We had another meeting with the priest this morning and were discussing who would be at the wedding rehearsal. When he mentioned my dad I told him that my dad wouldn't be giving me away; the priest couldn't understand why. I tried to explain that it was just something we didn't want to do, he seemed to think that the real reason behind it was a family argument or something - even asking 'so is your dad coming to the wedding at all?' OH said something about me and him walking into the church together (which is what my parents did when they got married) which the priest vetoed immediately. He went on to say that someone has to give me away so it will have to be my BM, and she will have to walk up the aisle next to me.
I know its a small thing but I'm really annoyed about it. I'm dead against being given away, it goes against everything I believe in and I hate the idea. And I'm not keen on having my BM walking next to me either, I want her to walk behind me. Maybe I should have expressed my views on it all more strongly - though probably frowned upon to yell at a priest ?. He's obviously got me marked out as a radical feminist now since when we were going through the vows he kept saying things like 'the bridegroom speaks first. That's not a sexist thing that's just how it is.'
We're seeing him again at the start of August, I don't know how to insist on these things without p*ssing him off so much it causes problems.