Good afternoon!
Thank crunchie it's Friday heh? My plan at the mo is to make and decorate my own wedding cake and wondered if any other up and coming brides were thinking of doing the same and logistically how you are going to manage it?
I took a cake decorating course last year and learnt how to marzipan, sugarpaste and also also some flower sugarcrafting skills. I would rather like a sponge cake but it's unrealistic as home baked sponge (without commercially added preservatives) would need to be made an covered the day before. Not happening. So I'm settling for a fruit cake for ease that I can make a couple of months in advance. The only 'issue' is that tiers have to be stacked on the day and obviously I can't be there to do that either so do I settle for a pretty 1 tier? Just wondering if anyone had any experience of this!