Hello all!!!! Hope everyone is well and planning is going swimmingly all round ?
I moved house about a month ago and have had no internet for sooooooooooooooooooo long!!!! Have very much been missing Hitched!!!!
I have been fairly productive on the wedding side recently though but i'd like so pick your brains for ideas on something.....
I want to involve pictures of H2Bs and my grandparents at some point in our day. Out of the 8 grandparents only one (my Grandma) is still with us and so obviously she'll be the only one at the wedding. I've seen in magazines some people putting a picture of their grandparents on the cake table but as we are having a cheesecake it cant sit out and so we aren't having a traditional cake table so that wouldn't work....
My favourite idea so far is having the pics printed on the back of the Orders of Service and Menues.....then perhaps having the pics individually on the present table in the evening next to the guest book. I need to email my stationary lady to see how easy/expensive this would be.
If anyone did anything similar with pictures i'd love to hear about it, or if anyone has any other bright ideas.
Off to look back through a month of posts now so i'll be on here sometime!!!!!!!!!