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Calorie counting - experiences?

1 of June of 2009 at 18:55 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 26

I was just wondering if anyone has successfully lost weight calorie counting?

I've signed up for an online diet where they work out a daily calorie intake for you to stick other limits, other than promoting moving more etc!

Mine is 1500 calories a day (so far I've had 1000) and I was wondering if anyone has lost weigh this way!?



26 replies

Latest activity by SunnyOrangeDecor87822, 10 of April of 2020 at 09:09
  • mrs.allym
    mrs.allym ·
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    Sounds like what you're referring to is like the Scottish Slimmers diet, where you are allocated so many checks a day depending on your current weight. Each check is equivalent to 25 calories.

    I have successfully lost 7lb in 3 weeks counting calories. Every meal is converted to calories and deducted from my allowance.

    Definitely works and I still have my chinese meal every Saturday night without counting it.

    Good luck!

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  • Orly Bird
    Beginner April 2007
    Orly Bird ·
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    For me, this is the only way I've found to loose weight. I used an old cash book to total up all the calories in each meal and how they added up over the day. However, I found it quite difficult to stick with for more than a couple of months. It also needs planning in advance.

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  • badgermonkey
    Beginner August 2006
    badgermonkey ·
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    Is it Food Focus? If so, my DH has lost 25lbs in 2 months using that! Not just that, of course - he's cut out sweets and alcohol, and does loads of exercise - but it's definitely helped him concentrate on what he's eating. He still eats well, and eats plenty, but is less inclined to fill up on crap. For example, before, he might have come home from work and had half a packet of biscuits. Today he had two slices of wholemeal toast to give him energy before an hour-long training session. He always knew how to eat healthily but seeing the calories in black and white makes it so much easier to make good decisions.

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  • RubyBlue
    Beginner May 2008
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    Calorie counting definitely works, provided to stick to the calories you're allowed ? Food Focus is really good, and I agree that seeing the calories in black and white is an eye-opener. Good luck!

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  • Mrs M
    Dedicated December 2008
    Mrs M ·
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    I have lost 76lb by counting calories and shifting my arse also known as ELMM.

    tbh I think its the only real way to loose weight. To loose weight you need to use more calories than you eat so the only way to be sure is to count 'em

    Good luck and I second food focus for keeping track although I only found it once I'd reached goal and just used to either work out the calories from packs or google for them and keep a spreadsheet with them all on

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  • Evy evy
    Evy evy ·
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    I've tried several ways over the years and have to say calorie counting worked best for me.

    I had 250 for breakfast, 250 for lunch, 500 for evening meal and 250 of "treats" and lost a steady 4lbs the first week, then 2lbs every week after.

    I was with May Duffy Slimming (20 years ago! lol) but i reached my target within 6 weeks (I only had just over a stone to lose then)

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  • Hepburn
    Beginner August 2008
    Hepburn ·
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    I've been calorie counting for 2 weeks and have lost almost half a stone. I have also cut out bread and white carbs. I have 1200 cals a day and try and eat them all. I snack on fruit and rice cakes in the morning, eat wholemeal rice with meat or fish for lunch and then snack on rice cakes again mid afternoon, then have a protein rich evening meal with loads of veg. Diet coke is good for a sweet treat, as are mini boxes of raisins. Try and cut out all wine as a large glass is 200 calories! I have one more stone to lose till I can get into my wedding dress and do a TTD shoot! It does work but you need to be disciplined!! Also I have been swimming which is helping with toning! Good luck and let me know how you get on!! Xx

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  • jules cat girl
    Beginner January 2004
    jules cat girl ·
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    I lost 4 stone in 4 months. I really did. BUT, gained OCD re counting, numbers and food (and may have lost 4 stone that I needed to loose, gained an eating disorder that nearly distroyed me) Not saying CC doesn't work, just so wish I'd lost weight in a different way.

    Just my experience.

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  • July
    July ·
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    I've lost just over 2 stone using calorie counting.

    I've never understood Scottish Slimmers with the checks or the other one with green and red days or whatever it is. The same with WW, I know loads of people swear by it but I like to be able pick up something in the shop and check the calories there and then and work out roughly if i can have it.

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  • July
    July ·
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    Very much. it's a bit annoying at times. So it takes a bit of time having to put in all the info from the food labels. But I tend to have a lot of the same things - much the same lunches at work and then different lunches at home. The same with breakfasts. But once you have put all that info in it doesn't take long to make up each meal plan.

    i love that you can put in exercise info as well. But definitely get the measuring tape out. I usually measure once a month. And use this website . It's great to see the graphs with the weight/measurements going down. I was using this to calorie count to begin with but I found it worse than the one i use now.

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  • Mrs Winkle
    Beginner May 2007
    Mrs Winkle ·
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    I calorie count. I very rarely weigh myself, but I reckon I lost about 3/4 stone in the first 4 weeks or so. Whatever, my clothes and bras (hurrah!) are too big for me now. I just write down everything in a book that I keep with me, and I'm not finding it hard. I make sure that I mainly eat low GI meals and that I don't deny myself things such as a couple of glasses of wine - as long as I'm 1500 or less a day (sometimes higher at weekends or if I'm out, but never more than 2,000).

    I should point out that I exercise a lot as well - usually at least 5 times a week, running, Davina DVDs, weights etc...

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  • Carrie74
    Beginner June 2007
    Carrie74 ·
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    About 5 or so years ago I used to attempt to lose about 7 pounds - it's a UK site, so had well known brands on there, which made it quite easy, and it also calculated exercise calories lost too, plus lots of graphs and stuff. At the time, I think there was a 3 month free trial period or something.

    I'm not great on the self-denial of food, so for me, the way to stay at a size I'm happy with is to exercise reglaurly - this does loads more for me than restricting my diet. However, I had a fair amount of time on my hands back then, and found it all quite "fun". There's no way I'd have the time to do it now. I have also always eaten fairly healthily, and been aware of what's "good" and "bad" (although I take this with a big pinch of salt, as something that may be high in fat, such as nuts, or avocados, I believe should still be eaten over say a cream bun...It does my head in to classify fruits and veg as "bad").

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  • Purple Pixie
    Beginner July 2012
    Purple Pixie ·
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    I'm a great fan of calorie counting. I lost 3 and a half stone by doing that and exercising. And it always works, as long as I stick to it ?

    I have OCD tendencies (I probably have OCD but don't want to get diagnosed) which means that I am very anal about the whole thing so either do it to the calorie or end up blowing everything. But it really suits my love of routines and control.

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  • RubyBlue
    Beginner May 2008
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    Do you find the Davina DVDs good MrsW? I have one but have only done it twice. In a year ?

    Also - 3/4 stone in 4 weeks?! Please say you meant months...even if only to make me feel better ?

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  • barongreenback
    Beginner September 2004
    barongreenback ·
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    Exercise is the key. Means you can eat more of the things you like without feeling totally deprived (within reason). I've managed to maintain my 9+ stone weight loss for nearly 9 months now.

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  • Mrs Winkle
    Beginner May 2007
    Mrs Winkle ·
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    Ruby - I meant weeks...but it is combined with lots of exercise. Re: Davina, I love the Superbody Workout DVD, it's really hard work but my core is stronger thaan ever and that means my running is better too.

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  • Copper
    Copper ·
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    I think Mrs W means three quarters of a stone, i.e 11 or 12lbs in a month, which is a healthy amount to lose, not 3 to 4 stone in a month ? blimey, that would be miraculous!

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  • RubyBlue
    Beginner May 2008
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    And the penny drops - I really thought it said 3-4 stone ? That's still great...I must give the DVD a proper go. Exercise is my bugbear, I really wanted to love running, bought the shoes, but I was so rubbish that I felt like I was having a heart attack and I go hideously blotchy and itch all over - I think it's because my circulation is usually at tortoise pace. So, I gave up ☹️

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  • Hepburn
    Beginner August 2008
    Hepburn ·
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    I lost 6.75 lbs in my first 2 weeks, but then last weekend had a really naughty one so think this Friday on weigh day I'll probably be the same (ish) as last Friday, just hope I've not gained!!

    I need to lose another stone really by 7th Aug when I go on holiday.

    I think that's doable though, it's just over 9 weeks, so even if I lose 2lbs a week I'll do it!

    I'm having 1200 cals a day and never feeling hungry, wine only at weekends and in moderation!

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  • babygreenuk
    babygreenuk ·
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    Enjoying reading these success stories.

    I normally eat around 1,500 cals daily, however I dont eat chocolate or crisps and try not to eat after 6pm - ish, but my portion sizes let me down, and I hardly exercised at all, therefore my weight had remained steady for past couple of years.

    I bought a treadmill for the house 6 weeks ago, I am not dieting, however still watching my calories, no night-time eating, and watching my portions a bit better. I have lost 7 pounds so far. (Doing 3 miles a day on treadmill, 5 x nights per week). So I am pretty pleased things are going the right way. The weight isnt dropping off, but I am having a chinese at the weekend with a couple of drinks, and at least I dont feel im depriving myself of anything by dieting.

    Keep up the good work all.

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  • S
    SunnyOrangeDecor87822 ·
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    I also recommend you to start swimming to maintain your body. Swimming is more helpful then other workout. Its so amazaing helpful thing which is helpful for weight loss. Please use swimming gear during swimming.

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