well, as is always the case, they were on the money! I’d worried how I’d get down the aisle without ending up a sobbing mess, but I was fine. I just watched MF as I went down the aisle, not noticing any of the guests, which is a good thing as apparently a few of my friends were crying. My mum also shed a tear, which is very unlike her. She’d not even told me I looked nice that morning before we left, she doesn’t do compliments or emotion, so that really was a turn up for the books! If I’d noticed any of that it would have definitely set me off!

    The ceremony was led by a minister who had been our parish for the past sixteen years, but he’d recently left and moved on to a new parish. When he first started I was a Sunday School teacher and I’ve had close friendship with him since. It really meant a lot to me that he agreed (and was granted permission) to come back and marry us.

    The ceremony was a lovely and he perfectly blended the serious and official with light hearted and personal stories and readings. MF fluffed his vows, as expected, and he was very nervous. I thought he was crying but it was either sweat or rain running down the side of his cheek! Again, I’d expected to feel teary at this point, but I wasn’t at all, and I didn’t fluff my lines! I’d started off really projecting my voice for the benefit of the ‘crowd’ but then felt a bit silly so said the rest of them more quietly, just to MF.
    I’m a terrible singer, but I like singing. An unfortunate combination for others to witness! I’d included my favourite hymn in the service, and I was determined to enjoy singing it. The minister, during the first hymn, had handed us all an Order Of Service to read the words, but he was a bit slow to do so with this one. He had a smile on his face as he rushed to hand them to us, because I was already belting out the first line of it! When I was young and in Sunday School one of my favourite stories was about singers in a choir. One boy was a beautiful singer, but didn’t put his heart into it. Another boy wasn’t very good, but put his heart into his singing, which God enjoyed much more than the beautiful singing. With that in mind, off I went with my hymn. Unfortunately, I have since found out, the organist had, very kindly, recorded the ceremony through the mic. the minister was wearing. I’ve not braved listening to it yet.....

    My church gives couples the option to sign the marriage schedule at the alter, or in the vestry. At the rehearsal the minister had asked us which we’d like to do – and laughed as I immediately said “I’m going through the door”. The vestry is accessed by a small ‘Alice’ like door, only used for weddings. Again going back to when I was a little girl, my friends and I used to speculate where the ‘secret’ door went. Of course I was going to take the opportunity to go through it! I’ll add in a the photo of me coming through it very ungracefully when I can!

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  • MrsToffee
    Expert April 2015
    MrsToffee ·
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    So sorry about your photos! You look amazing from what I can see in the one you've put up, can see the happiness shining from your face! Also love the story of your singing!

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  • Mrs Bass
    Beginner March 2011
    Mrs Bass ·
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    Loving it so far and so excited to be reading it!!

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