I already know the answer to this so maybe it's a slightly pointless post! However, I was hoping there might be other brides in similar situations and a problem shared is a problem halved and all that. 18 months ago a close friend asked me to be Maid of Honor at her wedding which is happening this December (so quite a long engagement) in the past 18 months however I have had a child, she is now pregnant, I met my now fiance, and I moved away from the town we both lived in and whilst she's still a good friend, I can easily go 6 weeks without seeing her, compared to before when it would maybe be a few days, we'd certainly see each other several times a month, so basically, we're nowhere near as close now as we were 18 months ago. I'm still looking forward to being her Maid of Honor and would like to think I'll do a good job! However - I've just got engaged and my wedding isn't until June 2012, and I can see us drifting even further apart in that time, not falling out, but just not spending a lot of time together etc. and so I don't really want to commit to asking her to be my Maid of Honor "in return"..... in fact, I have a very close friend from childhood who I shall be asking to be my Maid of Honor, we can go a whole year without seeing one another and it makes no difference what so ever to our friendship, it's one of those relationships, and I've "known" her since I was about a year old. I just hope that my other friend isn't "expecting" to by my Maid of Honor because I am hers? And I don't want to look ungreatful for the honor of being involved in her wedding in this way by not "returning the favour"....
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