Here goes.
I'm absolutley incandescent with rage. We went to Suits you in Basingstoke to pick OH suit. The hire was arranged in Gretna in April. The first of April. I should have known.....
He went to try the suit on, and the trousers were the wrong size. OK, I thought, not the end of the earth. They'll send some more in the proper size. The size we ordered. In April.
Anyhoo, the guy look on the computer, and it said no. 'What do you mean, no' I enquired? He said that there were none that size available. I said that 34x34 wasn't that unusual a size, so try 34 x 33. None of those either. I informed him, as politley as was possible that he had better sort something out or 'there will be a scene the likes of which you will never have seen'. OH was giggling in the fitting room. It takes a while for me to lose my rag, but when I do, I do it properly. He said he'd ring round the other shops this morning to try to find a pair. I asked how that would help, as the hire things are sent from a central depot. His reply (and I think he was genuinley trying to be helpful)was that the hire service is so cr*p that if the wrong item is delivered, the shop hangs onto it, as they can use it to make right a future wrong order. I asked if orders were often wrong, and he said all the time. The pickers, if there isn't the right items to fulfil an order, send replacement items. Like the 32 x 30 trousers they sent us. The guy said that they have sent suits that don't match, just so they can get the order out. I thought that I had provided contact detials so they could get i touch with me!!!
As things stand, I rang the hire shop in Gretna, as I had no confidence that the guy we saw last night would call me today, which if course, he hasn't bothered his ar*e to do. We have a pair of 34 x 32 trousers going directly there from Cardiff that I will have to let down the day before the wedding. In a fu***ng hotel room. The day before my fuc***g wedding. Apologies for the language.I have no confidence that they're going to be there.
I'm on the gin, and I ain't happy.
I understand that mistakes happen, and that's cool. What I can't accept is that we can place an order in April, and not be able to have what we ordered. It seems like a complete shambles, and I wouldn't want anyone else to have the day I've had, and still not to have it sorted.