Need some assistance from the collective masses, if we may.
Thinking about buttonholes. We've got 9 altogether.
Mine and the best man will both be double roses, the other 7 will be single roses - 3 dads (2 plus stepdad), 2 ushers and two boys part of the bridal party.
We're thinking that mine should have some gold ribbon round the stem to denote that I am "special", as it were, the best man just double roses, the two dads to be single red roses with gold ribbon, the ushers and two boys single ivory roses.
Now the problem of stepdad (well sortof, my mum and him are engaged but not married yet, but I consider him as one). Should he be a single red rose with ribbon (as a dad), single red rose without ribbon (as a parent), or just an ivory rose (as the rest of the men).
I've asked my mum and she doesn't think he'd be particularly bothered either way and in fact grateful we're even considering giving him a buttonhole.
However, what would you do? Is there etiquette for this sort of thing? Or have we got it all wrong in the first place?