Hi there!
Hope someone can answer a question for me.
Although I am getting married in December I really wanted a bouquet made entirely of Lily of the valley and buttonholes to match (see below for an idea). But my CBM, who got married last year in March said she wanted that too for hers but it was that expensive she couldn't afford it so she had white lilac instead. She looked at me as if I came from Mars when I said it (bearing in mind her budget was quite a bit higher than mine). So I figured "it must be expensive if she couldn't afford it". She said "it's a fortune!" and so does everyone I talk to. OK now, could someone just tell me how much is "a lot"??? What are we talking here? £125 for bride's bouquet as opposed to some quotes I've seen ("starting at £69"), £300, £1000??? LOL How much is a fortune?? I know it's December but surely there's some Dutch supplier who can get them in? My grandma had yards and yards of them in garden in Romania and they were not that expensive over there!