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Beginner June 2016

Average price for wtoo persephone

Chris's_mrs, 1 of November of 2014 at 16:38 Posted on Planning 0 1

Hi all

I tried on this dress today but the sample wasn't close to my size so I didn't ask for the details (price etc), I then contemplated it some more and found a shop else where which have a larger sample. I'm going to try it on again, I think it's the dress!!

I didn't ask anyone at any of the shops the price, now I'm regretting it, does anyone know roughly how much it is in the UK? An average would be great, I'm worried I've fallen in love with a dress over budget.

We're not getting married until 2016 (June) but it's in Croatia so I want to get loads sorted now.

Thanks in advance


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Latest activity by Chris's_mrs, 17 of February of 2015 at 22:53
  • M
    Beginner January 2016
    MP2ndtimearound ·
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    Hi Chris's_mrs,

    Apologies if you get this twice, and it doesnt seem to have come up the first time.
    I have been looking on the internet for this exact dress for the last couple of days since my partner spontaneously decided on Sunday that it was time to set a date!

    I am from Australia, and here the bridal store charge easily 30-40% over the price of the US RRP, so I wanted to fine the dress online after I tried it on.

    I have found multiple sites that sell the dress for the US RRP of $1350, but most of them have an embargo to not ship internationally. I have found two that are happy to ship anywhere the the world.

    The first is BHDLN

    The have the dress for US$1350 plus about $100 postage. If you havent heard of them I believe they are a pretty reputable company, and seem to have a large online following. They also have several stores in the US. The only stock the champagne version of the dress though.

    The other option I found, and is probably the one I would like to go with is Madame Bridal in Florida.

    they ship internationally for free, and you get free shoes/veil. I wasnt necessary going to have a veil, but its nice to get something just in case, and my nieces can play with it if it just sits in a cupboard. They have all of the colour range (which is great as I wanted the rose gold as it is my second wedding).

    I hope this helps, I havent included he place I found that are clearly Chinese knockoffs. The Watters website has a list of all of their licensed resellers, and I have been working my way through to see who ships internationally.

    Good luck for the organising


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  • C
    Beginner June 2016
    Chris's_mrs ·
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    Hi M.

    Thanks so much for getting back to me, it was actually ok pricewise £1100 in a few of the shops I went to so happy enough. It wasn't the one though, after I tried it on in the right size I found that it didn't have the structure I need on my chest.

    Gorgeous dress though good luck with finding it online!

    I have found my dress in the past few weeks and I'm very happy!

    Good luck with everything


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